Company / Settings Storage
Environment / Specific Procedures for Digital Relays / Future Procedures
/ PCs connected in network with restricted access to the protection area team. The responsible for the setting order participates of the commissioning tests. / Not informed / Not informed
/ Until 2005 there were two distinct databases:
- Operation Database – Data stored in mainframe, with records of present settings, time data and the setting order number (a “mask” for each relay). It did not hold a description of the new digital relays;
- Maintenance Database – PCs connected in network with the settings and results of the tests and maintenance works. The masks were different from those used by the operation team. / Due to the large number of settings items, few digital relays were described in the Operation Database. The settings began to be stored in PCs of each responsible for the setting order emission. There are many problems with the validation of the settings files that are changed by the maintenance team. In these cases, the responsible for the emission of the order setting need to validate the changes. In some cases, the responsible for the setting order participates of the field tests. / New “Phoenix” Database (2006):
- Integration between operation and maintenance databases (only one “mask” for each relay);
- For the digital relays there is a general description and the setting file is attached according to the manufacturer format;
- New database in intranet environment, with several levels of users: Managers, advanced ones, ordinary ones and only for consult;
- The setting order is forwarded to an “approver” with an access link to the settings. After the approval, the executer also receives this link by email, returning it the same way to the solicitor.
- From the Operation settings, “macro” commands were created to automatize tests and for generation of files in tests boxes.
- There will still be an interface with Aspen “Oneliner” (short-circuit and protection coordination program) and SAP/R3 (corporative administration).
Company / Settings Storage
Environment / Specific Procedures for Digital Relays / Future Procedures
/ - Electromechanical and Static Relays: The setting orders are stored in MS Word (*.doc) files with the parameters that will be set. There are setting sheets for all types of relays.
- Digital Relays: The settings are printed to MS Word (*.doc) files, which are sent to the maintenance team as an Order Setting. / Not informed / There is in development a system in intranet environment to manage the setting orders.
The setting orders of electromechanical and static relays will be displayed on the PC screen to upload the values.
The setting orders of digital relays will be managed with the files created according to the manufacturer format.
/ There is a system to control the setting orders in computational environment. There is a particular setting order (setting sheet) for each relay with the items to be set. / For the digital relays a general setting order was created, with the settings in text files. The file according to the manufacturer format is stored in the intranet environment, separated by substation, circuit and relay number, to be accessed by the maintenance team. After the implantation of the settings, the responsible for the setting order emission receives the file again. The changes in the settings files by the maintenance team are previously discussed with the responsible for the setting order. Only the operation team changes the setting orders. / Not informed.
Company / Settings Storage
Environment / Specific Procedures for Digital Relays / Future Procedures
/ The setting orders for electromechanical and static relays are stored in MS Word (*.doc) files, in intranet environment, to be accessed by the technical team of the company. / For digital relays, the settings are printed under MS Word (*.doc) format. The files according to the manufacturer format are stored in a separate system directory. / Modernization of the procedures allowing to attache the settings and logics files of the digital relays.
/ The settings are stored in text files to be accessed by the technical team of the company. / For the digital relays, files in a text format with the setting parameters are created. These files are stored together with the files according to the manufacturer format. / The company intends to develop in the future a new database in intranet environment to control the settings files.
/ The settings and logics files of the protection relays are stored in a computational environment to be accessed by the operation and maintenance teams. The responsible for the setting order participates of the commissioning tests. For future changes, a new setting order is sent to maintenance team. After the implantation of the new settings, the operation team confirms the changes that were done by the maintenance team. / Not informed / Not informed
/ Currently, relay settings are calculated and sent (by registered mail) for the maintenance team.
The maintenance team implements the settings and confirming ( by registered mail) for the responsible for the setting order, that updates his control. / Not informed / FURNAS is implementing a network for remote access to the protection relays (RARP). This system will make automatic acquisition of the setting files that will be sent to the team responsible by the calculation of the settings. Then, those settings will be compared with the "official” setting files.
Also, FURNAS is purchasing the ASPENTM Database, that will be the new protection settings database of the company.
The order setting will be sent to the maintenance team in the same way, but the maintenance team will return the setting files to the responsible by the order setting, after the implementation in the relays, with eletronic assignature.

G – Generation Company

T – Transmission Company

D – Distribution Company