By: HaleyS.R. No. 44


In Memory


Frank Wright Ebaugh

WHEREAS, It is with great sorrow that the Texas Senate noted

the death of Frank Wright Ebaugh of Jacksonville, Texas; and

WHEREAS, One of the city's most esteemed and beloved citizens,

Mr. Ebaugh was a highly respected businessman and community leader;


WHEREAS, Mr. Ebaugh will be remembered for his outstanding

work in water development for the State of Texas and for his

notable contributions to the citizens of Jacksonville; and

WHEREAS, Chairman of the committee which created the

Upper Neches River Municipal Water Authority, Mr. Ebaugh served

as first president of the authority which built Lake Palestine;


WHEREAS, The distinguished engineer organized and served as

vicepresident of the Texas Mapping Advisory Committee of the

Texas Water Development Board for 18 years; and

WHEREAS, His distinguished career included serving as an

officer of the Texas Coordinating Water Committee and as director

of the Neches River Conservation District; and

WHEREAS, A native of New Orleans, Mr. Ebaugh graduated from

Tulane University with a degree in chemical engineering and worked

for Texaco in management and research for 10 years before moving

to Jacksonville in 1934; and

WHEREAS, He married Elizabeth Brown and was owner and manager

of J. L. Brown Department Store for 20 years until it was destroyed

by fire in 1955; and

WHEREAS, Frank Ebaugh was active in various civic

organizations devoted to the enhancement of his beloved city; he

gained the admiration and esteem of his fellow residents for his

dedication and integrity; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Ebaugh loyally served the citizens of Texas,

and it is appropriate that the Texas Senate honor the memory of

this respected individual; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,

73rd Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the family

of Frank Wright Ebaugh: his wife, Elizabeth; his daughter and

soninlaw, Betsey Ebaugh and Gordon B. McFarland; his grandsons,

Gordon B. McFarland III and Wright Ebaugh McFarland; his brother,

Irwin Ebaugh; and his three nephews; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the

members of his family as an expression of deepest sympathy from

the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it

do so in memory of Frank Wright Ebaugh.


President of the Senate

I hereby certify that the

above Resolution was adopted by

the Senate on January19,1993,

by a rising vote.


Secretary of the Senate


Member, Texas Senate