Deacons Notebook 2012-2013

Western Oaks Christian Church

Last updated 7/9/12

1 Table of Contents:

2 Co-Chairs of Deacons, Ministry Description

3 9:00 AM Team Leader, Ministry Description & Checklist

·  How to Prepare Communion

5 11:00 AM Team Leader, Ministry Description & Checklist

6 Deacon, Ministry Description

7 Inventory of Deacon Closet (Sanctuary closet between bathrooms)

8 How to Order Bread for Communion

8 How to Order Juice for Communion

·  How to Make Coffee

9 9:00 AM Deacon Team Roster

10 11:00 AM Deacon Team Roster

11 11:00 AM Team Leader Contact Information

12 Letter to all 2012-2013 Deacons & Servers

Co-Chairs of Deacons

Ministry Descriptions

Last updated 7/9/12

General Description: Two deacons nominated by the nominating committee and approved by the Church Board and Congregation to organize and lead the Diaconate of Western Oaks Christian Church. Co-Chairs work closely with the ministers and Worship Department to support both worship services and help deacons serve the total ministry of the congregation.


1)  Organize and orient deacons into teams to serve in the early and late Sunday morning services

2)  Schedule preparation for all worship services that require communion:

Christmas Eve Dec. (24th), Maundy Thursday (Mar. 28th), and others as scheduled

3)  Oversee the ministry description and procedures delegated to the deacon team leaders and deacons

4)  Coordinate ministry with the Worship Department

5)  Keep an inventory of supplies used by deacons replenish as necessary

6)  Call and lead all meetings of the Diaconate

7)  Attend Church Board Meetings

8)  Meet with senior minister to organize 2012-2013 church year

Co-Chair of Deacons (9:00 am)

1)  Organize and support 9:00 am deacon team leaders and team members

2)  Orient team leaders to checklist procedure and why we do it

3)  Give feedback to minister and nominating committee about each deacon

Co-Chair of Deacons (11:00 am)

1)  Organize and support 11:00 am deacon team leaders and team members

2)  Orient team leaders to checklist procedure and why we do it

3)  Remind and give feedback to minister and nominating committee about deacons

9:00 AM Deacon Team Leader

Ministry Description & Checklist

Last updated 7/9/12

Ministry Description: Team leaders are deacons who are selected to lead a serving team of deacons in either the early or late service. Because of their faithfulness as a deacon they have been approached to organize, lead, and encourage a group of deacons in their care. Team leaders are key to making sure that all the elements of worship are organized and prepared so guests and members can experience the love of God revealed through Jesus Christ through song, prayer, scripture, and the Lord’s Supper.

1)  Arrive by 8:00 am & prepare coffee. (See Coffee Preparation- Page 7)

Once coffee pot is filled, wheel the cart to the plug-in just outside the church office and plug into the timer in the wall socket.

2)  Set Schwind Hall AC to 72 in summer & heat to 74 in winter. Turn on lights & AC in the Sanctuary foyer and open South sanctuary doors. Red allen wrench located in deacons’ credenza.

3)  Prepare Communion

a.  Juice- Check in refrigerator to see if there are any partial containers, if not you will need to get 2 jugs from the deacon closet. (Two jugs will prepare all trays for both services.) Juice cups are in kitchen cabinet or deacon closet.

·  1st Service- 2 trays- Put cups in every other slot

1 tray- Use all slots—(1 cup of water in center slot for diabetics)

2nd Service- 4 trays- Use all slots

4 trays- Put cups in every other slot

b.  Crackers- located in kitchen, lower cabinet near stove. (Once opened, they are kept in plastic containers to stay fresh.) You can also find crackers in the deacon closet.

·  1st Service- 3 trays- Put doily in each tray, then place crackers in each tray.

2nd Service- 8 trays- Put doily in each tray, then place crackers in each tray.

c.  Bread Loaf- Place doily and loaf on plate or in basket, 1 for each service. If there is no fresh bread available, please use frozen bread located in top freezer of kitchen refrigerator.

4)  Set Communion Tables

a.  1st Service- Place one full and one partial juice tray and two

bread trays on west end of table.

Place one partial juice tray and one bread tray on east end of table.

Place bread loaf on east end of table.

Light Communion Candle. (Lighter on shelf)

b.  2ndService- Stack juice trays as follows: 2 Sets of trays with:

Two Partial trays on bottom of each stack

Two Full trays on top of each stack

Load cart with the 2 sets of juice trays, 8 trays of crackers, and bread loaf.

