Senate Meeting #3

Monday November 29, 2010

3:00pm-5:00 pm


Meeting Locations

DPC: UCENT 234, Polytechnic: PRLTA 135, Tempe: EDC 117,West: FAB S101

1.Call to OrderPlease Do Not Touch Clicker Buttons…Thank you.

  1. Attendance by Clicker.
  2. Clickers and voting.
  3. Quorum Requirements met.

2.Update from the campuses

  1. Craig Allen-Downtown.
  2. Holly Huffman-Polytechnic.
  3. Mark Lussier-Tempe.
  4. Connie Borror-West.
  5. Faculty Perspective on the Budget Issues.

3.Provost’s Report (Capaldi)

4.Old Business:

  1. CAPC (2nd Reading) Consent Agenda Motions.

Senate Motion 2011-6Mary Lou Fulton TeachersCollege:Disestablishment of agraduate Degree Program. M.Ed. in Counselor Education.Click here for full proposal.

Senate Motion 2011-7College of Technology and Innovation-Department of Engineering.Establishment of an undergraduate degree program. BS in Software Engineering.Click here for full proposal.

Senate Motion 2011-9 WP Carey Business School-Morrison School of Agribusiness and Resource Management. Establishment of an undergraduate degree program in BS in Food Industry Management. Click here for full proposal.

Senate Motion 2011-11College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Establishment of a degree program, Doctor of Philosophy in Explorations Systems Design. Click here for full proposal.

5. New Business:

  1. CAPC Meetings (1st Reading) – Gregory Castle (1st reading).

Motion 2011-8Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering: Establishment of a graduate degree, Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Construction Engineering. Click her for full proposal. Click here for the Learning Outcomes.

Motion 2011-13Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts: Establishment of an undergraduate Certificate – Digital Culture. Click here for full proposal.

CAPC Information Items- See Appendix A.

6.UAC Report: Gary Grossman

  1. Arizona Higher Education Enterprise. AHEE, Word Document----Power Point Presentation
  2. Spring Semester-Academic Assembly meeting (January 25, 2011).
  3. “Survey” updates (Lussier & Thomas).
  4. Senate rotating schedule (See Appendix B).
  5. ABOR Course numbering system.
  6. Dashboards.
  7. HB-2281 update.
  8. Library acquisitions proposal update.

7.Committee Reports:

  1. Committee on Committees (Kyselka).
  2. Personnel Committee (Carter).
  3. Student Faculty Policy Committee (Zambo).
  4. University Services and Facilities Committee (Bauer).
  5. Contract Faculty Task Force (Huffman).

8. Open Forum





Senate Motion # 2011-6

Motion Introduced by:Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Gregory Castle, Chair

Date of IntroductionNovember 1, 2010

for First Reading:

Date of Second Reading:November 29, 2010

Title of Motion:Request from the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College- for the disestablishment of a graduate degree program – M.Ed. in

Counselor Education

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate

approval of a proposal submitted by the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College for the

disestablishment of a graduate degree program – M.Ed. in Counselor Education


The Counseling Psychology faculty moved to the School of Letters and Sciences as part of the July 2010 reorganization disestablishing the Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education. This degree was primarily a Masters in Passing for the Counselor Psychology PhD which also moved to SLS.




Senate Motion # 2011-7

Motion Introduced by:Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Gregory Castle, Chair

Date of IntroductionNovember 1, 2010

for First Reading:

Date of Second Reading:November 29, 2010

Title of Motion:Request from the College of Technology and Innovation- Department of Engineering -for the establishment of an undergraduate degree program – BS Software Engineering

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate

approval of a proposal submitted by the College of Technology and Innovation -

Department of Engineering - for the establishment of an undergraduate degree program –

BS Software Engineering


Graduates of the BS Software Engineering will possess knowledge and skills of a defined engineering approach to complex software systems analysis, planning, design, and construction. The program blends engineering, computing, project leadership, and technology education. The program is a unique project-driven curriculum, establishing a new model for Software Engineering education. The program is built around the concepts of engaged-learning, discovery-based education and learn-by-doing.




