The magnetic top of Universe as a model of quantum spin
Source file of A.O. Barut, M. Bozic and Z. Maric
Substitution, conversion and transformation by Dusan Stosic
The magnetic top is defined by the property that the external magnetic field B coupled to the angular velocity as distinct from the top fhose magnetic moment is independent of angular velocity. This allows one to
construct a "gauge" theory of the top where the caninical angular momentum of the ooint particle and the B field plays the role of the gauge potential. Magnetic top has four constants of motion so that Lagrange equations for Euler angles ,, (wich define the orientation of the top) are solvable, and are solved here. Although the Euk=ler angles have comlicated motion.,the canonical angular momentum s, interpreted as spin , obeys precisely a simple precession equation. The Poisson brackets of allow us further to make an unambiguous quantization of spin , leading to the Pauli spin Hamiltonian. The use of canonical angular momentumalleviates the ambiguity in the ordering of the variables in the Hamiltonian. A detailed gauge theory of the asimmetric magnetic top is alsou given.
Euler angles - The xyz (fixed) system is shown in blue, the XYZ (rotated) system
is shown in red. The line of nodes, labelled N, is shown in green.
II . Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of the symmetric magnetic top 6
III. Lagrange equation for the magnetic topand their solutions for
constant magnetic field1 10
IV. The torque equation and its equivalence with the Lagrange
equations 17
V. Hamilton's equations for the magnetic top 18
VI. Quantum magnetic top 21
VII. The states of the quantum magnetic top 26
VIII. The Asymmetric Magnetic top 29
Appendix A.Top with magnetic moment fixed in the body frame 36
I. Inroduction
References 41
Whereas the coordinates and momenta of quantum particles have a classical origin
or a classical
counterpart,the spin is generally thought to have no classical origin. It is, in Pauli
words,"a calassicay non
-explanable two-valuedness"{1} .Thus, the spin and coordinates are not on the same
footing as far as the
picture of the particles is concerned.
In atomic physics the role of spin is enormous due to the Pauli-principle and spin
statistics connection,althougt the numerical values of spin orbit terms are small.
In nuclear and particle physics and in very high energy physics, there spin hyperfine
terms turned out to play an essential role, whose theoretical understandig is still
lacking (2). Even in the interpretation and foundations of quantum theory, the nature
of spin seems to be rather crucial, and a need for a classical model of spin has long
been felt (3).
Our knowledge about the importance of spin in all these areas comes from the
widespread and succesfull applicability of Pauli and Dirac matrices and spin
representation of Galillei and Poincare groups. Although there is no mystery is
actually some mystery in the physical origin and in the visualization of spin.
(It cocerns the spin 1/2 as well as the higher spins). Because of all those reasons
there has been in the past many attempts to identify internal spin variables and to main
clssical models of spin, both of Pauli (4-12) as well as of Dirac spin (13-18)
But , none ofthe nonrelativistic spin models has been generally accepted, either
because none of the propsed models is without shorthcomings and difficulties or
because the prevailling attitude of physicists towards internal spin variables is, in
Schulman's words: a general unconfortablenes at the mention of internal spin variables
and a reliance on the more formal, but nevertheless completely adequate, spinor
wave functions which are labelled basis vectors for a representation of so*3)
but are endowed with no further properties"(10)
In this paper, we shall consider the nonrelativistic Pauli spin, and a minimal
classical model - in the sense of the smallest possible phase space dimension
- underlying the Pauli equation. Our classical model of quantum spin is based
on magnetic top , wich we define as a top whose mafnetic moment is
proportional to the angular velocity(Chapter II) By solving the classical
equation of motion of the magnetic top we shall show that it has, by virtue
of the special coupling to the magnetic field, a unique property that the motion
of its magnetic moment is one dimensional (i.e ptecessio around the magnetic field)
whereas the top itself performs a complicated three-dimensional motion
(Chapters III and IV).
The motion of the magnetic moment of the magnetic top is different in an essential
way from the motion of the top which carries magnetic moment fixed in the body
frame. Namely, a magnetic moment which is fixed to the top preform a
three-dimensional motion (precession with nutation) since it shares the motion
of the body to which it is attached (Apendix A). This distinction is the consecuence
of the differnce in the form of the two Lagrangian. The potential in the Lagrangian
of magnetic top (Chapter II) is angular velocity
dependent whereas the potential of the top which carries magnetic moment is velocity
indeoendent (Apendix A). Also, Hamiltonian of the latter top is simple sum of kinetic
and angular velocity independent potential wheras Hamiltonian of magnetic top is
not of this form(Chapter II).
It is necessery to relize those differences in order to understand the difference
between our work and previous works (8,9,10( on the classical models of spin
which were also based on the top.
In Rosen work, classical model of spin is in fact the top with angular velocity
independent potential (8). In our oppinion this model is unsatisfactory because
for quantum spin there exists the linear relation between magnetic
moment operator and spin angular momentum operator ,whereas, such
a relation does not characterize Rosen's classical model in which it is assumed
that Hamiltonian is a sum of kinetic energy and potential energy is
independent of angular velocity. But this is possible only if is independent
of spin angular momentum.
The Lagrangian of the magnetic top is identical with the Lagrangian of the Bopp
and Haag (9) model of spin. But the procedure of the construction of the Hamiltonian
and subsequent quantization procedures differ in our and in the Bopp and Haag
aproach (Chapter VI).