Take to Sanctuary

Put 1 stack of juice trays and 4 bread trays (stacked) on each side of table.

Place lids on each stack.

Put bread loaf on table

Put 1 bread & 1 juice on the piano and organ

5)  At 8:45 am begin greeting people at both Schwind Hall doors and hand out bulletins. Be on the outlook for guests who need help with bulletin inserts, yellow cards, location of restrooms, and coffee.

6)  During the Children’s Moment: take attendance on blue sheet (outside church office door and return slip to same place)

7)  Receiving the Offering: When sermon ends move to north doors to receive offering plates. At the end of offering song one deacon brings offering forward, behind elders for offering prayer. Deliver offering to the church office and give to the counters. (If no one is in the church office, place offering plate in the cabinet located above the Administrative mailboxes.) Return empty offering trays to workroom and place on top of mailboxes.

8)  Assisting with Communion: After the elder’s communion prayer one deacon, designated by the team leader, will serve as a communion station on the far south side of communion table. A Deacon will be the last in line at each station to serve the communion servers (2 elders & 1 deacon). All communion trays and bread trays are returned to the table.

9)  After the end of the service Deacons will extinguish the candle on the table and return all communion trays and bread to the kitchen. After service: Clean-up communion trays and Schwind Hall after service recycling any unused yellow/blue cards and bulletins. Refill empty cups in communion serving trays for next Sunday’s 9:00am service.

11:00 AM Deacon Team Leader

Ministry Description and Checklist

Last updated 7/9/12

Ministry Description: Team leaders are deacons who are selected to lead a serving team of deacons in either the early or late service. Because of their faithfulness as a deacon they have been approached to organize, lead, and encourage a group of deacons in their care. Team leaders are key to making sure that all the elements of worship are organized and prepared so guests and members can experience the love of God revealed through Jesus Christ through song, prayer, scripture, and the Lord’s Supper.

1)  Arrive by 10:30 am and check AC/Heat in narthex and sanctuary (72 in summer & 74 in winter) and check to see that south sanctuary doors have been opened. Lights and lamps turned on in the narthex.

2)  Verify that communion trays are on the communion table.

3)  Greet people at all three doors leading into the sanctuary and hand out bulletins. Be on the outlook for guests who need help with bulletin inserts, location of restrooms, and coffee. Invite guests to Coffee Fellowship after the service.

4)  During the children’s moment: take attendance on blue sheet (near west sanctuary doors and return slip to bin outside church office door)

5)  After the call to give as soon as the special music begins deacons receive the morning offering. After the team receives the offering, two deacons process down the center aisle behind the elder during the doxology. After the elder’s prayer the deacons depart sanctuary. Empty offering plates are returned to the deacon closet in sanctuary narthex.

6)  Deacons process to the communion table during the first verse of the communion hymn. Remind team to serve pianist, organist, nursery attendants, and extended session adults.

7)  After the service deacons remove trash and empty communion cups from the sanctuary.

8)  In the kitchen deacons clean-up communion trays and restock cups in trays before returning to the cabinets.

9)  Adjust AC to 85, turn off lights, close sanctuary doors, lock the south doors with the Allen wrench in the deacon credenza. Turn off electronic handicap door (top of doorframe).

Deacons Ministry Description

Updated 7/9/12

General Description: In the ancient church Deacons were appointed to assist the church leaders who were overwhelmed by the growth and needs of the congregation. As instructed by scripture we look to individuals in the life of the church who demonstrate a willingness and faithfulness to serve God in the Church and in the world. Deacons are expected to be faithful in their worship attendance, willing to serve in various ministries of the church, and to support the church financially.


1)  To serve on a serving team to assist with communion and offering in Sunday worship.

2)  To serve in at least one ministry in the life of the church each year: teaching, volunteering, leading a committee, serving on a department etc.

3)  To encourage others in their spiritual life and connection to the Western Oaks Church family.

4)  To welcome visitors to worship, programs, and events in the life of the church

5)  To attend board meetings as a voting member and support the priorities of the congregation. (2012 Board Meetings: Aug 12 & Dec. 2; 2013 Board Meetings: Feb. 17 & May 5)

6)  To communicate with their team leader and co-chairs to enrich the worship and fellowship of the congregation

Inventory of Deacon Closet (Sanctuary Narthex)

Last updated 7/9/12

·  (Communion Trays (gold) used in 11:00 AM service are kept in Kitchen cabinet)

·  12 Offering Trays (gold) used in 2nd service kept here (4 offering trays for 9:00 AM service are stored above mailboxes in workroom)

·  Welches Grape Juice 64 oz (open jugs in kitchen refrigerator) purchased at Sam’s by Wendy Wilkerson. Co-Chairs notify church office when supply is low.

