Wong Ka Ho F.6A No. 26

Globalisation: a chance for Hong Kong

As I am now writing in English, this is already a sign showing Hong Kong has gone global. While listening to the radio, it is not uncommon to find DJs broadcasting songs of American pop singers, like Kelly Clarkson. Doubtless, we are in the epoch of globalisation. I believe globalisation is good for Hong Kong.

First of all, globalisation boosts Hong Kong’s economy as a result of attracting foreign investment. The core value of globalisation is free trade. Hong Kong has a good legal system, and the government policies support the financial system. That makes Hong Kong a dreamland for investors. Based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital, foreign investment has increased year by year.

As for our society, globalisation can improve our society as a whole. Hong Kong has long been a multicultural society. In the epoch of globalisation, we adopt the ideas of the whole world. People know more about the world. Thanks to the development of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the rights of the grassroots have been protected. All of them help Hong Kong to build a citizen-led society.

Globalisation can also provide a high standard of living for Hong Kong people. The boundaries of nations have become blurred. What does that mean? People in Hong Kong can now enjoy foreign products and culture and use the latest technology. We can choose the food coming from other countries in the supermarkets. We can also buy most famous brand-name products, like Chanel and LV without going to France. We can have MSN or Facebook to chat with friends overseas at any time we like. I like to browse through the Internet and listen to western pop music. The things I mentioned are the advantages of having a globalHong Kong.

In addition to that, globalisation offers Hong Kong a global stage to project our traditional culture. The aspect of culture in globalization is works two ways.America has exported its culture to the rest of the world but we can also export our own culture to the world. In the past, the audience for traditional, local cultures was just local people. But now, many foreigners are interested in our traditional culture, like Dragon Boat Festival held on Cheung Chau, a traditional local activity. It has become an international activity today. Globalisation is an era of cultural diversity. Thanks to the government’s efforts, our valuable traditional culture can be a showcase and shine brightly on the global stage.

Someone may claim that globalization brings about the monoplisation of international companies, and thus makes some small local companies not able to compete with international investors. I think it is too pessimistic to have this kind of thought. I believe that if there is no competition, there is no progress. Because of globalisation, there are two changes for the local companies; first they face the competitors from the global world; second, the market has becomemore open. In that context, companies have to upgrade their products and services and use technology skillfully in order to face increased competition. As a result, the consumers can have better quality in both products and service, and they get the greatest benefits from globalisation.

To conclude, globalisation has a good influence on Hong Kong. It boosts Hong Kong’s economy as a result of attracting foreign investment, and making improvements in our society. Also, it can provide a high standard of living for Hong Kong people. I am optimistic that globalisation is a good thing for Hong Kong. We should not let this opportunity pass us by. This can help Hong Kong increase their entire competitiveness when facing the global world.