Danny Breslow

Northern Region Vice President

Program of Work 2017-2018

“Every flight begins with a fall.”

George R. R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

OBJECTIVE I: Increase membership by 5%

DATE: September 2017 - June 2018

WHO: Danny Breslow (Northern Region Vice President), Natalie Giammanco (President), Kevin McIlvaine (Central Region Vice President), Rachel Lynch (Southern Region Vice President), Ruslan Diaz (Vice President of Media), Taylor Molina (Vice President of Public Relations), Nicholas Kaufman (Recording Secretary)


-Increase membership within established DECA chapters

-Aid in establishing new chapters throughout the Northern Region


-Email the DECA Membership Campaign guidelines to Chapter Presidents and Advisors throughout the Northern Region

-Communicate effective recruitment ideas to Chapter Officers

-Promote the DECA Membership Campaign on social media

-Reach out to principals and supervisors at high schools within the Northern Region with the “Let’s Talk About New Jersey DECA” toolkit

OBJECTIVE II: Increase communication between the Northern Region Vice President, members and Chapter Advisors of the Northern Region

DATE: September 2017 - June 2018

WHO: Danny Breslow (Northern Region Vice President), Natalie Giammanco (President), Kevin McIlvaine (Central Region Vice President), Rachel Lynch (Southern Region Vice President), Ruslan Diaz (Vice President of Media), Taylor Molina (Vice President of Public Relations), Nicholas Kaufman (Recording Secretary)


-Establish a reliable communication network with the NRVP

-Create a channel for advertising New Jersey DECA news, promoting campaigns and statewide projects, and answering questions

-Create a channel for hearing and highlight chapters’ accomplishments

-Create a channel for promoting candidacy for State Office


-Retrieve and organize data through a Google Form sent to the Chapter Advisors of the Northern Region

-Send an introductory email to Chapter Presidents and/or representatives

-Establish myself as a resource, establish the purpose of the communication network, and encourage updates on their chapter

-Connect with them and their chapter members on social media

-Offer to attend chapter events within the Northern Region, such as role play practices, fundraisers and officer/general membership meetings

OBJECTIVE III: Encourage participation in state and national projects and campaigns within the Northern Region

DATE: September 2017 - June 2018

WHO: Danny Breslow (Northern Region Vice President), Natalie Giammanco (President), Kevin McIlvaine (Central Region Vice President), Rachel Lynch (Southern Region Vice President), Ruslan Diaz (Vice President of Media), Taylor Molina (Vice President of Public Relations), Nicholas Kaufman (Recording Secretary)


-Increase overall participation in the DECA Month Chapter Campaigns

-Increase overall participation and funds raised in the “Bucks for Books” Statewide Community Service Project with the Bridge of Books Foundation

-Encourage submission of the Chapter Activities Project at SCDC

-Encourage participation in the temporary fundraiser for Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma relief

-Encourage participation in the national DECA officer’s monthly Chapter Achievement Social Media Challenge

-Promote participation in the DECA Month Photo Challenge

-Promote nominations for New Jersey DECA’s Member of the Month


-Clearly communicate guidelines and deadlines of each project and campaign through email networks

-Actively promote each project and campaign on social media

OBJECTIVE IV: Increase awareness of New Jersey DECA among the greater educational community

DATE: September 2017 - June 2018

WHO: Danny Breslow (Northern Region Vice President), Natalie Giammanco (President), Kevin McIlvaine (Central Region Vice President), Rachel Lynch (Southern Region Vice President), Ruslan Diaz (Vice President of Media), Taylor Molina (Vice President of Public Relations), Nicholas Kaufman (Recording Secretary)


-Generate support for career and technical education among the educational community and government officials

-Present DECA’s accomplishments to the NJ Department of Education

-Increase awareness of DECA among middle schools and high schools that are not (yet) DECA-eligible

-Achieve deserved recognition for existing DECA chapters within their communities


-Reach out to principals and Board of Education members at schools throughout the state with the “Let’s Talk About New Jersey DECA” toolkit

-Communicate with state and national government officials and representatives about the goals and accomplishments of New Jersey DECA

-Serve as an advocate for career and technical education to New Jersey residents and educational professionals

-Utilize the advantageous College Impact Report data

-Offer myself as a resource to give live presentations on DECA and CTE

OBJECTIVE V: Better prepare members of New Jersey DECA to succeed in the competitive events program

DATE: September 2017 - June 2018

WHO: Danny Breslow (Northern Region Vice President), Natalie Giammanco (President), Kevin McIlvaine (Central Region Vice President), Rachel Lynch (Southern Region Vice President), Ruslan Diaz (Vice President of Media), Taylor Molina (Vice President of Public Relations), Nicholas Kaufman (Recording Secretary)


-Increase the number of New Jersey DECA members achieving various levels of recognition at the International Career Development Conference


-Effectively communicate competition tips from the State Officers through DECA Dimensions, DECA Direct, social media and other channels

-Promote lists of role-play instructional areas released prior to Regionals

-Encourage participation in national DECA campaigns that provide the opportunity to receive free practice tests and test prep resources

-Produce and promote an instructional video, video role-play demonstration and/or written materials for use by Chapter Advisors

OBJECTIVE VI: Serve responsibly and effectively as the Northern Region Vice President of New Jersey DECA

DATE: September 2017 - June 2018

WHO: Danny Breslow (Northern Region Vice President)


-Successfully lead the Northern Region of New Jersey DECA


-Attend the Chapter Officer Leadership Conference, the Northern Region Regional Conferences, the State Career Development Conference and the International Career Development Conference

-Act as a competent representative at State Officer Meetings, Northern Region Advisor Meetings, and DECA Power Trip

-Conduct myself in a respectable and professional manner at all times

-Adhere to all rules as set forth in the State Officer Handbook

-Work diligently to meet all goals as set forth in this Program of Work