Current & Pending Support

Joseph Haley

Current: DOE Base Grant
Sponsor/Source: DOE
Award number: DE-SC0010108
Title: Theoretical & Experimental Research in Weak, Electromagnetic, & Strong Interactions
Lead PI: S. Nandi, Co-PIs: K. S. Babu, F. Rizatdinova, A. Khanov, J. Haley
Total amount of Award for the whole group: $1,044,000
Total Award Amount for Experimental part*: $585,000
Total Award Period*: 04/01/2013 - 03/31/2017
Person-months per year: 2 summer months
*Note that Dr. Haley was added as a Co-PI to this grant in 2016.
Project Abstract:
This award is for the experimental component of a DOE comparative review grant, with Dr. Haley added in 2016 as a Co-PI. Haley’s research activities covered by this grant are optimization of boosted W tagging and searches for vector-like quarks that decay into final states with one or more leptons using the ATLAS experiment at CERN.

Pending: DOE Base Grant (this proposal)
Sponsor/Source: DOE
Award number: (this proposal)
Title: Theoretical & Experimental Research in Weak, Electromagnetic, & Strong Interactions
Lead PI: S. Nandi, Co-PIs: K. S. Babu, F. Rizatdinova, A. Khanov, J. Haley
Total Award Amount requested: $2,076,000
Total Award Amount for Experimental part: $1,346,000
Total Award Period: 04/01/2017 - 03/31/2020
Person-months per year: 2 summer months
Project Abstract:
This award is for the experimental component of a DOE comparative review grant, with Dr. Haley as one of the three Co-PIs. Haley’s main research activities include searches for vector-like quarks that couple to light SM quarks, leading the combination of ATLAS vector-like-quark analyses, the optimization and calibration of top tagging methods, and supervising students working on the ITk upgrade.

Pending: NSF REU Site
Sponsor/Source: NSF
Proposal ID: 1659827
Title: REU Site: Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Experience in Physics at Oklahoma State University
Lead PI: A. Khanov
Total Award Amount requested: $353,031
Total Award Period: 09/01/2017--08/31/2020
Person-months per year: no summer support
Project Abstract:
This funding is with A. Khanov as the Lead-PI. Dr. Haley will mentor one undergraduate student for 10 weeks during summer. The student will be involved in high energy physics research described in the current proposal. No additional time commitment is involved.

Sponsor/Source: NSF
Proposal ID: 1654121
Title: CAREER: Searching for New Particles at the LHC and Engaging Future Scientists in Physics at the Energy Frontier
Lead PI: J. Haley
Total Award Amount: $784,000
Total Award Period: 08/01/2017 - 07/31/2022
Person-months per year: 1 summer months
Project Abstract:
The primary research activities include searches for vector-like quarks in final states with zero leptons, performing combinations of ATLAS vector-like-quark searchers, and optimization and calibration of the shower deconstruction method to tag top quarks. It also includes an outreach component consisting of a high school physics camp and a program to send undergraduate researchers to CERN.