July 9, 2009 Captain's Meeting

1. Agenda

1.1 Dispatch

Carol Workman

- Working on SOP manual

- Four in training

- Two openings

- Everbridge Situation: reverse 911 issues for the past tornado was mostly user error. Carol was honest by saying they hadn't been doing their monthly testing and procedures. All agencies were not doing their testing to ensure competence, and now it's being looked at.

- Dispatch will be sending out surveys, so please take time to give them your feedback.

- Herrington: Pro QA for EMD? Carol believed coding was working well. Jim wanted to know what percentage was accurate, but she didn't know. Chief Poncelow stated mid 90% of accuracy.

- Salmon: I asked Carol what her vision was for how to bring the dispatchers into SOP alignment like they are with the cops. Carol will be working for Dispatcher certification and recertification, and will be working to get them out for ridealongs. The tenured dispatchers have no update and recert manuals at this time. She is going to work for this and it will take time.

- Len asked about mutual aid, on-views (come across an incident), and auto aid calls can dispatch generate a call number since our CAD won't do it automatically. Can dispatch have in their procedures to create these that need it. The reality is the officer on the apparatus needs to make sure a call is generated. Brad believes the on-view calls is because the dispatcher isn't running the call through the normal channels. Bob Poncelow has a plan to have a button on the MDT which would create an on-view which would create a call.

- Incident Rep will announce when on-scene for documentation and accountability.

- Vegetation fires require a fire control time to be able to complete the call.

- Carol understands that her dispatchers are understaffed, and that 3 dispatchers on duty can't handle a very busy shift. She hopes to be at a minimum of four on duty.

1.1.1 Brad K. Update

1) Group homes list - see list where three engines, one truck, and BC will respond.

2) This list of group homes data is dependent on when City GIS and County mapping will upload their data to CAD. Estimate of mid August for this to begin.

3) Just the address, not the name, will be in the dispatch since these have a way of changing.

4) NUMBER codes: P- fire district; Station area; code for Brad, number of engines; ambulance district

5) Fourplex and more have to be sprinkled by new code.

6) Quent S. Will keep this list current.

7) Send updates for this list to Quentin or Brad

8) Criteria is: monitored, alarmed, not sprinkled.

Station 4 area update:

1) new boundaries from actual data driving the areas. They verified the data as best as possible. Training Update

1) See drawing of new roof props:

40' x 10' for foot print. There will be many different roof styles and designs.

2) Interior of container will be search maze; breach props; getting ideas from other departments.

3) Send comments to Brad about what we want.

1.2 EMS

Mary Makris

See Printed EMS Update

1) Med bag vote and results: Option 2 won, please update kits

2) Updraft Treatments (Proventil) will be in our kits to assist with initial airway treatment.

3) New protocols almost completed: Two protocols books, BLS and ALS/BLS; New Protocols per rule 500 - list of skills and drugs which are authorized by skills and levels.

- Gluecometry, we are allowed to do these, but issues from Para crews. New protocols may take care of this. Mary stated no budget to support the Gluc. program, so no action at this time.

- Chad, will we be charging for new Proventil tx? PFA will not be charging, but the ambulance may charge for continuing breathing treatments.

4) New labeling of skill levels: Emergency Medical Responder (First Responder), EMT basic, EMT Basic/Advanced, Paramedic

5) Station 11, EMR's who are not firefighters, but will be medical only. They may be in their own vehicles if the call is between them and their stations.

6) FRCC students: Mary wanted feedback...

7) PVH Comments: I advised Mary about our four back boarding where no EMT was taken. Much discussion about how poor things are, and it will get worse. The stresses of the organization will cause it to continue to degrade. Much issue of internal stresses at PVH and MCR, especially with cardiac. More than six patients MCR can't handle the patients. Mary has asked for us to fill out a EMS feedback form when we see treatment that is substandard.

- Tom gave feedback that he is assigning EMS group and giving objectives, to include making sure they call the hospitals to determine where to go.

- Mary wants to know if we will do evenings for table tops with the ambulances. Contact Mary to schedule these, she will bring ice cream.

8) Grant money Mary is applying for which has to be used for training before next June 30. Mary wants our ideas about what we need. She suggests a PHTLS and exercise for next year.

9) Michal Jaques needs to get his application to Mary for EMT recertification.

10) Infection control feedback: Len, Mary's help has been very much appreciated. Mary gave good information about decon from the Sunday fire where the Meth.

