9:00 a.m., December 9, 2016

These minutes reflect the actual order of business, not necessarily the order of the agenda.

  1. Call to Order, 9:00 a.m., Friday, December 9, 2016

The special meeting of the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Board of Regents was called to order by President Alicia McAninch at 9:00 a.m., Friday, December 9, 2016. Board members present: Alicia McAninch, Christine Hall, Cathy Gray, Alfred Sena andAgnes Vallejos. Staff present: Superintendent Linda Lyle; Margie Macias, Director of Institutional Support Services; Veronica Hernandez, Director of Human Resources; Kim Chavez, Assistant to the Superintendent, was recorder.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance – United States of America

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Regent Sena.

  1. Introduction of Guests

Regent McAninch welcomed Kara Szkotak, Assistant Attorney General, for the Attorney General’s Office. She also welcomed the following as committee members for the Superintendent Search Committee: Greg Trapp, Executive Director for the Commission for the Blind; Kim Griego, IEP Specialist and Liaison to the ECP from Albuquerque Public Schools; Bridget Priddy, parent of a student who attends the ECP; Julie Maner, Orientation and Mobility Specialist Family Infant Toddler Program; Paul Kilman, Instructional Lead Teacher at the ECP; Ron Later, TVI and O&M at NMSBVIresidential campus;Julie Johnson, Outreach Coordinator for NMSBVI;Marjory Rhodes, Low Vision Clinic Consultant; and Dr. Loana Mason, Director of the Vision Impairment Program at NMSU.

  1. Announcements – Board Comments

Agnes Vallejos – Is very excited to be here today, it has been a process that has taken about a year to be appointed to the Board of Regents. Regent Vallejos stated she is ready to learn as much as possible about the Board.

Christine Hall – Wished everyone a good morning and stated she has mixed feelings about being here today. Regent Hall knows this is something that needs to be done and looks forward to working with everyone here during this process.

Cathy Gray – Stated she is happy to see everyone here today but not for the purpose of this meeting. Regent Gray informed the Board that she and Regent Sena attended the New Mexico School Board Association Meetings this past weekend in Albuquerque and received useful information that will help with the discussion today.

Alfred Sena – Wished everyone a good morning. Like the other Board Members and staff, we are very happy for Superintendent Lyle’s new journey.Now our task at hand is to find someone who might be as successful as Superintendent Lyle. Regent Sena stated he knows this is going to be a challenge. He wished everyone a Happy Holiday.

Alicia McAninch - Welcomedeveryone as the committee gathers to begin the process of choosing our new Superintendent. Regent McAninch said, “I have to tell you when I heard, as many of you were,I was extremely sad to hear of Superintendent Lyle’s decision to retire. In fact,I panicked!” During, her tenure, Superintendent Lyle has taken us on an amazing journey – from a troubled past to a new focus, a new strategic plan. Numerous new programs have begun. New skills have been learned. New ideas that have made the lives of our students better. Superintendent Lyle has the ability to take into account everyone’s view and ideas – then she has the incredible ability to smooth out the edges and accomplish the tasks. She is not only a leader in our state, at our School, but she is a leader who has made significant contributions to the field of the education of the blind. And, she has the amazing ability to communicate the needs and accomplishments of our school to state legislators. So, here we are ready for her to take us on another journey – To lead this search committee help us find our new superintendent. The Board of Regents isconfident, that she, with the assistance of Ronnie and Kim, will help us find the correct person to lead us into the future.

  1. Input
  1. Public Input

There was no one present for public input.

  1. Parent Input

There was no one present for parent input.

