Montmartre School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

Present: Carla Dusyk, Wendy Englot, Sandy Kerbs, Brenda Gibson, Maureen Kotylak, Wendy Weichel, Lance Pollard, Janet Kotylak.

Regrets: Jodi Kress, Raelene Herold.

1.  Call to order - Meeting called to order at 3:35.

2.  Approval of Agenda – Agenda approved by Maureen, seconded by Wendy W.

3.  Review/Approval of Previous Minutes from April 26, 2017 – Minutes approved by Wendy E., seconded by Sandy.

4.  Reports

4.1.  SLC representative report – No report from SLC. Lance reported that dance will be postponed until fall as they couldn’t get decide on a date.

4.2.  Principals’ report - 23 kindergarten students for next school year. >New Vice Principal is Mrs. Janelle Forsyth, she lives in Regina and will be commuting to Montmartre. >Staffing: teachers will remain the same, 15.0 FTE. Loss of 0.5 FTE Educational Assistants. >Classes: No more middle years French, replaced with more ELA, Math and PA. Gained Visual Arts 20 taught by L. McNish, Psychology 20 taught by L. Pollard, Phys. Ed 20/30 taught by V. Tholl. Magnets – Personal Finance 30L and Wildlife Management in Vibank; Law 30 and Cow Calf Production 10/20/30 in Montmartre. >Classroom teachers: K - T. Maas, 1/2 - C. Michael, 2/3 - Tamara Tholl, 4 - L. Froese, 5/6 - C. Baumgartner, 6/7 - W. Weichel, 7/8 - C. Habeebkutty, 9 - V. Tholl, 10 B. Gabel, 11 – S. Perras, 12 – J. Forsyth. Classroom teachers are teaching their own Phys Ed and Arts Ed will be taught by L. McNish and K. Bircher. > Approved school calendar for next year was handed out. OURSchool Survery showed mostly positive comments regarding SCC activities. Suggestions were family fun night, family dance, white elephant sale. Food related functions. Family activities like card/games night or family reading night. Parent presentations like Wolseley on cyberbullying/awareness. Soup kitchen, community garden. Movie nights in the gym. >Farm Safety Day – Wendy W. outlined the events of the day and the Parent Info meeting in the evening at 7:00 pm. >Horizon String Quartet presentation for Grades 1-9.

4.3.  Treasurer’s report – After we pay for another water bottle filling station to be situated in the gym and Willow Award books, we should have $600-$800 left.

4.4.  PVSD Trustee’s Report – Governance renewal: consultation projects teams – Ben’s team looking at efficiencies and boundaries. Janet on strategic issues committee. TO DO: Please see Janet’s e-mail regarding the 5.9 million in reductions.

4.5.  Correspondence/Communication – none.

5.  Old Business:

5.1.  SCC serves lunch at Farm Safety Day on June 7 – Carla, Brenda and Janet will be able to help, possibly Sandy if she isn’t working. We need to be at the school by 10:00 am to start cooking lunch. Where we are situated will depend on weather. TO DO: Wendy W. will contact Raelene and Jodi to see if they are able to help as well.

5.2.  Kindergarten Orientation Day and K-Kids Kit – Thursday, June 1, 2017, at 6:00. Carla and Brenda will be attending. TO DO: Carla will speak on behalf of SCC and will include in the speach the importance of parent involvement in the school and that SCC meetings are at current members choice of time. Brenda will hand out SCC K-Kids Kits.

5.3.  Summer Reading Program, Kindergarten and Grade 1 – Sandy, Brenda and Corinna, sorted donated books and stuffed backpacks. Sandy brought an example to meeting. Brenda has typed up a letter explaining the summer reading program and sent it to Corinna for approval. Brenda had brought some books that were too young for Grade 1 to the sorting meeting and so there was discussion about giving 1 or 2 books to kindergarten students as well along with fun sheets to help learn the words in the book. TO DO: Brenda will put together Kindergarten summer reading packets.

5.4.  Gym fountain – Lance reported that we can’t put the gym fountain in the entrance because they would have to jack hammer through the cement wall. Just found out that the present fountain that is broken can’t be fixed. Since they need to replace the fountain anyway, can we pay the difference and have another water bottle filling station placed their instead? TO DO: Lance will work with facilities to come up with a filtered fountain that can fill water bottles to replace the existing broken fountain in the gym. Carla will send pictures of what we have in mind for a fountain with water bottle filling capabilities to Lance.

5.5.  Feedback on TD Book Week Author Erin Bow – Feed back from Rod was that it was good. The setting of her book was in Saskatchewan. Not all students were interested. Author visits are not as well received in high school as in elementary or middle years but are still a good literacy event.

6.  New Business:

6.1.  Newsletter submission – Can we have a picture of students and the new fountain for thank you’s and in newsletter? TO DO: On Farm Safety Day Carla will gather some students with their new water bottles and take a picture. Lance suggested that SCC send items to the Monday Morning Message.

6.2.  Willow Award Books – Books are here. Will stamp with SCC stamp. Kids will get them in September. TO DO: Sandy will write Wendy a cheque when bill is finalized. Wendy will get pictures of kids holding the books for thank you’s and newsletter. Brenda will bring Wendy the stamp.

7.  Closing:

7.1.  Feedback – What went well today was…

7.2.  Our Meetings would be better if ….

7.3.  To Do Lists from Tonight….

7.4.  Do/Discuss at future meetings – 2017-2018 Open House.

8.  Next Meeting: June 22, 2017, 5:00 pm at Sisters.

9.  Thanks for contributing! Adjournment – 5:15 pm.