Frequency Asked Questions about Steubenville

Why should a teen attend Steubenville?

The Steubenville Youth Conferences are held all over the country. We attend a

conferencerun by the Franciscan University but hosted by the Archdiocese of St. Louis and held

in July. It’s an opportunity for teens to connect with God our Father through Sacraments and

teachings of the Church, unite with about 4000 other teens from across the country, and

grow in their faith as they live a life centered on God. There will be dynamic speakers,

inspirational worship and reverent sacramental celebrations aimed to help them grow in

their faith journey. Most teens that attend a Steubenville Conference say it is a life

changing experience where they experience the Holy Spirit, get a deeper love of the

Eucharist, or become more committed in their faith. They may be reluctant to attend but

once they do, mostly all want to return. It takes just a little courage to attend the first


What ages can attend the conference?

The youth conference is open to all teens who have just graduated 8th grade up to those

who just graduated high school. Anyone between the ages of 19-21 can attend as a

young adult group leader/junior chaperone if they have completed Virtus Training.

Who may chaperone?

Each group is allowed 1-2 chaperones per 10 youth of each gender. Chaperones must be

at least 21 years of age and are required to have completed Virtus Training.

How many chaperons are supervising the teens?

Steubenville requires that we have a ratio of 1 chaperone for every 8 teens. We

typically have more than that.

Where do we meet on Friday morning?

We will start checkin at 9:00 a.m. and we will departfrom the north parking lot of Our Lady of Lourdes

Church at 10:00 a.m. The bus ride is about 3 hours to Springfield, MO and we will stop for lunch.

We should arrive to our hotel around by 2 p.m. and join the conference by 4 p.m.

Where is the group staying?

Days Inn South, 621 West SunshineSpringfield, MO 65807Phone: 417-862-0153

What are the sleeping arrangements?

There will be four teens assigned to a room in the hotel. There are two double beds in

each room. The room assignments will be made prior to the event by the Core Team.

Are the teens allowed to bring a cell phone?

Yes! We will use group texting throughout the weekend to communicate and share

Cell numbers of chaperons will be provided to the teens and parents.

Is there a pool at the hotel?

There is an indoor pool at the hotel. There will be some time after we arrive on Friday

afternoon to swim. There will not be time the rest of the weekend.

Dress Code

We ask that the teens dress modestly. That includes no short shorts, tank tops, belly

shirts, or low cut tops. Teens must wear sleeved shirts. There is some walking to the

events so sneakers are recommended but teens can bring a pair flip flops in their

backpack to the daily activities. We will wear our group T-Shirtseach day. Bring a sweatshirt to the

daily activities for kneeling and keeping warm in the air condition.


No foul or abusive language

No drugs, alcohol or cigarettes (parent will be called to pick the teen up)

Teens are not permitted to wander around or leave the buildings on the Steubenville

campus unless escorted by chaperone.

Are we allowed to leave our rooms at the hotel?

Teens can stay up as late as the want and they are permitted to roam the hotel. But they

need to stay inside the hotel. No girls are allowed in boys rooms and no boys are allowed

in girls rooms. Remember we have early starts the next morning so the teens should

consider this when deciding to stay up late.


There is a health center on Campus. Any medications, Epi-Pens, etc. mustbe disclosed to chaperones.

Any teen that gets sick will be accompanied by a chaperone until the health center releases them.

What should I pack?

Toiletries, clothing, journal, cameras (cell phone camera is permitted), umbrella and rain

gear, bathing suit for Friday afternoon, sun block, sandals/flip flops, sweatshirt, backpack

(to carry belongings), snacks for hotel and bus trip, a bible, a rosary, a notebook and pen,

These are not the only items but ones you may not think about.

How much spending money should I bring?

$30 should be sufficient. The teens may want to buy something at the rest stop and

Steubenville book store. Friday’slunch and Sunday’s lunch are not provided.

What meals will be provided?

Dinner Friday night (Steubenville), Breakfast Saturday (hotel), lunch and dinner Saturday

(Steubenville), and Breakfast Sunday (hotel).

What is the schedule for the daily activities?

We will be at Steubenville until about 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday night. Our

mornings start at about 7 a.m. when we leave the hotel. We may have small group

sessions at night at the hotel with pizza. You can view a general schedule of the daily

Steubenville activities at .

What time do we leave the Conference on Sunday?

The Steubenville activities on Sunday will be completed around 1 p.m. and we should

arrive home around 5 p.m. Teens will be asked to call their parents to arrange for pickup

when we are close to the Jefferson City exit.