- Salmon: I suggested we look at leaving our work footwear in the bay, and wear our informal footwear in the stations. Per Tom, discuss with our crews and let Tom know what we think. Personal Comment: Not taken too seriously by the group.

11) Sine/Bird flu discussions about procedures for the department.

12) EMT VTC is July 31, a reschedule.

13) How to input EMS training is by request.

14) Suction batteries: Run the units for 15 minutes each week. This will increase the battery life of the units.

15) New EMS numbers list, throw out the other in the books.

1.3 Special Operations

Chief Poncelow

1) Promotions:

- Housley was first given the new Training FF position; then later in the day promoted to Captain, so he will assume the Training Captain position.

- Holger Durre was promoted to Captain, and will remain in the Bureau. Unknown if Holger will take a pay cut going from Captain II A, to Captain B level.

- Terri Hergenreder was promoted to Captain. Teri will be going to B- Shift in August.

2) Tower 2 was scheduled for refirb, ALF put us off, factory closed, PFA sent a letter of default on contract, J Mirowski and Jim Salisbury will be putting out to bid a refirb - new cab and chassis. Will it be in service as tower 2 for the time being? It will remain with no equipment or in service until it leaves.

3) Air truck out for refirb, no new cab and chassis since it was low mileage. Compressor sent to Bauer, new generator with better and simpler operation. Command lights will be going on this . Supervac doing he work. PFA estimates 24 years of life on the unit when back in service.

4) Three grants in review process: 1) Public Ed grant - safety house and clowns twice each year in the schools. Written by Patrick Love and Ray Gillan. 2) Firefighter Safety for PPE (88 sets). 3) Type three engine, off the shelf by pierce. 4) Grants for fire stations - applying for station 8. There is 210 million in money, but less from 650 million available. The problem, more requests and less money available.

5) Station 4 construction: If you want a tour, call Bob to schedule. Please don't just show up for a visit. They are on schedule with construction. Possible dates for opening is February (second week). The goal is to be done by the end of 2009.

6) PPE - see e-mail from Chief Poncelow. Based on audit information was after the Meth fire, many of the second sets of bunkers were questioned at this time. Bob communicated the grand plan is to purchase new bunkers every five years, rotating the five year old set to second, no one will have bunkers over 10 years old. NFPA 1851, standard now says gear over 10 years should not be worn. Basically, the leaking vapor barrier is an issue, and if we are uncomfortable wearing it let Brandon know about your gear. PFA will issue other gear to those in this situation. Per PFA, it is most likely still safe but should be replaced. Each set costs $1900 per set, so it will take time to replaced or repaired. Moisture barrier protects us from moisture penetrating into the garment to our skin.

7) Drake Rd. will close from July 16 through the weekend for water line construction..

8) New radios - Reactivating the emergency buttons. If the button is activated, the radio goes automatically to a separate channel. New talk group on our radios. PFA is applying for this, and Loveland will be part of this and support this. Button will need to be held down for possibly two seconds. It won't open your mic right away, and should see new portables by August 1. Per Jim, the radios will be programmed next week.

1.4 MDA

FF Garner:

Joey, Keeya, Amber:

1) 55th anniversary of FF and MDA filling boot. Theme is "One more" What does this mean? One more hour, day, event, etc.; $28650.00 raised in 2008 by PFA.

2) Were does the money go? Joey's char, a new chair is $35000. They explained how the funds go to support MDA research and the people affected by MDA. Money raised here goes to help Colorado first, then world-wide.

3) MDA is 43 types of neuro-muscular diseases.

4) Gals gave a good talk about how much is going on in MDA.

5) Joey graduated from high school, and is going to CSU in the fall. Journalism is his major.

6) September 11, 12, and 13 is the Boot Drive, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

7) Rib eating contest, August 22, at the Texas Road House.

1.5 RMS Authoring

Gil Fisher

1) Authoring Reports: Gil asked for feedback about how it's going with having the Captain's making the decisions about who authors the NFIRS, Dispatch, PCR. Chad, Len, Brandon, Salmon, gave versions about how it's working. Jim H. asked about the three strikes (reports get locked out because it's an old one and not done - past five days). Gil, keep up on reports and don't let them go past five days. Much discussion about when reports come up as not ours, probably we clicked on it and it holds it as ours. Tom described that he is back to Sunpro days, about 40 reviews per shift. This is working for him, and he has each captain's methods figured out. The goal is, if it stays as it is now, the policy would reflect each captain can control this as they want.

2) Reviewing Reports: Make sure all Acting Captains have good knowledge of how to review their reports.

