Grade 7 Mathematics

Digital Camera Photo Assignment

Parallel Lines / Transversal Lines / Perpendicular Bisectors

Name: ______Class: ______Date:______

Outcome E5: identify, construct, classify, and use angle pair relationships

pertaining to parallel lines and their transversals.

Outcome E3: construct angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors using a

variety of methods.

Outcome PTS 9.2(relates to 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5) explore curriculum concepts under study using specialized software; measuring, sampling and recording equipment; and computer-based simulations, with teacher assistance

In this assignment you will be responsible for researching the terms “parallel line”, “transversal line”, and “perpendicular bisectors” as it relates to geometry and the real world applications of geometry.

- a good source of online information on all mathematical concepts.

- Online dictionary. Find definitions and / or exampleson this site to help you.

Assignment Design:

  1. Research the concepts listed above. Use your textbook or the above websites.
  2. Take photos of three objects in the local environment and download them into a Microsoft Word® document. Your task will be to find examples of parallel lines, transversal lines, and perpendicular lines on your pictures. Draw each mathematical construct within each picture, using the “draw” tools.


Parallel lines =

edges of my

computer screen!

  1. On a separate page write your own definition using your examples. Design, using the drawing program, an example of each concept without the picture.

Geometric Lines Assignment

Criteria / Points
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Organization / Teacher cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. / Teacher has difficulty following written presentation because student jumps around. / Student presents information in logical sequence which teacher can follow. / Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which teacher can follow. / ____
Content Knowledge / Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. / Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. / Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. / Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration. / ____
Visuals / Student used no digital photos. / Student used digital photos that rarely supported the concepts being assessed. / Digital photos are related to the concepts being assessed. / Student used proper digital photos to reinforce presentation. Very creative application of photos. / ____
Mechanics / Student's assignment had four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. / Student’s assignment had three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. / Student’s assignment has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors. / Student’s assignment has no misspellings or grammatical errors. / ____
Total----> / ____
Adapted from the Web Portal For Educators! (
Grade 7 Mathematics Geometric Line Terms

Name: ______/ Teacher:
Criteria / Points
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Assignment Completeness / All items attempted / 9/10 of items attempted. / At least 1/2 of the items attempted. / Less than 1/2 of all items attempted. / ____
Accuracy / All items are correct. / 9/10 of items are correct. / Between 1/2 and 9/10 of items are correct. / Less than 1/2 of all items are correct. / ____
Demonstrated Knowledge / Shows complete understanding of the questions, mathematical ideas, and processes. / Shows substantial understanding of the problem, ideas, and processes. / Response shows some understanding of the problem. / Response shows a complete lack of understanding for the problem. / ____
Requirements / Goes beyond the requirements of the problem. / Meets the requirements of the problem. / Does not meet the requirements of the problem. / 4 / ____
Legibility / Legible handwriting, typing, or printing .. / Marginally legible handwriting, typing, or printing. / Writing is not legible in places. / Writing is not legible. / ____
Total----> / ____
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