Dream Acres

Official Newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church Omro May 2015


1Be Inspired

2From the desk of Rev. Shafer

3Session news

4News and notes

5More news and notes

6Pentecost order form

7May calendar

From the desk of Rev. Shafer …

When I was in seminary I took a class on pastoral care. We often talked about the different images that we have for the work of pastoral ministry. Pastors often serve various roles in the congregations that they serve, such as administrator, educator, preacher, youth leader, and sometimes even lawn care specialist (lucky for me I have people who enjoy mowing so I don’t have to). These are only a few of the pastoral roles that pastors often find themselves in.

We are expected to be knowledgeable about a lot of different areas, and expected to lead the congregations we serve in places that we have never lead before. Pastors are supposed to be jacks-of-all-trades. We are leaders in the congregation, but we can’t know it all…I know enough to know that, and it didn’t take me long to figure that out.

We wear many hats in pastoral ministry, which is expected, and in some ways exciting. I enjoy learning, and pastoral ministry is a calling where I get to keep learning. Each day, each week, each month, and each year brings me new knowledge and more experience. God is good, and that is a lesson I learn every day, even in the midst of the trouble that this world often presents us with.

I am now taking up a new role, or maybe just revising the role I have already played for the past two years. You may not know this, but I am now taking on the role of personal trainer, or at least personal fitness facilitator.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

We have officially started our weekly Bible study. We are meeting on Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m. and we are currently studying the Book of Acts. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come join us, even if you have missed a few. We will catch you up. But let me quickly explain what I meant when I said I was stepping into the role of personal training facilitator.

In the Scripture from 2 Timothy I underlined two words, training and equipped. This verse tells us what Scripture is for and why studying it daily, as individuals and as a community, is good for us. Scripture teaches, rebukes, corrects, trains, and equips. Scripture does all those things, I am here to facilitate that, so when we do Bible study I am a personal training facilitator. I have tools to help you learn how to do Bible study, but ultimately it is the Scripture that does the teaching, the training, and the equipping. I do not know everything there is to know about Scripture, no one except God does, but I am here to help you learn, and in turn I learn from each of you.

Bible study is important and that passage from 2 Timothy is a good explanation of why. Look at it this way, the Bible is our ultimate survival guide for finding out how God wants us to live our lives. Scripture points us to God, keeps us connected to God, and keeps us connected to each other. Please consider joining us for Bible study, not because it is required, but because God speaks through the Scriptures…don’t you want to hear what God has to say to you?

In Christ,

Rev. Travis

SESSION NEWS (April 19, 2015, meeting)

Designated our 40% share of the Pentecost Offering for the Imagination Library. (see related article)

Kyra Kutchenriter will be confirmed in worship on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. Because she is the only one in Confirmation Class, she and her family and session will go out to eat – at the restaurant of her choosing – the previous Friday or Saturday instead of holding the traditional confirmation banquet. She will meet with the session, Monday, May 18th, to be received into membership.

The American Bank Pavilion at Scott Park has been reserved for worship and a corn roast on Sunday, August 30.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – “Weird Animals” – June 21-25, 2015

We had a good response and attendance at our first VBS planning meeting on April 12th. Crew leaders were chosen and the curriculum was ordered. If you were unable to attend the April 12th meeting, please join us at the next planning meeting after worship, Sunday, May 17th. And, watch and listen for announcements next month about items on the VBS wish list.


We had a great response to the information and testimonials shared in worship April 19th. Two more children have been added to our Compassion family. Thank you for your support.


We still have cards in denominations of $25 and $50 that were purchased with last year’s 10% discount. So, you can still “make a 10% donation” with each card you purchase. Stop in the office during the week to purchase your Kwik Trip cards, or get them from Cindy Sunday mornings.

NOTE NEW OFFICE HOURS… Cindy will be in the office from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday, except on the day of the Bible Study (currently Tuesday) when she’ll be in from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. No office hours on Fridays.

“Like” us on Facebook!


Per Capita for 2015 is $31.50


The Omro Community Center is also looking for volunteers for their various programs, the latest of which is “Making the Ride Happen.” This program pairs volunteer drivers with elderly and disabled citizens of Omro and provide transportation for shopping, medical appointments, etc. The center is currently looking for drivers and clients who would like the service.

Call the center at 685-0380 (ext. 21) for more information or pick up a brochure at church.


Educators stress that reading with your pre-school child is the single-most important activity to prepare a child for school. Dolly Parton created her Imagination Library to guarantee access to books and to inspire parents to read to their children as much as possible.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is all about inspiration and imagination. It was developed in 1995 by Dolly for her native Sevier County, Tennessee. She wanted every pre-school child to have his/her own collection of books. After much thought, Dolly decided to offer her Imagination Library for replication in any community that can financially support it.

The Omro Community Center is working to replicate the Imagination Library program for the children of Omro. Each month, from the day the child is born until his/her fifth birthday, a carefully selected book arrives at the mailbox. Kids across the country have shared the excitement of running to the mailbox to retrieve their book. More often than not, the child wants the book read to them now—not later, not tonight and not tomorrow. Right now!