  1. Board Activities
  1. Agenda

UPON A MOTION by Christine Hall, seconded by Cathy Gray, the Board moved to approve the agenda for the December 9, 2016, Special Meeting of the NMSBVI Board of Regents as presented. (Carried unanimously)

  1. Minutes, Regular Meeting November 3, 2016 and Special Meeting November 15, 2016

Upon a Motion by Alfred Sena, seconded by Christine Hall, the Board moved to approve the minutes of the November 3, 2016, Regular Meeting and November 15, 2016 Special Meeting of the NMSBVI Board of Regents as presented. (Carried 4 – 0, Regent Vallejos abstained from voting)

  1. Other Items:
  1. NMSBVI 2007 Superintendent Focus
  2. NMSBVI 2007 Superintendent Qualities/Qualifications

Superintendent Lyle went over the process of looking for the next Superintendent. The purpose of the search committee is to identify the qualities and the qualifications we will use. The committee will develop a rubric that the search committee will use to look over the applicants and select a short list of finalists. The Regents will have the qualities section and will use that portion in the finalist section of the search. There will be a drop box for applicants to submit their applications electronically in screen reader format so that all of the committee can access the applicants and review the applications prior to the meeting. The committee will have to spend a day together in March to review the applications and discuss the strengths and make a recommended list of applicants for the Regents. The Regents will also receive a list of all the applicants. In the end it will be the Board of Regents decision. A survey has been sent out to all staff asking for their input. There has also been a letter out to all parents asking for their input and letting them know they can attend the January 12, 2017 Board of Regents Meeting and give their input. Superintendent Lyle asked the committee to split up into two groups and discuss what qualities and qualifications they would like to see in the new Superintendent.

Superintendent Lyle asked what were some of the main qualities the groups came up with. Regent Gray stated there was a lot of discussion of passions for the position.

Regent Sena said he would like to hear from staff what is important. Regent Sena stated that after sitting and listening and reading what the staff has already provided to the committee there is an immense amount of expectation from staff and that is a good thing. The committee needs to know what are the key qualities NMSBVI is looking for and that will help to realize success in who is selected for the positions. Regent McAninch stated that a good communicator and writer is very important. Superintendent Lyle said that the Regents can request a writing sample from each finalist. Other qualifications are leadership, good communications and passion for the students. Paul Kilman said one important qualification is the teamwork piece. This is something that makes NMSBVI very unique. NMSBVI encourages teamwork, promotes and embraces it. Julie Johnson said a Superintendent should be approachable and have mutual respect. Superintendent Lyle would like to find someone that recognizes that staff isthe best asset and strength NMSBVI has. NMSBVI needs a leader that believes in our staff. Margie Macias said NMSBVI also needs a leader that is able to go out to the State and the Legislature to sell the school. MargieMacias stated that the next leader needs to be able to be involved in different committee meetings and show what the school is all about. Julie Maner would like to see someone that has a future vision and is willing to push the school forward. Greg Trapp said that the Superintendent needs to have the ability to deal with stress and not let it become overwhelming. This is a quality Superintendent Lyle has and not everyone does.

