Alvin ISD Operating Guidelines

Section 8: Instructional Services and Support Programs

P.A.S.S. (Positive Approach to Student Success) Program

The PASS program is an inclusive program for students identified with significant emotional and behavioral disabilities. The typical positive behavior interventions used in less restrictive environments have not been effective with students placed by their ARD committees in the PASS program. Therefore, each student in the program has a specially designed Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) which has been constructed with input from psychological services staff.

Unique characteristics of the PASS program include:

·  A structured monitoring system used for behavior management and intervention

·  A structured social skills curriculum in place to address behavioral needs

PASS Program Locations

The following campuses have a PASS program:

School / Students Served from…
Alvin High School / Alvin High School
Manvel High School / Manvel High School
Alvin Junior High / Alvin Junior High
Fairview Junior High / Fairview Junior High
Harby Junior High / Harby Junior High
Manvel Junior High / Manvel Junior High
Nolan Ryan Junior High / Nolan Ryan Junior High
Alvin Primary / Alvin Primary, Mark Twain Elementary, Stevenson Primary
EC Mason Elementary / EC Mason Elementary, Hood Case Elementary
Passmore Elementary / Passmore Elementary, Longfellow Elementary
Walt Disney Elementary / Walt Disney Elementary, Alvin Elementary, Mark Twain Elementary
Wilder Elementary / Wilder Elementary, Marek Elementary
York Elementary / York Elementary, Savannah Lakes Elementary, Jeter Elementary

PASS Program Placement Procedures

Placement within the PASS program is based upon a student’s individual educational plan and is determined by each student’s ARD committee.

Prior to initial placement within the PASS program, the following procedures shall be followed:

·  The student has had a psychological consultation or evaluation, which has recommended behavioral services consistent with a PASS program.

·  The student preferably has had a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and a behavior intervention plan (BIP) that has been in place for at least 6 weeks. Documentation has been collected as to the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of the plan

·  Psychological and/or counseling services have been initiated to assist the student with developing prosocial behavior.

If the child appears to require support within the PASS program and will need to be served off of his or her home campus, the Coordinator of Special Education should be contacted and the following procedures shall be followed:

·  The Coordinator of Special Education will review the student’s audit file and behavioral information and schedule an observation of the student by the PASS teacher and campus administrative representative.

·  After the observation has been conducted, a staffing will be set up on the student’s home campus to discuss observations, educational planning, and placement

·  If the student will be recommended for the PASS program, a representative from the student’s home campus (i.e., LSSP, Administrator) will contact the student’s parents and discuss the PASS program with them. A parent observation of the PASS program should be scheduled at parent request.

·  If placement within the PASS program is considered appropriate and least restrictive for the student, the Admission Review and Dismissal committee will then convene to review the student’s individualized educational plan and consider placement within the PASS program

NOTE: If an ARD/IEP committee believes that a situation is unusual enough that these guidelines should not be followed, guidance should be sought from the Coordinator of Special Education.


Alvin ISD Department of Federal and Special Programs Operating Guidelines

Section 8 – Instructional Programs and Support Services Page 2