Proceedings – Guidelines For Authors

Emila Musterfrau1, Tim Mustermann2 and Kai Musterkind1


This document shows the desired format and appearance of a manuscript prepared for the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on HOT SHEET METAL FORMING OF HIGH-PERFORMANCE STEEL, CHS2 2015. It is prepared using Microsoft (MS) Word. The MS Word template used to prepare this document is available on the conference web site at . An author may use this template by substituting his/her own text in each field or by deleting all the text and employing the relevant style from the style list. You should use Word for Windows as word processing program. Test to convert to pdf-format in order to verify the layout.

The paper should be written in English language. The spellings used in the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English should be used wherever possible. Technical terms should be in accordance with the generally used terms, the corresponding German Standards or International Standards. Measurements have to be metric SI units. Quantities and their resp. SI-units are to be separated by one blank!

Don´t use / Do use
wt. % / mass contents in %
vol. % / volume fraction in %
at. %, mol. % / molar mass fraction in %
sec., Sek. / s
kg/mm², kp/mm² / N/mm² or MPa
torr, atm / bar, Pa

1 Formatting Demands

1.1 Page-Layout

The paper should be written in one column and without differences between left and right pages. The Publication will be printed in black/white. So please use black color or different grayscales for your paper. The page format is DIN A4 (297 mm x 210 mm) with the following margins:

• top: 5.85 cm

• down: 5.85 cm

• right: 3.50 cm

• left: 3.50 cm

Please do not use any page numbers, headline or footer because they will be added from the publisher.

1.2 Headings, Continuous Text and Lists

1.2.1 Headings

All headings are left-justified. Numbered chapters and sub chapters should start with one and should end without concluding dot. Please use the following font sizes:

Title Arial 16 pt, bold (style sheet Heading 0)

Authors below the title as shown in the example, Arial 11 pt, italic (style sheet


Abstract the word Abstract (without numbering): Arial 13 pt, bold
(style sheet Heading 1)
Abstracttext (style sheet BodyText)

chapter heading Arial 13 pt, bold, italic
(style sheet Heading 1)

first subchapter Arial 11 pt, bold (style sheet Heading 2)

second subchapter Arial 10 pt, bold, italic (style sheet Heading 3)

The numbering of chapters is left-adjusted, the following chapter name should be indented with a tab. You can also use the predefined style sheets for that work.

1.2.2 Continuous Text

Continuous Text should use justification with TimesNewRoman 10 pt, the last line should be left-adjusted. (style sheet BodyText).

1.2.3 Lists

For lists please use TimesNewRoman 10 pt normal, justification, last line left-adjusted (same like continuous text). The bullet (if possible •) should indented 6 mm from the left margin, Text should indented 126 mm from the left margin (style sheet Bullet).


• Title 1

• Title 2

2 Drawings and Tables

2.1 Drawings and Pictures

Figure 1: Example

If possible pictures have to be integrated as page width but always centered. The text should not flow round the picture. The text should end before and start once more after the picture in a new line. Above and below the picture a distance of 10 mm to the text should be complied.

Please use Arial 7.5 pt italic left-adjusted (style sheet Figure) for the caption. The word Figure and also the serial number should be in bold format.

2.2 Tables

Table 1: Example for character font and style

column 1 / column 2 / column 3 / column 4
Text 1 / 10-13 / 25-27 / 26-31
Text 2 / 15-17 / 21-50 / 50-60
Text 3 / 19-21 / 55 (11) / 70-80

Tables should also have a table heading (as the example shows). The following format style must be complied with:

Arial 7.5 pt, italic (Table + serial number: italic + bold) (style sheet TableName)

The first table line should be underlined with 10% grayscale and written with bold style. The alignment of table text can be left-adjusted or centered in TimesNewRoman 8 pt. For table text you can also use style sheet TableText.

2.3 Equations

For equations please use the Microsoft Word formula editor or compatible e.g. MathTyp equation editor and chose „equation“ from the format catalogue. Please note that all parameters are to be formatted italic, vectors bold italic, matrices bold. Only constants are to be written in body text.

Equations must be written out exactly. Capital and small letters, subscripts, superscripts, character sizes, character form and the height of characters within the line must be accurate.

The consecutive numbering of equations is desirable. If many characters and symbols are used in formulae it is advisable to summarize and describe them in a list of symbols at the beginning of the text. The explanation of symbols and quantities should not employ equals signs (=).


Equations should be labeled in round brackets with serial numbers starting with one (in the continuous text and also direct in the equation) (style sheet Equation).


The headline for references has no numbering and otherwise follows guidelines for headings.

References should be consecutively numbered in the text by means of numerals within square brackets, thus [1] [4-7] [4, 7]. A separate list of references should be added at the end of the text. Examples for correct citations are given in the following. See [1] for journals, [2] for books, [3] for preprints/congress reports, [4] for patents

Please use TimesNewRoman 8 pt (style sheet References) for References.

[1] Author's name, Initials; etc.: title of contribution. In: title of journal Volume (year) No. ?, pp. ???-??.

[2] Author's name, Initials; etc.: title of a book, no. of edition. town: publishing company, year of publishing

[3] Author's name, Initials; etc.: title of contribution, proceedings conference title, conference date. town: publishing company, year of publishing, pp. ???-??.

[4] No. of standard or patent: full title, date of edition

Please note: if there are more than 3 authors, please write down the name of the first author and summarize all the others by et al.


Smith; A. B.; Myers, C. D.: Basic Investigations. In: Advanced Materials 3 (2005) No. 1, pp. 25-29.


Miller, C. B. et al.: Hot Stamping. In: Advanced Materials 1 (2006) No. 1, pp. 35-49.


The headline has no numbering and otherwise follows guidelines for headings. Affiliation should be consecutively numbered in the text by means of numerals within square brackets. A separate list of companies should be added after at the end of the References. Examples for correct citations are given in the following.

[1] ThyssenKrupp Tailored Blanks GmbH, Mannesmannstr. 101, 47259 Duisburg,

[2] Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik, Steinbachstr. 15, 52074 Aachen,

Manuscript Submission

The maximum number of pages should not exceed 8 pages.

An internal review of submitted manuscripts will be taken place. Therefore the manuscripts should be submitted by February 16th, 2015 as a Word-file (*.docx). Instructions for submitting the full paper manuscript will be mailed to you in good time before the deadline. Remarks from the peer-review process are communicated on March 16th, 2015.

The final revised version should be submitted by April 16th, 2015.


February 16th, 2015 submission of manuscripts

March 16th, 2015 end of peer-reviewing

April 16th, 2015 submission of final version