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a gift to all children. The library is currently at work in 1,500 communities in the United States, in Canada and the U.K, and distributes over 700,000 books per month. The Imagination Library is a unique opportunity to do something simple and powerful for pre-schoolers.

The past several years we have given our 40% share of the annual Pentecost Offering to the Omro Public Library for its summer reading program. This year session decided that the Omro Imagination Library would be a good extension of that program. The remaining 60% goes to the Presbyterian Mission Agency to support other youth-related programs of the denomination.

Please give generously to the Pentecost Offering.


The Deacons are planning to honor deceased veterans from our church family on May 31st with a candle lighting ceremony during Sunday worship. If you had a family member or friend pass away this past year, was in the military, and a member of our church, please notify the office.

REMINDER …We collect non-perishable items for the Omro Food Pantry the 3rd Sunday of each month. Please place your donations in the basket in the narthex.


We know of two of our members who will soon be completing their respective high school and college educations … Sara from Omro High, and Eve from UW-Oshkosh. Please notify the office if you know of anyone else from our church family who will be graduating this spring.


After nearly 35 years of service, Nancy Barczak is retiring from the staff of Winnebago Presbytery. If you call the Presbytery office, Nancy’s voice is the one you hear; if you attend a Presbytery meeting, Nancy is the one diligently taking notes of the proceedings; if you have any Presbytery-related question, Nancy will probably have the answer.

She will be honored at a reception, Sunday, May 17th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, Neenah. She will also be recognized for her years of service at the May presbytery meeting.

If you know Nancy and would like to attend the reception, please let Cindy know so she can RSVP for our church.


Dear Members of First Presbyterian Church,

On behalf of the families we serve, we thank you for your generous donation from the Covenant and Souper Bowl offerings. With your ongoing support we will continue to help all those in need of help in our community. God Bless You.

Tom Faust, Manager; Barb Geffers, Assistant;

and our Faithful Volunteer Team

at the Omro Community Food Pantry

THANK YOU…..to my church family for prayers and cards sent to me. Thank you to the Women’s Association and the Board of Deacons for the gift card. I am improving each day.

Gordon Stiller

PRAYER CHAIN (last names are not shown due to privacy concerns on the web)

Let us keep the following members and friends in prayer:

FOR HEALING: Marie S., Ray S., Wayne S., Ken W.,Jack K., Aleapa B., Chris K.

FOR STRENGTH AND SAFETY: Members of the military and their families; victims and survivors of floods, tornadoes, and other natural disasters; Christians throughout the world who are being persecuted because of their faith.


If you would like to include a prayer request for the weekly bulletin, please call it to the office by Wednesday noon. Let us access God through the power of prayer each week.Names will remain on the list for two weeks, unless we are notified otherwise.

If you would like to place someone’s name on the prayer chain, you may call the church at 685-2610 or Rozanne Werzinske at 685-6074.

When you call the prayer chain, we will assume that it is okay to print the name in the bulletin and will do so unless you say otherwise.

NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? Do you need a ride to church for worship on Sunday? Do transportation problems keep you from worship? Are you homebound? Shut in? Call the church office if you would like a ride to church for worship. On the other hand, would you be willing to give someone a ride to church for worship? Call the office to be put on the Deacon’s Transportation list. Thank you.

If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically and are not currently doing so, please email a request to Sandy King () or to the church (). You can also access the newsletter on our website –

Pentecost Sunday Geranium Orders

Geranium Garden

Pentecost Sunday is May 24th. We will celebrate with our annual geranium garden. If you wish to order geraniums, please complete the order form and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office by May 17th. The plants will be $1.50 each. The total amount due should be included with the order form. Extra order forms are available at the church.

Pentecost Geranium Order Form

Name: ______

Number of plants ordered: ______X $1.50 ______(total)

______I wish to take my plants with me

______I wish to donate my plants to the Deacons

May 2015

Mon / Tue / Wed / Fri / Sat
1 / 2
Apple Fest
King piano recital-3 / 4
*Brian & Jane Wilson-30 yrs / 5
Bible study-6:30 / 6 / 7
Choir-7 / 8 / 9

*Jerry & Mary Allen-57 yrs / 11
*Molly Wilson / 12
Bible study-6:30 / 13
Admin-7 / 14
Ascension of the Lord
*Jessie Piper / 15 / 16

Armed Forces Day
Church Life committee/VBS-10:15
*John McHugh / 18
Session-6 / 19
Bible Study-6:30 / 20 / 21
*Jacob Potratz / 22 / 23
Outdoor worship-9
Birthday dinner
*Chuck & Jill Stiller-30 yrs
Book study-10:15 / 25

Memorial Day
*Marsha Stiller / 26
Bible Study-6:30
*Michael Stiller / 27
*Cindy Doughty / 28 / 29 / 30

Dream Acres 1