Superintendent Lyle went over some of the qualifications the committee came up with, thatincluded: people skills, effective communication both verbal and written, TVI experience of two to three years, Administration Certification preferred but leadership experience required, public relations skills, budget and finance experience, experience with policies, experience with IEP’s, understanding IDEA, experience with children birth – 21, transition, some understanding of capital improvement, transportation and infrastructure, experience as a Special Education Teacher, able to travel to both campuses, able to participate in national and international associations and support to the Personnel Prep Program. Ron Later feels that the next Superintendent needs to be mandated to be a licensed TVI due to past history from school leadership. Dr. Loana Masonasked how youcan advocate with other groups if you don’t understand blindness and visual impairment. It is unfair to require your staff to be certified and have a Superintendent who is not certified. Regent Gray asked how many State Schools require their staff to be licensed TVI’s. Superintendent Lyle stated that she does not know of any other schools that have the model where all teachers are TVI’s. Regent Gray stated that if there is a candidate that has all the other qualifications we could lose out on a great candidate because they are not a licensedTVI. Dr. Mason stated that ifthere areapplicants that have taken visual impairment specific course work but donot have the licensure, they should be considered. Superintendent Lyle stated that there is going to have to be very specific questions around the field of blindness especially in the areas of assessment and eligibility determination. Paul Kilman said that a candidate should have experience as a principal at a school for at least 5 to 10 years to be able to bring that knowledge into the position for a Superintendent. Dr. Mason said there are limited leadership opportunities in the field of blindness and visually impairment. Dr. Mason said that blindness and visually impairment is very important to her, she would like to see this as a requirement. Regent Hall asked if the 5 -10 years is too much to ask. Paul Kilman said that 5 years in a leadership role is reasonable to ask for. Regent Gray does not feel that it is unreasonable to ask for 5 - 6 years of teaching experience and then some leadership experience. Superintendent Lyle asked the committee how much experience they would like to request with budget, finance, policies, IEP, IDEA? Paul Kilman said that there should not be a set amount of time but they should have some experience in each area. Regent Sena suggested that they should have experience and or understanding in these areas. Dr. Mason stated that the committee needs to be careful because they are going to get general education principals applying that may have some knowledge but very little experience in areas such as special education. Superintendent Lyle feels like issues like the funding and transportation piece are “willingness to learn” issues because every states and or school’s capital funding is unique and unless NMSBVI hires from within there is not going to be anyone with this experience. It is also the responsibility of the new Superintendent to learn. Superintendent Lyle would like to talk about preferences such as if there is a successor that can be hired from within. Ron Later stated if there is someone that has Superintendent Lyle’s training, experience and personality that would be ideal, but he does not believe there is. Paul Kilman said that after talking with other staff they would prefer hiring from within because the new Superintendent would know our system. They would have knowledge of different areas in the schools. They would still have a lot to learn but they would know how NMSBVI works as a team and how cooperative we are. Regent Hall stated that if the Board hires from within and the new Superintendent has all the all the knowledge but does not havethe communication skills with employees and other entities that would not be good for the school. Regent Gray stated that one plus would be if the Board hires from within the Board could create a position of Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent Lyle could mentor this person until she retires. If it is someone from out of State, they will not be able to start this position as quickly. Superintendent Lyle said she is will to mentor the new Superintendent. Dr. Mason said that she is not opposed to hiring from within but it should not be a preference. The best qualified candidate should be hired. Regent Sena said that as we go through the process of selecting a new Superintendent the Board needs to go off the merit of what qualifications the candidate has and as a Board be very transparent. Regent Sena said as a Board there is a strong desire to make sure the school will continue in the same direction. Paul Kilman stated that the employees know that the Board has the best interest of the school and as staff we need to trust that.

Superintendent Lyle said the next step will be a work session to put together questions for the candidates.

The dates and times of the work sessions are as follows:

January 13, 2017, Friday at 10:00 a.m. at the ECP in Albuquerque – Work Session to put together questions for the candidates

March 17, 2017, Friday at 9:00 a.m. at the ECP in Albuquerque – Select finalist to present to the Board of Regents

March 24, 2017, Friday at the ECP in Albuquerque – Special Board of Regents Meeting to select finalist to be interviewed (times to be determined)

April 10–14, 2017 – Start interviewing candidates (times to be determined)

April 20, 2017, Thursday at 9:00 the ECP in Albuquerque – Regular Meeting – Hire Superintendent

Loana Mason said that for Higher Education the hiring process takes two days and gives the candidates a chance to meet staff and tour the campus. It may be a good idea to have the candidates do a presentation for staff. Regent Gray said if the candidates fly into Albuquerque they can tour the ECP and meet staff there, then drive down to Alamogordo and meet staff and tour the school.

Regent McAninch thanked the committee for being here and know they all have a big interest in this process and look forward in seeing the results of the Superintendent search.

  1. Meeting Adjourned at 11:55 a.m., Friday, December 9, 2016

___(Approved 1/12/17)______(Approved 1/12/17)______

Alicia McAninch, President Linda M. Lyle, Superintendent

NMSBVI Board of Regents

Special Meeting December 9, 2016

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