Present:Cllr N Knowles (Chairman)

Cllr A Leopard

Cllr C Roberts

Call Mrs Harris

Call Mrs Law

Call Mrs Story

In attendance:Mrs. E Young (Clerk) and 1 member of the public.

PC Richard Salter from Mere/Tisbury Community Police arrived at 8 p.m.

Apologies:Cllrs Phillips and Wyatt; WC Mrs J Green


None were declared and the Chairman signed and dated the Register

REPORTS: PC Richard Salter said he was standing in for PC Andy Fell and in answer to questions:

  • Agreed with Council it was good practice to include the crime figures in the parishes, when publishing the monthly bulletins. He would talk with PC Andy Fell about the local area
  • Confirmed the A303 reconstruction work was going ahead as planned and there had been start-up difficulties with diversion signage. The road was due to reopen 22 March 2010.

QUESTION TIME: Mr L Law made a statement confirming that the FRSG had attended the TCSP meeting that afternoon and handed information concerning the current status of the Community Area SIDsSpeedwatch implementation programmes. Although Fovant had recently had traffic flow monitors installed at two points in the village, it was not yet known if Fovant would qualify for use of either of the SIDs or the Speedwatch initiatives. There were no other questions from the public.

09/69MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 2 FEBRUARY 2010 (previously circulated) Proposed by Cllr Mrs Harris and seconded by Cllr Knowles, the Minutes were agreed nem con and signed and dated accordingly.

09/70MATTERS ARISING (from the last meeting and if not already on the agenda)

(a)Appointment of the Parish Tree Warden: The chairman announced Mrs Jenny Bickerton of Applewood, Brook Street, Fovant had accepted the post and was in touch with the Countryside Section, Wiltshire Council who would provide training.

(b)Parish Councillor vacancy: an advertisement to appear in the Three TowersCommunity Magazine Action: Clerk

(c)Wiltshire Council Speed Limit Review: the Council’s submission had been acknowledged by Wiltshire Council who will carry out an in-house review and undertake further consultation.

(d)Hedge dispute: the issues had been identified and would be progressed. Action: Cllr Leppard


1)Highways: Cllr Mrs Story reported that the Parish Steward would be in the village second

week in March. Church Lane potholes had been filled. He had reported to Highways the

potholes in the High Street. He would also look at those in Mill Lane and Brook Street.

2)Neighbourhood Watch/TCSP: Cllr Mrs Law reported that another volunteer had been recruited for Moor Hill and it was hoped to fill the vacancies for Sutton Row, Dean Lane and the Elms. The Community Police were holding a Crime Prevention meeting on 1st April at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall for interested people and co-ordinators. Cllr law reported that she had attended the TCSP meeting that afternoon where SIDs & Speedwatch had been discussed and also a guest speaker from Trading Standards had given information about ‘rouge trading’. Cllr Law had also attended a recent meeting in Taunton on Community Neighbourhood watch schemes which had proved very useful. The Council commended Cllr Law on her attendance.

3)Youth Issues: Cllr Roberts reported the second evening for the older youngsters had taken place on26 February 2010.

4)SWWAB: Cllr Knowles had attended the 17 February meeting on behalf of Cllr Phillips. Mr Dick Tong from Wiltshire Council was present. The major issue had been the closure of the A303 and the diversions through other villages. Cllr Knowles had spoken to him about the speed limit review in Fovant. There was to be a public consultation exercise.

5)TAPCAP: Cllr Knowles reported that the funding arrangements process for 2010/2011 had just been published by Wiltshire Council and it was now anticipated that the 1st 6-month tranche would become available after May 2010 with a 2nd tranche in October 2010. The Tisbury Parking Project had had its first stakeholder meeting at which South West Trains and Wiltshire Highways attended. There would now be a follow-on public consultation meeting to be held at the Hinton Hall, Tisbury 10am-2pm Saturday, 20 March 2010 – everyone is invited to attend.

6)Rights of Way: Cllr Mrs Harris

Footpath 9 – Sutton Road to Hole Lane: the land is to be used for cattle grazing and it is unsafe for owners and their dogs to roam the field. A notice asking the public to keep to the footpath and for dogs to be retained on leads will be posted. Council suggested a notice be placed in Three Towers with advice from the Ramblers Association to remind walkers with dogsof the dangers of diverting from the footpath onto private land. Cllr Harris also reported Nick Cowan The Wiltshire Council RoW Officer has been reminded of further work to be undertaken to install more kissing gates on Fovant footpaths.

7)Village Hall: Cllr Mrs Law reported the amended fees for the use of the Village Hall were now operative.


