Paper 1: Living with the physical environment

Q1 Section A: Natural Hazards

Revision of the 3 Ps (prediction, planning and protection)

This is revision so you will need to use your exercise books to help you complete some or all of these tasks. If you find you are missing work in your exercise book see your teacher or borrow the notes. If you are unsure of the work, ask for help. Work needs to be fully completed and handed in on time.
Revision is the key to doing well in your examinations - the more effort you put in, the better you will understand the work in readiness for your Paper 1 examination.
You will need to make some tables bigger so check that before you print the work.

Why do people continue to live in areas at risk from a tectonic hazard such as EARTHQUAKES?

Reason people live in earthquake prone areas: / Explanation:
Frequency - serious earthquakes don't happen very often (e.g. San Francisco 1906 then not another big one until 1989).
Family - lived there for generations, elderly need looking after and won't move.
Work - skills gained there may not be transferable (able to be moved)
Many earthquake zones are close to the coast - climate is good for fishing.
Preparation/protection - people think they are prepared/protected against earthquake damage.

Complete the table above using these reasons:

SO.... younger generations feel bound to stay in the
earthquake zone. / SO...... people stay to make a living. / SO.....they stay because they feel safe from the danger.
SO.... people believe it won't happen in their lifetime. / SO...... people stay to make a living.

Why do people continue to live in areas at risk from a tectonic hazard such as VOLCANOES?

Watch the clip and complete the table. You must use your geographical knowledge to complete the explanations.

Reason people live near volcanoes / Explanation (use your own ideas for this). Start of with ‘this is because or so’

Monitoring of tectonic hazards

Monitoring and predicting volcanoes

Match the method of monitoring to the correct explanation:

Method of monitoring / How it helps monitor/predict volcanoes
Seismometers / When magma is rising, more radon and sulphur dioxide gases get released.
Gas trapping bottles and satellites / Detects changes to the temperature of the volcano’s surface.
Thermal heat sensors / Measures changes in the shape of the volcano.
GPS and tiltmeters / These machines measure small earthquakes and tremors. When magma is on the move it causes hundreds of tiny earthquakes.

Monitoring and predicting earthquakes

Match the method of monitoring to the correct explanation:

Method of monitoring / How it helps predict earthquakes
Radon detection devices / These are believed to act strangely when an earthquake is about to happen.
Sensitive seismometers / Machines measure foreshocks (tremors). An increase in vibrations may indicate a possible earthquake.
Animals / Gas escapes from cracks in the Earth's crust. A sudden increase in radon gas may suggest an earthquake.

Protection from tectonic hazards

Protection from volcanoes

How do volcanoes affect humans? Organise the following effects into primary and secondary effects of volcanoes:

Primary effects (caused by the volcano) / Secondary effects (caused by things other than the actual volcano).
Volcanic winters - ash mixes with water vapour in the air and this aerosol blocks out the sun’s heat causing cold conditions. / Pyroclastic flows (very fast gas clouds) / Mudflow (melting glaciers mix with mud)
Lava flow / Floods (glaciers on sides of volcanoes melt) / Poisonous gases

It's extremely difficult to protect people from volcanic eruptions as houses cannot withstand lava flows, lahars or the weight of ash falling on roofs.

What did they do in Montserrat when the Soufriere Hills volcano began erupting? Unscramble the letters to find the answers.
Watch the clip. When Mt Etna started to erupt in 1992, what two things did the Italians do to try and protect their homes?

Protection from earthquakes

Draw a diagram of an earthquake proof building.

Label at least three protection features.

Useful ideas:

For each of the 3 features you have labelled, describe what it is and explain how it helps protect people from an earthquake.

Feature / Description / Explanation
Shutters on the windows. / It has shutters on the window that come down automatically if there is an earthquake / The shutters stop any broken window glass from falling on people below and hurting them.

Planning in preparation for tectonic hazards

Planning for volcanic eruptions

This shows the Caribbean island of Montserrat. Maps like these have been produced for many of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes showing the likely areas to be affected.

What are these maps called? Unscramble the letters below

D A A H Z R A M P =______

Education of people about volcanoes

Complete the table below to explain three things you would tell people to do if caught in a volcanic eruption. Give at least two pieces of advice:

Advice to people / How this will protect them from the effects of the volcanic eruption:

Planning for earthquakes

Complete the table below to describe and explain what you would include in your emergency earthquake kit:


Item description / Explanation (WHY WOULD YOU NEED IT? Do not leave the examiner thinking ‘so what’?)
Torch / The earthquake may have knocked down electricity lines so there would be no lights so I would need this to search for survivors or find my way to a hospital.
The earthquake may have knocked down building so there would be a lot of dust in the air so it might be quite dark so I would need a torch to see where I was going.

Preparing your home

Complete the table below to describe and explain how you would prepare your home against the effects of an earthquake.

Some ideas:

Item description / Explanation (WHY WOULD YOU NEED IT? Do not leave the examiner thinking ‘so what’?)
Move my bed away from the window. / So if the windows break during the shaking, I will not get showered with glass.

Education of people about earthquakes

Complete the table below.

Advice to people / How this will protect them from the effects of the earthquake