·  Communion bread crackers storage (open boxes in kitchen) purchased through Cokesbury by Kathy Weaver. Co-chairs notify church office when supply is low.

·  Candle lighters and replacement wicks for children acolytes

·  Cups for communion-boxes stored here (open boxes in kitchen) purchased through Cokesbury by Kathy Weaver. Co-chairs notify church office when supply is low.

·  Plastic Bags to clean sanctuary (box)


Reserve Items

·  Candles for Christmas Eve candles (plastic dripping wax guards are stored by Worship Department)

·  Pencils

·  Knife to trim wicks for candle lighters

·  Hymnals (old back up ones for emergencies and unscheduled sanctuary fires)

Communion Bread Information


Loaves of Bread: Carol Short (789-4231) bakes two loaves of bread each week for the ministers to break during the words of institution. There should be 4 frozen loaves of bread in the kitchen freezer (top of fridge) on those rare Sundays when Carol is out of town. The team leader should notify Kelli or Marilyn co-chairs, whenever a team leader uses up the frozen bread stock.

Bread/Crackers: Large shipping boxes of the communion bread/crackers that are served in the trays are stored in deacons’ closet in the sanctuary narthex which is located between the bathrooms. Usually there are a few smaller boxes located in the kitchen in the lower cabinet near the stove. When the inventory is down to one large shipping box the co-chairs will notify Kathy Weaver and she will order 3 new shipping boxes from Cokesbury.

Communion Grape Juice Information


When the inventory of 64 oz Welches Grape Juice gets to 6 jugs the co-chairs will notify Kathy Weaver in the church office who will notify Wendy Wilkerson who will purchase and deliver 6 additional jugs.

Coffee Preparation


Coffee Preparation: Fill large coffee pot (on rolling cart in Kitchen-2) with water to the 60 cup mark. Then, in the basket inside the coffee pot, put 5 1/3 cups of coffee. Wheel the cart to the plug in just outside the church office and plug it into the timer in the wall socket.

Other items placed on the cart:


*sugar, splenda, creamer,

*stir sticks

Can I Prepare Communion Before Sunday? Yes, a front door key and a storage key are available to any Team leader who would prefer to prepare coffee and/or communion before Sunday. An outdoor key is available in Deacon mailbox (#17 ) Monday thru Thursday 9-4:00pm. Please contact the office for outside procedure and alarm code. Please return the key to the deacon mail box when you are finished.


Co-Chair of Deacons, Kelli Fearing-789-8407

Updated 7/9/12

TEAM 1 (First Sunday of each Month)
Deacon Name / Phone / E-mail
Leader: Debby Newell / 721-7696 /
Summer Powers / 414-2315 /
Nathan Powers / 720-7572 /
Mason McDown / 420-3343
Server: Jessica Wall
TEAM 2 (Second Sunday of each Month)
Deacon Name / Phone / E-mail
Leader: Cathy Routon / 749-2801 /
Donna Houchin / 816-7555 /
Shalee Houchin / 210-4003
Taylor Mugnier / 708-1291 /
TEAM 3 (Third Sunday of each Month)
Deacon Name / Phone / E-mail
Leader: Jimmy Ille / 823-5702 /
Phillip Young / 728-2210 /
Reeca Young / 728-2210 /
Mason Sharp
Mikayla Sharp
TEAM 4 (Fourth Sunday of each Month)
Deacon Name / Phone / E-mail
Leader: Ed (Bud) Hill / 420-5972 /
Cindy Hill / 850-9613 /
Kelli Fearing / 789-8407 or 473-6938 /
Seth Nevel / 682-0469
TEAM 5 (Fifth Sunday of each Month)
Deacon Name / Phone / E-mail
Leader: Charlie Conner / 787-4727
Michelle McConnell / 203-0785
Jordan Thomas / 520-0336
Ty Bradley / 249-1845
Server: Talitha Thomas / 905-5609
Servers: Judy McDown, Steve Lairson, Joni Burch

11:00 AM Deacon Teams

Co-Chair of Deacons, Marilyn Chalk-470-6755