Certain authors have arged in the past that the top is not an appropriate model
of spin, because its configuration space (which is three dimensional ) is larger
than it is necessert. Namely, in Nielsen and Rohrlich words (11) "quantum-mechanical
perticle of definite spin is essentially one-dimension (since it is completelt by
the eigenstates of one coordinate) so Schulman's formulation seems over complicated".
It follous from our analysis that this remark is not applicable to the magnetic top
because although its configuration space is three-dimensional, the magnetic moment
of magnetic top precesses around constant magnetic field (Chapter III). Moreover, in
the light of this result it becomes understadable why Pauli theory of the spin motion in
a magnetic field has been so succseful despite the fact that it avoids to answer the
question as to what the internal spin variables are and what the variables conjugate
to spin are. The explanation is simple. It is a satisfactory theory for those phenomena
for which only thr motion of magnetic moment is relevant. But, are there phenomena
determined by the motion of the magnetic top itself. Our answer is positive. One
example is the phase change of spinors in magnetic fields (Chapter VII).
II Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of the symetric magnetic top
As stated in the Inroduction we shell use the word"top" to denote the mechanical
object whose orientation in the reference frame is discribed by Euler angles ,,.
Magnetic top by definition has a magnetic moment proportional to its angular
The angular momentum itself is proportional to the vector of angular velocity
are unit vectors of the coordinates system attached to the body
and whose orientation iz the Laboratory frame are three Euler angles
are unit vectors along the axis of the Laboratory reference
frame. The components of in the Laboratory frame are :
The components of in the body-fixsed frame, on the other hand are:
The kinetic energy of the free symmetrical top is a simple function of (or )
According to classical electrodynamics the potential energy of the magnetic moment M
in a magnetic field B is:
Conseqently , the Lagrangian takes the form:
Conseqently , the Lagrangian takes the form:
But , for our magnetic top we assume that the relation(1) is valid. By incorporating
this relation into the Lagrangian we get:
It is important to realize that this Lagrangian is different, in an essential way , from
the Lagrangian studied in classical electromagnetism, where is a fixed vector
in body frame and
Following general procedures we need now to express ,, and
in terms of , and
Bicause the dependence of the Lagrangian on , and is
trough angular velocity it is usefull ro express angular velocity through
the cannonical moment , and
We shallnow define a new vector quantity - cannonical angular
momentum s, by
It is seen ...take the form
The latter relation is analogous to the relation between the
kinetic momentum in the electromagnetic field of the vector potential A
Now we are ready to write the Hamiltonian of the magnetic top
according to
After some algebra we obtain
So ,again the form of the Hamiltonian ......
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III . Lagrange equations for the magnetic top and their
solutions for constant magnetic fields
We shell now write and solve Lagrange equations of motion for magnetic top in a constant
magnetic field, assumed to be directed along the z-axis of the space-fixed reference frame. This assumption does not reduce the generality of our solution, since the orientation of the Laboratory frame may be chosen convenniently. With this assumption the Lagrangian (8) takes the form :
Because this Lagrangian does not depende on f and c the momenta and are integrals of motions :
Hence the corresponding two Lagrange equations reduce to two first order differential equations :
The third Lagrange equation is a second order differential equation
In order to solve the latter equation we shall substitute into it the following expressions
obtained from eqs.(20)
Now we note the remarkable identities
With the aid of those identities we transforme equation (25) to any one of following two forms :
Now multiplying bots equations with = we find
So, we found two other integrals of motion. In order to find (t). It is sufficient to use of them
After some algebraic operations we recognize on the left hand site an integrable function ;x=sin()
The solution reads
Therefore cos( ) oscillates with the period between the two values determined by
Consequently, oscillates with the same period between the corresponding values and : depending on the initial condition.
Now we are ready to determine and . By integrating the equation (23) we find :
38 a
38 b
In an analogous way we obtain
39 a
39 b
Not that only (t) depends on the magnetic field
Implicit assumption that sin( )=0 , there exist particular solution of Lagrange equation, which are characterised by : sin(t) for any value of t. Such solution exist for initial conditios : or , , Lagrange equation 20-22 are then equvalent to :
The solution of the latter equations are :
The fact that for those initial conditions the equations give only the dependence of (+) on t and do not give the dependence on t of each angle separately is understandable. When the z-axis of the body frame coincides with the z-axis of laboratory frame the rotation described by (t) and (t) are rotations about the same axis (z-axis) and consequently the angles (t) and (t) do not appear separately but together in a sum.
Having determined the solution of Lagrange equations of motion we may now determine the time dependence of the most important quantity for our purpouse, i.e. kinetic angular momentum (2) and cannonical (spin) - (12). By virtue of the equations (23) and (24) we find that is a constant of motion
Further, taking into account the relation (24) and (30) and introducing the angle such that :
we can write and in the form
Taking into account the solution given in (37) we obtain a simple dependence of -on t.
Cosequently, the dependence of and on tis simple too. The vector precesses around the z-axis with the frequency forming fixed angle with the x-axis.
Taking into account the relation (13) between and s we find that the canonical angular momentum also precesses around time-independent magnetic field
In the case of motion described by the solution (40a ) neither nor s precess because for and
we have:
But , at the same time the body rotates around z with the frequency