In the absence of Cllr Phillips who was leading on this project, it was reported that Orders had been placed for supply and installation of a multi-activity play equipment priced at £6,146.00 configured as tendered. Invoices to be submitted as £3976.96 (R2 Fund) and £2169.04 (SWWAB Grant) and, in cooperation with Star Rubber, provision of a ‘Tiger Mulch’ safety play surface to ground prepared by the Parish Council, priced at £5,600 + VAT which is to be invoiced separately by Star Rubber. Timescales remained as scheduled for mid-March with the installation of the Multi Play safety surfacing and later the installation of the Multi Play equipment etc. There would be access to those items not affected by the works but warning notices would be placed to keep people away from the work in hand. Cllr Wyatt would arrange for ground-works to be completed to contractors’ satisfaction.


A letter informing BT (and Wiltshire Council) of the Council’s decision to keep the status quo had been sent and not to take up the BT offer to purchase the K6 Kiosk (withremoval of the telephony).


Balances as at 9 February 2010Clerk’s a/c£1142.67 (ring fenced)

Deposit a/c* £12538.51

Current a/c£ 177.03

* To note amounts previous allocated:

(i)Minute 4.11.08 A30 flashing sign funding £2250 and Kissing Gates £300

(ii)Minute 09/26(b) Fovant Safety Group SIDS allocation £200

(iii)Minute 09/63, 2.2.2010 SWWAB Playground Grant £4,979

(a)Council approved the following payments nem con:

(i)795 p.v. 35 Mrs EA Young salary Jan to March 10

Scale 21 at 9.941 per hour 18 x 3£536.81

(ii)796 p.v 36 Mrs EA Young exes Jan to March 10

postage 10.35; office 18.75; travel 35.20; tel 10.00 £ 74.30

(b)Council approved nem con on receipt of invoices the issuance of funds as follows:

(i)Woodthemes: installation of multi play equipment + VAT*£7221.55

(ii) Star Rubber: installation of multi play safety surfacing + VAT £6580.00

* Woodthemes invoice of £7221.55 inc VAT, of which £3976.96 will be received from R2 funding.


Planning determined by the Parish Council

S/2010/0171Meadow House, Dinton Road ; Change of use to Equestrian, erection of stables and

Hard-standing etc: supported with conditions

S/2008/0326 (106-S73) Latymer House, High Street:variance to Condition 4 parking: not supported

Planning determined by Salisbury Planning Hub

S/2009/1809Single storey internal courtyard extension 3 West Farm Cottages: approved

S/2010/0035Fell 1 Lawson: The Vine, High Street: approved

S/2010/0056Fell 1 Ash: St George’sChurch: approved


Council received proposed amendment to Standing Orders new paragraph 1.6.6 in conformance to the recommendation for ‘good practice’ as published in the Governance Toolkit for Parish and Town Councils, 3rdedition, as endorsed by the LGA, viz: Page 50, Paragraph 2.8.1 – Appointments of Committees and Delegations, on the matter of urgent arisings; to provide for decisions to be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair and/or another named (or named office holding) Councillor or Councillors. Following discussion, it was agreed to consider incorporation of changes prior to bringing the Amendment forward to the May meeting for adoption.


Council took note of this meeting and agreed the Clerk should write to various organisations to attend. The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for the parish to inform the Parish Council of their priorities and concerns for the next year. Action: Clerk


(a)Invitation to participate in the “Best Kept Village Competition 2010” Council agreed not to take part as there were a significant number of development works and broken road surfaces around the village.

(b)Councillor training 20 March: Council noted Cllr Mrs Law was to attend. Council agreed to pay expenses up to £40 for this training

(c)Victim Support: the Chairman reminded Council of their policy not to support charities outside the parish with the S137 grant.

(d)SLCC induction course 7th April or 5th May: Council took note. Clerk to enquire about the cost of the training manual for this course. Action: Clerk


Tuesday, 7.15pm, 11 May 2010 Annual Council Meeting (to elect the Chairman, Vice Chairman and portfolio holders) at Fovant Village Hall.

Schedule of Council meetings:

8 June 2010;

13 July 2010;

7 September 2010;

12 October 2010;

9 November 2010;

11 January 2010;

8 February 2011;

8 March 2011

29 March 2011 (Annual Parish Meeting)

All meetings are normally scheduled for Tuesday, commencing 7.15pm,at Fovant Village Hall.

Any item for inclusion at the Parish Council meeting must be notified in writing to the Clerk for consideration of acceptance in accordance with the Parish Council Standing Orders at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. Notice of the next meeting will be posted on the Parish Council notice boards at least three working days prior to the date of the meeting. The Minutes of the Parish Council meetings are published on the Parish Notice Board, the PC web site at ( and a synopsis in Three Towers Community magazine.

Minutes subject to approval at the next Council meeting