Church Phone: (781) 878-0650 (leave message on machine) Church e-mail:

Minister: Rev. Gretchen RobinsonHome:(508) 226-2910e-mail:

Religious Education Director: Deeya PavelleHome:(774) 526-3652e-mail:

Prudential Committee:

Kareen Arena: Co-ChairpersonHome:(781) 878-1988e-mail:

Cheryl Gardner: Co-ChairpersonHome: (781) 878-0521, e-mail:

Margaret Holmes: ClerkHome: (781) 982-2893e-mail:

Aaren ArenaHome:(781) 878-1988

Jason CarterHome:(781) 447-1147e-mail:

Susan CurranHome:(781) 767-4230e-mail: [email protected]

Gary PaulHome:(781) 293-2447e-mail:

Katie TierneyHome:(781)

Treasurer: Phil BerryHome: (781) 585-4412e-mail:

Asst. Treasurer: Danny Howland:Home:(781) 871-0471e-mail:

Music and Worship: Becky PaulHome:(781) 293-2447e-mail:

Building & Grounds: Paul ArenaHome:(781) 878-1988,e-mail:

Music Director: Lillian Cunningham-HallHome: (781) 878-3396

Flower Committee: Debbie ArenaHome:(781) 878-4470

Church Secretary: Bob SmithHome:(508) 583-8860, e-mail:

Visit our website:

From the Minister

Back when I first became a member the U. U. church in Attleboro, I used to think Sunday's sermon was designed to give parishioners a week's worth of inspiration and ideas for how to live. Then for the other six days, we were to carry the message within us, reflecting on it, and try to apply it in our lives.

Now that I'm a minister, I see how limited and naïve my original view was. That kind of top-down thinking was discarded long ago. In reality you inspire me! It's a circle where we encourage and support one another. Can you imagine trying to explain church life to someone who's never experienced it, the warmth of our fellowship? No-- immersing yourself in the life of a church brings many rewards. We grow in ways we could not never have planned or even imagined. That's what spiritual growth is.

I talk a lot about the word 'sanctuary,' that it means 'a safe space.' Channing Church is a safe place to discover or recover your spiritual self, as well as those parts of yourself you've had to put on hold. As a church we will be actively seeking to become even more of a sanctuary as we start the Welcoming Congregation program. This is a process of learning how to be more at home with people who may be different from us, particularly Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered persons. The program prepares us to open our hearts in new ways and to be more accepting and affirming of others. In the process we become more at home within ourselves.

I'm not sure how involved this program will turn out to be, how much 'work' we at Channing have to do. I think the congregation is already hugely welcoming and may just need some workshops and chances for us to ask questions of guest speakers who may be invited to speak here. We may be viewing videos that raise concerns and considerations we, frankly, never even thought of before.

Continued on back page...

Channing’s Annual

Holiday Fair!!

Be A Part of It!!

10 AM – 2 PM – Saturday, November 17, 2007

This is the one we all look forward to. The Church’s largest fund-raiser.

Spend the day with us!

There are Christmas craft items, including wreaths, Jewelry, hand made items, baked goods, a white elephant table, and a mini restaurant with chowder, sandwiches, hot dogs and fries. More importantly there is a festive air, a chance to meet old friends, and the realization we truly have begun the holiday season.

Lucky Square Table back this year!

2 PM The Fair closes, but the fun isn’t over!

Supper at 6:00 PM – Get your tickets early!

Ham and Bean supper $8.oo. Vegetarian meal of Macaroni & Cheese $7.00

Children 10 and under $4.00. Dinner prices include beverage and dessert.

And then ......


More On the Holiday Fair

This is a call for help. We will be setting up for our annual fair the week of Nov. 12 - 16. Morning, afternoon and evening hours are available. Call Debby (781-878-4470), Kareen (781-878-1988), or Donna (781-878-6162).

Donations are needed of: Christmas Craft items; Knit or handmade items; Jewelry; Wreath Decorations; Food Basket items (This is one of the most popular raffles); Baked Goods (for our other most popular and profitable table). Items that go well on this table are: pies (large or small), breads, jellies, jams, fudge, cookies, and small or 1/2 cakes.

Ham & Bean supper tickets are available until Wednesday, Nov. 14th. ...and don’t forget about our after-dinner auction!

The Fund Raising Committee is looking forward to working with ALL of you.

