Please note these are draft minutes until approved by the Council as a correct record
Minutes of the meeting of the Amenities Committee held on
Wednesday 2nd April 2014 at 10am
In the Conference Room, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby.
Present: Councillor G Willis (Chairman)
Cllr BaughCllr LentonCllr Willis
Cllr BeaumontCllr Pears
Cllr GrantCllr Rymer
Also Present: Mrs Bonny Smith (Town Clerk)
21.Chairman’s Report
Apologies had been given to the Clerk from Cllr Gale
23.Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosable pecuniary interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011.
There were none.
24.Draft Notes from the meeting of the Amenities Committee on12th February 2014 to be approved as the minutes.
It was proposed and seconded. Agreed as a true record
Resolved: The notes are accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
25.Matters arising not covered on the agenda
Para 5- Cllr Beaumont had asked for clarification on what the Clerk had received a quote from Welton Garden Services for £280 for. The Clerk agreed that it was not clear but it was for the matting for the playground as discussed at para 11.
Para 5-Notice Board (in Market Place) - The Clerk reported that the laminated glass had arrived and that the invoice had been paid. Cllr Lenton was refurbishing the notice board and it would be put back up again soon. Cllr Baugh said that he had tried to open the Cemetery Notice board but could not as it was rusty. It was mentioned that the Jubilee Notice Board required cleaning.
Para 5- Following on from item 9 of the previous meeting regarding the Best Kept Town Competition, the Clerk had contacted both Highways and ELDC regarding cleaning walls and benches and both had said it was not their responsibility.
ACTION- Clerk to contact ELDC again to remind them that they had cleaned the benches before and also to ask for a copy of their cleaning contract covering Spilsby
Para 7-Council Surgery opening times- the Clerk had not prepared the new posters as she was not sure of which hour it would be open for. It was decided that the surgery be open from 11am to 12 noon.
ACTION-Clerk to prepare new posters for the next surgery.
Para 8-Coping Stones-Church Wall- Cllr Pears said that she knows a stone mason who may be able to help split the stones.
ACTION- Cllr Grant to inform the Clerk of the size required.
Para 10- Christmas 2014-Baubles order- the Clerk said that she had not received the information from Christmas Plus as promised.
ACTION- Clerk to contact Christmas Plus for price list.
Para 11-Matting for Play Area-the Clerk said that the matting had not been ordered as she did not know the depth size required. Cllr Beaumont suggested 2cm
ACTION-Clerk to order 2cm depth matting and contact Welton Garden Services to arrange the laying for the end of April
Para 12-Cobble Stones outside New Life Centre-the Clerk had received a letter back from the New Life Centre and they did not own the area in question. The Clerk had attempted to find an address for the owners and had emailed the Parish Clerk of the village she believed them to live in and a reply was awaited.
26.To consider the completion of the Spilsby Emergency Plan
No progress had been made- to be deferred until next meeting. Cllr Beaumont and the previous Clerk had contact organisations previously.
ACTION-clerk to check for information gathered previously.
27.To formulate a plan to win the BestKeptTown Competition 2014
After discussions it was decided to start the cleaning programme on the 18th May 2014 at 10am. Following dates are; - 22nd June, 20th July, 17th August, all starting at 10am. Gloves and litter pickers to be provided. Work areas to be divided between 6 groups. 3 brooms to be purchased and ensure sufficient hi-viz vests available. Cllr Pears asked for a volunteer to help to complete the application form, Cllr Willis offered. Memos had gone out to all Councillors to ask for suggestions as to what are Spilsby special areas to help with compilation of the entry form.
Resolved: To order a new brown outdoor bench
ACTION- Clerk to email/contact all Councillors with dates and check participation. To ensure there is sufficient equipment.
ACTION-Cllr Pears to contact ELDC to clarify which areas they cover for weed clearing and cleaning.
28.To consider plaque size and cost for Memorial area in Cemetery
It was proposed and seconded. All agreed
Resolved: The maximum size for a memorial plaque will be 20cm x 15 cm
It was proposed and seconded. All agreed
Resolved:The cost of erection of a memorial plaque will be £50.
29.To update the Council regarding the replacement of the Cobble Stones in front of the ‘OldGrammar School’ Church Street.
Discussed under ‘Matters Arising’
30.To consider planting the replacement Lime tree at a ceremony during the Fresnay sur Sarthe Twinning visit 4th May 2014
It was proposed and seconded. All agreed.
Resolved:To plant the replacement Lime tree on the Spilsby Recreation Ground at a ceremony on 3rd May 2014 at 2.00pm and to buy a plaque to commemorate the event.
ACTION- Cllr Rymer to contact the Royal British Legion to ask for their attendance.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 11.27am
2nd April 2014
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