The Designer’s Dedication

January 2013

He is the designer behind a number ofshoes that have made ECCO an international success. From this designer you also have the best selling shoe – ever. ECCO is this April celebrating its 50th Anniversary and the chief designer invites you to an insight on his life with ECCO

The tools are neatly organized. Pens in a row. An eraser. A small broom. A pencil. But that’s where it ends.

“I used to be very structured, and still am, but it’s okay to have a cosy mess. In a good way,” Ejnar Truelsen Chief Designer at ECCO says while he looks around his domain.

An office with two desks. One desk with paper and pencil. One with computers and advanced software for drawing. And a range of personal belongings that creates that indefinable soul and atmosphere that you cannot explain in words. You feel it. In a discrete move he closes a closet with shoes. Probably a range of designs that the designers currently are working on or perhaps designs that are on the way! Curiosity is filling the room as the conversation takes a turn to the years with ECCO.

Ejnar Truelsen is just 18 years old when he signs a contract with ECCO. An apprenticeship as a modeller.

“It had to do with drawings and that was something that I wanted to do,” Ejnar Truelsen says with a smile while he thinks about the signature that sealed his destiny.

Iconic Shoes

For 42 years the Chief Designer of ECCO has been designing shoes for the Danish shoe company. Some of the most iconic shoes come from the hands of Ejnar Truelsen; Joke, Free and Soft. Soft is still the best selling shoe in the history of the company. Shoes that literally have left prints all over the world. It was also Ejnar Truelsen that came up with the idea to print the logo of ECCO onto the soles of the shoes.

“My son has just asked to have a pair of Joke. That actually made me a little proud” he says with a discrete smile.

But he doesn’t dwell on the past. Or his designs. But when asked, he is willing to talk about some of the most significant milestone with ECCO.

“The eighties were fantastic. Decision-making was short, ECCO was young and in a league of its own. We were extremely innovative and that made me proud. In the nineties we were less experimental,” he explains.

But in 2003 ECCO breaks through the sound barrier once again with the launch of Shark.A shoe also designed by Ejnar Truelsen.

“Shark actually stayed in the drawer for some years because no one thought it would be possible to produce. So Shark waited for the courage,” Ejnar Truelsen says when the CEO of ECCO, Dieter Kasprzak, enters the office.

With a shoe, a drawing and some thoughts. They discuss the matter and Ejnar Truelsen returns to the conversation.

“ECCO was powered by the need and lust of survival. It was no easy start and the industry is still really rough,” he explains.

Ejnar Truelsen has learned the craftsmanship from both sides; the craftsmanship itself and the design.

“It has provided me with a deep respect for the work of making shoes. Some of my first work was making clogs,” he remembers with a smile.

Women and shoes

A question comes to mind; women love shoes. They are passionate about shoes. But why?

“Even though they can be completely uncomfortable, women will never let go of their heels. The heels give them a beautiful posture and I think that the shoes contribute to a sense of sensuality. Women feel sexy in high heels,” he notes while a pair of ECCO shoes with heels (high heels!) suddenly pops up.

Undercover in a shoebox from a sports shoe. But as fast as it appears, it’s gone again. ECCO is definitely working on something but it’s not time. Yet. Instead the conversation turns to a talk about the fuel and tools for new ideas.

“My tools are life, the pulse of time and the street. People are inspiring to me. When I see a new talent within design it’s often their capability to combine things that catches my eye. They have to have edge,” Ejnar Truelsen explains.

The gift of renewal

With a number of successes in the belt, the Chief Designer of ECCO sometimes feels the pressure to keep coming up with new ideas.

“When I draw, really draw, I am not easy to be around,” Ejnar Truelsen admits.

But he has never run out of inspiration or ideas.

“The process is different from each shoe but it always starts with paper and pencil!”

And here lies the explanation of the small broom. When the eraser has been used, the broom removes the waste without smearing the drawing.

“I am more into the lines and curves than colours. A well designed shoe, a classic, is a shoe with timeless lines combined with simplicity. Probably the essence of Scandinavian design,” Ejnar Truelsen explains.


On the desk among the personal belongings there is a picture of three kids. A daughter and two sons.

“You learn throughout life. Also about the balance between work and leisure,” he notes.

And life with ECCO has offered quite a lot. At a time Ejnar Truelsen is offered a job with a competitor. The offer is outstanding but Ejnar Truelsen rejects it.

“I could not go out and compete with what I held most dear,” he says.

The designer’s passion

Ejnar Truelsen plays and collects guitars. In the seventies he played in a band and after being apart for 35 years, the band is together again. The designer can muster a collection of guitars that will match the shoe collection of even the most passionate woman!

“I have also been on a course in croquis-drawing. That is just amazing. It’s a good thing to be pushed out of your comfort zone and in a course like this you can’t sit and be nerdy with your lines. You have to draw!”

Five Fast Facts

What are you thinking when you see a pair of your shoes in the street?

“It depends on who is wearing them! But I am satisfied when I see that people are happy with them. It does not work until people are happy.”

Which shoe is your favourite?

“Each shoe has its own story. And time. But if I really have to answer, it would have to be Walker that was introduced in 1988. It was innovative and groundbreaking in terms of production.”

How do you see ECCO moves forward the next 50 years?

“ECCO must invest energy in keeping track of the pulse of life and read the time. ECCO must stay ahead of the game.”

What is the best advice that you have been given?

“It’s not anadvice but a quote that I read - give me serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.”

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

“Not as many as you think! I would say 40-50 pairs of shoes. But I really have a hard time throwing things out. That I will have to admit.”

About ECCO

ECCO, a world-leading brand of shoes combining style and comfort, has built its success on the Scandinavian design philosophy, uncompromising quality, and innovative thinking. ECCO products can be found in more than 4,000 branded sales locations in over 90 countries, a growth fueled by ECCO’s consistent aim of making the best shoes in the world. For further information, please visit