Donna will see you with her clipboard!

Thank you,

Maryann Frennette

Donna Berry

Linda Tesauro

Kareen, Aaren, Bonnie & Debby Arena



For the party on September 9th to recognize my 30 years of service as organist of Channing Church. All my thanks for the great food, gifts, and friendship.

With love and appreciation,

Lillian Cunningham Hall.

Well we are back to church and all the activity is “WONDERFUL”

We see many new faces around the church, so please take the time to introduce yourself and I’ll be wearing my name badge. We all should “wear our name badge”, don’t assume that people know who you are. Newcomers are a lot more comfortable when talking with new friends if they have this aid to your identity.

Well Donna and I have “kinda settled-in”!!!!!!

We would like to thank everyone who helped us make this move to Kingston. Without all your help, we might still be moving….LOL

This summer and presently this fall and into the winter will be as busy for Donna and me.

I have been to Washington DC for business, Oregon for UU General Assembly, off to Arkansas for another event in Nov, then to Guatemala in January. Oh did I mention Alanna’s Wedding on September 12 which was “FANTASTIC”!!!!

Donna has some pictures developed and we will bring them into church so all can see. We could not have asked for anything better, the weather, the food, the music, the atmosphere were Utterly Beyond Words….A good time was had by ALL.

Well in between the moments mentioned, we fill in our time with church activities, the set up for the Annual Yard Sale, then the day of the Yard Sale, it was decided to use our blue & white tent, as it gives the yard sale more visibility and it sure did…we sold over $1,200 worth of “Good Sthuff”.

The Open House and much thanks to Aaren Arena for all her hard work to set it up;

the set up for the Rummage Sale and the two days of sales and especially the clean up and lugging all the left over to Salvation Army. Many, many thanks to everyone who helped set up and especially the hard work of CLEAN UP!!!!


Please be aware that during this cold weather, please take note to not leave doors open, especially the ones between the buildings and opening windows.

The oil prices are out of sight as we all know. Danny will be filling the tanks in both buildings and the total for filling the 500 gallon RE building and 200+ in the Church Area will total over $1,600.00 and that is not the total for the entire winter.

And this along with the deficit amount of over $13,000.00 over budget to make ends meet.

REMEMBER, the leap of Faith or as I see it, “LEAP OF ORGANIZATION”

We have set our sights to do this,



What new ideas have we planned !!!!

What new activities have we planned !!!!

What plans have been scheduled !!!!



We are into the first quarter of our year and

NOTHING towards the deficit has been accomplished!!!!





See UU all at church and please bring your ideas and action plans.

We all have to work together to make this work.



Religious Education News

By Deeya Pavelle, Director of Religious Education

Hard to believe another month has past into memory. The Children's Program is moving along well. We have been focusing on the seven principles and the inHEREnt dignity and worth of all human beings. The Spirit Seekers have used a learning game and the Teen Group has been discussing current events and historical events to bring the topic alive.

We had our first doll making session. I knew I asked Wendy Budwey to help for a reason! She is so organized when it comes to that type of thing. The kids had fun and used Fair Trade coffee to make a dye bath for our dolls. Little Natalie learned a new meaning for Die/Dye, and when she put her cloth into the bath her eyes lit up and she exclaimed, "I am dying it!" She was soooo happy.

We have talked about ways we are alike and different, even when we all had our hats on, the hats were really different! And we all had things in common and things that were special. Our inHEREnt dignity and worth...


As part of an adult RE branch we would like to start a Book Club. We would meet one Sunday a month and eat soup and bread and salad and have a good talk. I have many ideas for books but would prefer to know what you would like to read. Please email me at and I will start getting things ready.

I just want to say again how lucky I am to be able to work with your children. Thay are all so wonderful... and if you hear great piano music? That would be a new member of the Teen Group, John. Say 'Hi' to him!
Bright Blessings,
Deeya and Freddy the Frog

Raffle tickets for the Peace Quilt are still available

$2.00 ea. or 3 for $5.00.

My Heart is Moved

Songs that guide us through the narrows to a deeper understanding of who we are as planetary and cosmic beings.

Carolyn McDade and Friends

Invites the community to sing the music from this new release.

-Songs giving us an emotional entry into the profound wisdom of the

Earth Charter and songs that pull us beyond the curve of time to

establish our grounding in the community of life.

