
To: Brough with St Giles Parish Council

From: PSCO 3521 Di Smith

Date: 19th July 2017

Subject: Meeting Thursday 20th July 2017

Monthly update from North Yorkshire Neighbourhood Police Team

Incidents reported between 22/05/17 – 19/07/17 = 59 days

No crimes were reported

6 Road Related Offence – 3 vehicles seized because of no tax.

- 1 vehicle seized because of no insurance.

- 1 vehicle seized because it was SORN

- 1 vehicle was reported as driver was thought to have no driving licence. This was found not to be the case.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB)

5 x ASB Personal Reports - 1 Report of a bullying issue at school- words of advice were given.

- 4 Reports of an ongoing neighbour dispute -words of advice were given.

2 x ASB nuisance - 1 Resident reports of a street disturbance which was found to be party goers messing around.

- 1 Report of a rowdy large group of kids – an area search was made with no sightings of the group.

5 Personal/Safety/Warning

3 Domestic Incidents.

1 Concern Incidents - A Resident reports a heated argument from a domestic property which was found to be all in order.

1 Suspicious reports – Disturbance between 2 males, both were spoken to and sent on their way.


Project Servator

Project Servator will deploy uniformed and plain clothed officers with specially trained officers together with other resourses such as police dog units and Road Policing Group. They will be highly visible at the location, dates and times of the deployments are unpredictable as will be the amount of officers and other resources. The aim is to deter, detect and disrupt criminal activity and those with hostile intent.

This is fully up and running in Catterick Garrison and surrounding areas. From 16th May- 30th June there have been 9 Deployments, covering 27 sites. Community feedback has been positive and the project will hopefully go from strength to strength.

In addition they will strive to reassure communities and get them ‘onside’ and report all suspicious activity.

This is being fully supported by the army at Catterick Garrison and we hope that it will by all other agencies in the area.

Police Cadets

This is new to Richmondshire - we are seeking young and interested people to join Police Cadets, which is to run from this summer at Risedale School. The closing date for applications has now passed and there have been 49 applicants. Due to the high demand the number of places on the scheme has been raised from 16 to 20 and it is hoped to raise this figure to 24.

North Yorkshire Community Messaging

This is a free system that allows people to receive the latest crime notifications and community news in their neighbourhoods. People can register on

Richmondshire Safer Homes

The Safer Homes Initiative is designed to make homes seem occupied when they are not – and make it more difficult for would-be burglars to access areas of the home, including outbuildings. Householders can use the scheme for free. Few burglars will attempt to break into a property which obviously has people in it, so using some simple items can help deter a burglary. ‘Safer Homes’ gives you access to loan a home security pack – which includes a fake TV simulator, light timer, padlocks and a motions sensor alarm that dials a pre-set number which can be activated when you are away. Sign up now and keep your home safe and sound

or fill in a request form on


If you see a suspicious vehicle in the area please call police at the time so we are able to have a greater chance of speaking to the occupants and establishing whether they are legitimate. If possible try to obtain the vehicle registration, any wording on the vehicle, descriptions of occupants and direction of travel.

Residents are encouraged to report all incidents at the time they are happening to enable effective action can be taken by police. We can only act on information we are aware of.

Contact North Yorkshire Police

Please visit our website for advice regarding Crime Prevention and safety advice.

National 24hr non-emergency number 101
- 101 calls cost 15 pence per call from mobile or landline,
regardless of length of call

Call ‘Crimestoppers’ anonymously on 0800 555 111


Contact Details:

PCSO 3521 Di Smith