Senate Motion # 2011-9

Motion Introduced by:Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Gregory Castle, Chair

Date of IntroductionNovember 1, 2010

for First Reading:

Date of Second Reading:November 29, 2010

Title of Motion:Request from the W.P. Carey Business School -

Morrison School of Agribusiness and Resource Management - for the establishment of an undergraduate degree program –

BS Food Industry Management

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate

approval of a proposal submitted by the W.P. Carey Business School - Morrison

School of Agribusiness and Resource Management - for the establishment of an

Undergraduate degree program – BS Food Industry Management


The BS in Food Industry Management degree prepares students for business careers in the food industry, which is defined as the group of firms and organizations that are involved with manufacturing, marketing and distributing food beyond the farm to retail stores, restaurants, and institutions such as schools and hospitals. Students in this degree program will combine core courses in other business disciplines (finance, marketing, management, accounting, supply chain management and economics) with 18 credit-hours of upper-division courses specific to the food industry.




Senate Motion # 2011-11

Motion Introduced by:Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Gregory Castle, Chair

Date of IntroductionNovember 1, 2010

for First Reading:

Date of Second Reading:November 29, 2010

Title of Motion:Request from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences- School of Earth and Space Exploration -for the establishment of a graduate degree program – Doctor of Philosophy in Exploration Systems Design

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by theCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences -School of Earth and Space Exploration - for the establishment of a graduate degree program – Doctor of Philosophy in Exploration Systems Design


The PhD in Exploration Systems Design offers students an advanced systems approach for developing scientific exploration technologies in a wide range of demanding environments on the Earth, planets, moons, and space. An emphasis is placed on a deep understanding of both, the scientific problems in exploration as well as the engineering techniques and limitations involved in providing technological solutions. This new transdisciplinary degree program provides a unique platform to train systems engineers targeting technological development for exploration science.




Senate Motion # 2011-8

Motion Introduced by:Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Gregory Castle, Chair

Date of IntroductionNovember 29, 2010

for First Reading:

Date of Second Reading:January 31, 2011

Title of Motion:Request from the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering- School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment -for the establishment of a graduate degree program – Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Construction Engineering

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate

approval of a proposal submitted by the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering -

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment - for the establishment

of a graduate degree program – Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in

Construction Engineering


The MSE in Construction Engineering degree will be desirable to those students who are interested in continuing their education in engineering with a focus on construction. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the professional society for all civil engineers, is strongly pushing for a master’s degree as the minimum degree required for all practicing civil engineers. The society has passed ASCE Policy 465 (“Academic prerequisites for Licensure and Professional Practice”) details of which can be found at several web sites1. The MSE Construction Engineering degree will help meet that objective.




Senate Motion # 2011-13

Motion Introduced by:Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Gregory Castle, Chair

Date of IntroductionNovember 29, 2010

for First Reading:

Date of Second Reading:January 31, 2011

Title of Motion:Request from the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts- School of Arts, Media and Engineering -for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate – Digital Culture

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate

approval of a proposal submitted by the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts -

School of Arts, Media and Engineering - for the establishment an undergraduate

Certificate – Digital Culture


The certificate in Digital Culture grows directly out of the major initiative, and complements theprogram by inviting students from all design and arts disciplines within the Herberger Institute, as well as students in colleges external to the Herberger Institute and working professionals from thePhoenix metropolitan area to engage in this coursework, thus further diversifying the studentbody as the program develops.

The certificate program is critical for allowing pathways into theDigital Culture program from other colleges at ASU, as well as for working professionals in thePhoenix metropolitan area, and supports our interdisciplinary mission. New media is inherentlyinterdisciplinary demanding a combination of arts, design, education, science, and engineeringperspectives.


CAPC Information Items

On November 18, 2010 the Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, recommended approval of the following:

Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts

School of Arts, Media and Engineering

Establishment of a Minor

Digital Culture

Appendix B

Remaining Senate Schedule for 2010-2011

January 25, 2011Academic Assembly Meeting, All Campus locations TBA

January 31, 2011 Senate #4Polytechnic Campus

February 21, 2011Senate #5Tempe Campus

March 21, 2011Senate #6Downtown Campus

April 11, 2011Senate #7Tempe Campus

May 2, 2010Senate #8Tempe Campus