Sunday, October 21, 4:00pm

First Universalist Society of Franklin

262 Chestnut Street, Franklin, MA

Happy Halloween!

Usually our children usually just receive candy but this year our children will help spread the word about Fair Trade. Equal Exchange is part of a program called Reverse Trick or Treat. The kids thank the people for the candy they receive with a large postcard that talks about fairly traded chocolate, with a free sample! Our young people are remarkably dedicated
to Social Justice it warms my heart and gives me hope.

Thank you!

Deeya and Freddy

Worship Services

Sunday, October 21: Led by Gretchen Robinson

Sunday, October 28: Samhain Service led by Marc Tierney

Sunday, November 4: led by Gretchen Robinson

Sunday, November 11: Layled service led by Chris Uminski


Submitted by Cheryl Gardner

The October 15 issue of Time, published on October 5, carries a full-page ad for Unitarian Universalism. This ad, with the message "Is God Keeping You From Going to Church?” represents the first of four appearances Unitarian Universalists will have in Time between now and the end of 2007. All ads carry the slogan, "Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World."

With the launch of this campaign you will find updated information
(the index page carries a link to the campaign). There you'll find a graphic of the October 15 Time cover and of the ad itself as well as links to much more information including samples of the Time ads available for congregational use.

The UUA will also publish an "advertorial" in the November 5 (cover date) issue which will be available on news stands on October 26; with that ad, the new UUA/Time co-sponsored religion pageswill also go live.

More information about the campaign will be sent in coming weeks.

Also featured on are two new videos on Unitarian Universalism(both are also posted on YouTube): a ten-minute welcoming video,"Voices of a Liberal Faith - Unitarian Universalists" (available forpurchase) and a thirty-second promotional message. See to view these videos.

Note! We have just been informed that this conference is sold out!

UU New England Conference

Worcester, MA Saturday, October 27, 2007

There will be no Ballou Channing District Fall Conference this year!

This event replaces it and brings together the leaders and future leaders of the BCD the Clara Barton District, the Massachusetts Bay District, the Northeast District, and the NH/VT District.

The theme of the conference is “Strengthening Lay & Professional Leadership.”

Keynote speakers are Gini Courter, Moderator of the UUA, and the Rev. Rob Eller-Isaacs, President of the UU Ministers Assoc. offering a keynote conversation about the complexities of the relationship between our UU professionals and our lay leadership.

Registration is through each individual’s district. Further information is posted.


Don’t miss out on this monthly event! Tickets are sold weekly during coffee hour for $2 each. The drawings are held the third Sunday of each month.

Our latest winner is MARC TIERNEY!

Wishing you all good luck! Aaren Arena

Channing Unitarian Universalist Church

45 Webster Street

Rockland Ma 02370

(781) 878-0650


Our Family Is A Circle of Strength and Love


Child care available

Religious Education Classes available

October 18, 2007


Sunday, October 21: Led by Gretchen Robinson

Sunday, October 28: Samhain Service led by Marc Tierney

Sunday, November 4: led by Gretchen Robinson

Sunday, November 11: Lay-led service led by Chris Uminski


Saturday, October 20: Annual Food Pantry Coffee House

Saturday, November 17: Holiday Fair, Dinner & Auction

Minister’s column, continued from front page

I'm excited about achieving this milestone in the life of Channing Church. One reason is that we will be providing leadership to the community on how to be welcoming to everyone. High sounding-language is all well and good. It inspires us and gives us ideals to live by. Then there's the real work of bringing our values into our work life, family life, and our life in the community. I've told several people that, "I think you are there already." That you are warm and welcoming and open and willing to be that way with people who are very different from ourselves.

I think this effort is one of the most spiritually and religiously fulfilling steps we can take. I invite you to join us in this effort. And there are other programs we'll be offering, programs coming up for integrating new members and helping longtime members go deeper into their Faith. It's going to be a year of spiritual growth and _____ and ____ and ______!!! Come spend the church year with us and then fill in your own blank spaces with what is most meaningful to you.

PS if you haven't met our new Director of Religious Education, you're in for a treat. Come meet the dynamic Deeya!

Gretchen Robinson

A Reminder to “Fall Back”

Daylight Savings Time ends this year on Sunday November 4. at 2 am.

Be sure to mark this date on your calendar and turn your clocks back!