
Grade / Unit / Title and Unit Overview / Time Frame: / TAKS and TEKS / Enduring Understandings / Essential Questions
2 / 3 / Place Value
Write, describe, order and read the value of numbers is important indeed. The place that a digit is located in will tell us the value and determine who wins / 10days--
2 Weeks / TAKS:
1, 2
2.1A, 2.1B, 2.1C, 2.5B /
  • All numbers have value.
  • Any number can be written using the digits 0-9.
  • The place that a digit is in tells the value of the digit.
  • How can the place of a number determine its value?
  • How can place value help to order and compare numbers?
  • How can understanding place value help in real world situations?

3 / 2 / Addition, Subtraction, and Estimation
The student adds and subtracts to solve meaningful problems involving whole numbers and determines appropriate times to estimate / 18 Days
3 Weeks / TAKS: 1, 3, 6
3.3A, 3.3B, 3.5A, 3.5B, 3.10
3.15A, 3.15B, 3.15D /
  • Addition and subtraction are used to solve meaningful problems involving whole numbers.
  • Estimation can be used to determine reasonable results.
  • Students will use models and pictures to clarify the problem solving process.
  • What is the best strategy that can be used to solve meaningful problems?
  • What kind of problem is it?
  • What do the best problem solvers do?
  • What does it mean to reason mathematically?
  • When is estimation better than counting and when not?

Facts / Relationships and/or Connections that should emerge / Vocabulary / Text Resources
  • All numbers have value
  • Digits 0-9 are used to write numbers.
  • The place of a digit in a number determines its value.
  • All numbers have value
  • Discover and understand that place value can help determine amounts of money
  • A written two-digit math problem utilizes place value
/ digit / digito
equal to / igual a
fewer / menos que
greater than / mayor que
greatest / el mas grande
hundreds / centenas
least / mas pequeño
less than / menor que
mats (hundreds) / tabla de cien
ones / unidades
order / orden
place value / valor relativo
strips (tens) / decenas
tens / decenas
units (ones) / unidades
value / valor
/ Investigations
Mathematical Thinking at Grade 1
Building Number Sense
  • Add to combine two parts to find the whole.
  • Subtract to compare.
  • Knowing the whole amount and one part, subtract to find the other part.
  • In addition, switching the addends results in the same sum.
  • An estimate is a number closer to the exact amount.
  • There are several problem solving plans which can be used such as:
  1. Draw a picture
  2. Guess and check
  3. Look for a pattern
  4. Act it out
  5. Make a table or chart
  6. Work backward
  7. Write a number sentence
  • Estimation is changing a number so that it is easy to work with, but still close enough to use.
  • Estimation is a number close to the exact amount.
  • Add to join one amount to another amount.
  • Add to combine two parts to find the whole amount.
  • Subtract to take away—the answer tells how much is left.
  • Subtract to compare.
  • Knowing the whole amount and one part, subtraction can be used to find the other part.
  • Subtraction is finding the missing addend in an addition sentence.
/ addend / sumandos
difference / diferencia
estimate / estimar
facts / datos
sum / suma
/ Investigations:
Combining and Comparing
  • Investigation 3
    Session 1, 2, 3
  • Investigation 4
    Session 1, 3, 4
  • Investigation 5
    Session 1
    Session 2, 3
Combining and Comparing
Sessions 1-2: Student Sheets 5-9
Sessions 3-4: Student Sheets 10-14
Session 2-3: Student Sheets 15-16

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