Susan Leith, PG, CPSM

Susan Leith, PG, CPSM
POSITIONS WWOA / Director (2 Year Term)
/ Address:927 Lake Road, Altoona, WI
Occupation: Manager - Marketing
Employer: Ayres Associates
Education: BS Geology; AS Marketing; MBA

Organiztional experience

Member of the WWOA for 14 years; worked in the engineering industry for 27 years; 2 years prior at the WDNR in the Water Supply Section.

WWOA Affiliation

Date Joined: 2003

Offices Held & When: WWOA – None. Served as Vice-President and President of the Association of Facility Engineers (AFE) Chapter 66 and a founding member. Served as Secretary of the Wisconsin Healthcare Engineering Association (WHEA) Chapter V for 5 years.

Committees Served & When: WWOA-None. Served on Awards Committee for the Wisconsin Rural Water Association (WRWA); currently serving as the Events/Conference Committee with WRWA. Also on the PR Committee for the American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin and acting Chair for the committee.

Regional Affiliation: West Central

Regional Positions Served:

Future of WWOA

Even into the distant future, one of the main objectives of any professional organization – including WWOA – is to be the catalyst for communications and sharing of knowledge for the membership about relevant industry topics. The organization must continue to help provide cost-effective means of education, help members attain necessary education for licensure/certification, and offer opportunities to connect (virtually and/or in person) so individuals can network – sharing ideas and solutions. With the changes in technology and ideals of employer organizations these efforts require continual updating of the vehicles of communications and the timing of it.

Along with the objective of communications and knowledge is the goal of maintaining and perhaps even growing the membership. Part of this challenge will be finding and developing qualified (and interested) future operators to step in and eventually replace the current operators approaching retirement. WWOA can take an active role to help get young people interested in the industry and career with some planned public relations (PR) activity (which may already be taking place).

An organization such as WWOA should also be one that can support its members if/when regulatory environments become unrealistic and unmanageable – under some circumstances, when called for, WWOA should help be the industry voice of its members. The organization can also help its members with coaching/advice to help them navigate, question, or negotiate with regulators. (I have seen these both done successfully through my membership in the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association [WSCGA]. It has offered its membership and the industry overall great value.)

The wastewater industry will have future challenges to meet as society becomes more and more concerned with the preservation and protection of the environment. Changes to discharge limits for various substances will continue to occur along with approved points of discharge, the allowable volume of discharges, etc. WWOA must help its membership be aware of proposed changes, participate in the conversations and debates, and help the industry find solutions to the problems yet unknown.

Howdo you feel this could be accomplished?

WWOA does a good job of creating opportunities for education and networking; however, the leadership of the organization needs to remain diligent to make sure the venues and avenues used are appropriate, interesting, and engage the membership. This will need to address the changing demographics of current and potential members. PR activities and marketing the organization will be important for the longevity of the organization.

As with any industry, it’s crucial to stay in tune with industry and regulatory changes, new sciences, and technology. Strong membership participation and involvement will be necessary, and leadership will need to work to help cultivate that interest and dedication.

As already exists, committees will be needed to oversee specific topics, and WWOA will need individuals with varied talents, experience, and knowledge to arrive at the best outcomes.

other qualifications for wwoa office

While I work for an engineering firm (and have for 27 years), I may bring a slightly different perspective than many existing or past board members. I have worked at/on waste treatment sites in my capacity as a hydrogeologist. While I am familiar with wastewater operations, I am not a licensed engineer or an operator – I have a different set of experiences.

My current role as manager of marketing at Ayres Associates would especially benefit WWOA with communications and promotional efforts. My marketing education and experience (along with an understanding of the wastewater industry) could also add a set of abilities to the board that would bring diversity to the leadership. As the head of marketing at Ayres, I also create and manage a budget (~$1.1 million) and oversee 11 staff members. These experiences and knowledge are also assets to being on the WWOA board.

As identified, I have not held a specific position within the organization, but I have appreciated all that I have gained from it, especially the network of individuals, which has been invaluable. I have gained a great deal of industry knowledge as well as valuable friendships. The various sessions at both regional and state meetings have offered educational opportunities that keep me informed and educated.

I wish to place my name into nomination for the office of Director

Other comments

I look forward to this potential opportunity. While I believe I can be an asset to WWOA, I also am confident that I will learn a great deal through the experience. It will give me an opportunity to give back to the organization.

Committees you are interested in to serve on

X Promotions X Membership/Director

XScholarship XGovernment Affairs

X Publicity Permanent Arrangements

Awards Regional Coordinator

Clarifier Operator Training

Library Operator Competition