St Margaret of Antioch, Crick
~Responding to God’s Love~
Minutes of the ParochialChurch Council Meeting held in the Old School, Crick
Wednesday 21 January, 2009
The ReverendDavidLake opened the meeting with a short act of worship.
Present:ChairmanThe ReverendDavidLake
Acting SecretaryRosanna Atkins
Andy Hopkins
Alan Leach
Nigel Howard
Colin Mynott
Sandie Bacon
Apologies: Catherine Morrish, Julia Potts
Meeting opened at 20:00pm
Signing of the Minutes
The minutes of the PCC meeting held on the 6 November, 2008 were signed by the Revd. DavidLake as being accurate and correct. One copy to be placed in the master file and one displayed in the church porch notice board.
Matters arising from the meeting on 6 November, 2008
- Alan agreed to contact Peter to update electoral roll before AGM. (The next revision is not until 2013).
- Keys – Alan has discovered that there are a lot of unrelated keys and locks. He needs to know who has keys, maybe old ones? A notice will be displayed in the church and verbal help will be sought.
Letter from Geoff Brown re: £250 financial support. Colin to check if already awarded. If not, donation will be sent.
Friends of St Margaret’s
The “Friends” delivered a proposal for a Christmas Tree Festival during December 2009. (Attached). The committeePCC agreed to the proposal to hold the festival between 9 December, 2009 and 7 January, 2010 as per the conditions set out on the proposal. The committee will request that there will be a special Christmas Village Market on 5 December, 2009 instead of the November and December markets.
Employment of a Youth Worker
The LMT is putting forward a proposal (for all three PCCs in the Benefice to consider) if employing a youth worker is a viable possibility. The main discussion points, which came out were as follows: -
- (Parish Council would also like to have a youth Officer, so there might be a further link there.
- PCCs would be expected to fund part of the cost (on some agreed formula).
- Would need a job description.
- A qualified Youth Worker has three year’s training.
- PCC agreed in principle that a youth worker might be a positive step. Will need to find out what it would cost and what it would mean in practical terms for the whole Benefice. LMT to make further enquiries.
The Crick Old School Trustees
They would like to amend their constitution to allow any two member of the PCC (not just the churchwardens) to be trustees and it needs our consent. This was agreed and DavidLake, Andy Hopkins and Sandie Bacon will be the trustees.
Diary Dates
All diary dates were agreed apart from the following:
Sunday 13 December – 6.00pm Carol Service at Crick
Sunday 20 December - 3.00pm Carol Service at Yelvertoft
Sunday 20 December – 5.00pm Carol Service at Lilbourne
David will liaise with the Churchwardens further.
The committee proposed asking the Friends of St Margaret’s if they would be willing to host the Harvest Supper on 20 September, 2009. (The Friends have agreed, with clarification that they would not be encroaching on the Chapel Harvest Festival).
St Margaret’s Church Fete
Due to illness, Gill Goodridge is not able to organise the Fete. Rosanna to ask the “Friends” if they can organise. An idea was mooted that the Fete and Village Market be held on the same day. David will not be attending due to other commitments. (Unfortunately, due to holiday commitments, the “Friends” have had to say no.)
Update on organ and discussion on iron boilers
Andy still progressing a sale. Will try ebay. If no success, the organ will be disposed of.
Patricia would like the iron boilers removed. We might need to obtain DAC approval for this. Patricia to investigate further.
a)Organ Fees for Funerals and Weddings were agreed:
b)£55.00 for Funerals
c)£60.00 for Weddings
d)Alan to check that the contents of the noticeboard were up to date. David said the new noticeboards look lovely.
e)Patricia and Sandie to contact all the Vergers and compose a new list to avoid anyone not turning up.
f)Clive Cooper hasn’t received his fee for his service after Christmas. Patricia to contact him to request an invoice to forward to Colin for payment.
g)Several people have complained of the cold from the windows. Andy will try to patch them up but raised the point that they do need major work.
h)New brown wheelie-bins have been provided by the DCC. They have been marked “Church”. Andy will put out the bins regularly.
i)The Quinquennial Inspection still has to be carried out. Andy is still progressing.
The meeting closed at 22:50pm with the group saying The Grace together.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th March 2009 at 19.30pm.
(Please note the meeting is reverting to its customary time).
Minutes of PCC Meeting