3) Delinquent Reports: See Options, then Incident Reporting, then view different reports. This is data to be able to see all kinds of relevant data. We can search activity as apparatus and department. We can search for missing reports and much more. If we inadvertently click a button, we need to ask Gil, or Jim L, or Teri to have it sent back. Dave K. how come we can't have the ability to go back into our own reports? Gil, we are trying to get the captain's access to our reports. Per Gil, please bring up missing incident reports and look for our missing reports.

4) Training Records: Review of how to do it.. Events are created by the instructor;

5) Problems

- Cad to RMS, not coming across: Please know this is a Tiberon and RMS communication issue. As of now, Tiberon hasn't responded to PFA's concerns. Let Gil know as soon as possible. Acting Capt's please check CAD vs RMS listing of reports. Pager and MDT will show all the calls. Tim England: mutual aid calls aren't coming across, many are from the incident numbers not being created.

- Response Delays - reasons for over 5 minute responses; please fill these out as accurately as possible.

-- Distance to scene inside our area

-- Covering to another station area

-- If there are two that apply it's ok, so fill it out as needed even if it applies to multiple causes.

6) If EMT's write reports, all three, is a NIFRS narrative required and are we ensuring they get done? I shared we are doing this, and will continue to do this for clarity. Gil said no

1.5.1 Tips for crew

1) When viewing reports on RMS, and they are black, it doesn't mean they are done. We can scroll down and view the lower left corner and see the status of the report. It will show what is completed and what is missing. Gil wants to have it colorized to give us a good quick view.

2) 2127 E Harmony come up and Gil needs to delete them daily. If an engine is included in the units (far right) then he leaves it for completion.

3) If searching for a specific incident, the bottom left search for specific incident, place the number, and it will search for the specific call.

4) Incomplete or rejected reports: if it's not ours call Gil and he will deal with it, otherwise do the report and it will be out of there.

5) Do company training to show the different ways to check crew and report status. If we go to training attendance, and enter our name in the logged by field, and check to ensure accuracy.

1.6 BC Info

1) With the promotion for Teri, there is an opening at station 6. If interested please let Tom know. Teri's last day on C-shift is July 26. Send an email to Tom, cc'd their officer.

2) We will be requesting a D/O from the B-Shift. We have lost Matt and Teri as D/Os, so we need to balance the shifts.

3) The training firefighter job is gone. The training captain at training now includes the volunteers. Tom gave a talk about the possible elevation of the PFA volunteer program, possibly to include a residency program.

-- Read Loveland's deployment program, two paid and one from AIMs FF program.

4) Body Screening: it came up at the last board meeting; kudos to Ladder 5 for their screening at the Harmony Rd. extrication. HX: motorcycle fatality on B-Shift, cops wouldn't let PFA cover the body. Kit Mulligan witnessed this and complained... PFA will fix this screening issue, no matter what has to happen. If anyone has research on what kind of screening can be used, please let Tom know. Len: Harrison and Mulligan need to agree on this, then have it work down to us. As of now, we are pushing this upwards instead. Our policy is "we will protect the public from these events"

-- Much discussion about what to do with this: in the end, can we get sheets that are meant for crime scene covering and amend their pd policies?

-- Per Tom, do what we need to do to ensure the dignity of the patient who has died. Call Tom or BC on duty for support.

-- Send any research to Tom about this issue.

5) Split meeting on August 25th, north and south.

6) Kelly, should we have a PCR on a code black? Gill defaults to Mary, but most likely yes to ensure process to establish code black.

7) Discussion about Tender pumping issues: Tom asked for Ralph, Randy, and Bill to get together and establish a PFI to improve our tender pumping and equipment needs. Write and include other shifts in the solution to this problem.

1.7 Station Reports

3) Tender discussion; PFI formed to be worked on by Kettle, Wright, and Salmon

7) Type 1 kits survey coming out; gloves possibly to be issued, more later on this. Basically, don't use structural gloves for wildland events.

10) Call if you have a call with nasty stuff... if need advice they will come out and help.

1.7.1 Soft Scheduled

T1: none; schedule a tour and training if haven't yet.

L5: Multiple on August 7th with E10, am not sure where yet.

14: Aug 5

3: August 27th afternoon at training.

E5: morning of the 14th

2. Questions

1) Backboarding

2) Report Authoring Process

- NFIRS Narrative - is a written narrative required for EMS if done by either Captain of FF/EMT?

3) HEaP Update

4) Radios?

5) Promotions affect C-Shift?

6) Pt contact data, call and have dispatch enter?

Summary screenshot