National 5 Modern Studies

Source Based Questions

Section 1: Options Qs

Section 2: Conclusions Qs

Section 3: Selective in the Use of the Facts Qs


In the final exam you will answer one of each of the three types of source question – Options, Conclusions and Selective in the Use of the Facts. The questions can appear in any of the three units and you must answer the question provided. Source-based questions are not a test of your topic knowledge but of your ability to examine and interpret information from various types of source.

Follow the tips below in all three types of question:

Use EVERY source in your answer.

If you do not understand a particular piece of evidence – DO NOT USE IT!Use evidence that you understand and can explain.

Make your point very clear when writing your answer – state clearly which option you have chosen; state clearly what your conclusion is; state clearly if your evidence supports or opposes the statement.

Always link evidence together! Evidence from two different sources or from within a single source is acceptable. Use phrases such as “this is backed up by…”; “this is supported by…” and “This can be linked to…”

Use evaluative language when linking and explaining evidence. It is evaluative language that gains the final marks in all three types of source question – use the word bank below to help you.

Section 1: Options Questions

  1. Intermediate 2 2008 (Adapted)

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 then answer the question which follows.

You must decide which option to recommend to the Scottish Government, either to continue with the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) (Option 1) or not to continue with the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) (Option 2).

(i)Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 which option would you choose?

(ii)Give reasons to support your choice.

(iii)Explain why you did not choose the other option.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. Intermediate 2 2014 Adapted

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 then answer the question which follows.

You are an adviser to the Scottish Government. You have been asked to recommend whether the Government should increase the use of Home Detention Curfews (HDCs) or whether the Government should not increase the use of Home Detention Curfews (HDCs).

You must decide which option to recommend to the Scottish Government, either to increase the use of Home Detention Curfews (HDCs) (Option 1) or not to increase the use of Home Detention Curfews (HDCs) (Option 2).

(i)Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 which option would you choose?

(ii)Give reasons to support your choice.

(iii)Explain why you did not choose the other option.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. National 5 2014 – Voting Question

You must decide which option to recommend - keep compulsory voting in Australia (Option1) or get rid of compulsory voting in Australia (Option 2).

(i)Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 which option would you choose?

(ii)Give reasons to support your choice.

(iii)Explain why you did not choose the other option.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. National 5 2016 – Legal Highs

You must decide which option to recommend - Ban Legal Highs (Option 1) or Do not ban legal Highs (Option 2)

(i)Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 which option would you choose?

(ii)Give reasons to support your choice.

(iii)Explain why you did not choose the other option.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. National 5 2017 – Minimum Wage

Source 2 (continued)

Section 2 – Conclusions Questions

  1. National 5 2015 – Poverty in the UK

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, what conclusions can be drawn?

You should reach a conclusion about each of the following:

•The impact of poverty on a child’s health

•The impact of poverty on a child’s lifestyle

•The UK Government’s progress towards meeting its targets for 2020

•UK child poverty rates compared to other countries

Your conclusions must be supported by evidence from the sources. You should link information within and between the sources in support of your conclusions.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. Intermediate 2 2015 (adapted) – South Africa

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, what conclusions can be drawn?

You should reach a conclusion about each of the following:

  • inequality in South Africa compared with other countries.
  • the link between poverty and education.
  • differences between provinces.
  • the impact of inequality on society.

Your conclusions must be supported by evidence from the sources. You should link information within and between the sources in support of your conclusions.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. Intermediate 2 2014 (adapted) – Women in Politics

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, what conclusions can be drawn?

You should reach a conclusion about each of the following:

  • women elected to the Scottish Parliament
  • women elected to Scottish local councils
  • women candidates standing in elections
  • the most successful party in getting women elected.

Your conclusions must be supported by evidence from the sources. You should link information within and between the sources in support of your conclusions.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. Intermediate 2 2013 (Adapted) – Chinese Inequality

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, what conclusions can be drawn?

You should reach a conclusion about each of the following:

  • inequalities in education
  • inequalities in health
  • inequalities in employment and earnings
  • the overall progress of women.

Your conclusions must be supported by evidence from the sources. You should link information within and between the sources in support of your conclusions.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. P&N Exemplar Paper 2017 – Smoking in the UK

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 and then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, what conclusions can be drawn?

You should reach a conclusion about each of the following:

• Influence of age on smoking

• Influence of gender on smoking

• Influence of social background on smoking

• Success of the smoking ban on smoking in the UK.

Your conclusions must be supported by evidence from the sources. You should link information within and between the sources in support of your conclusions.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

Section 2 – Selective in the Use of the Facts Questions

  1. National 5 Specimen Paper 2017

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 and then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, explain why the view of Morag Watt is selective in the useof facts.

In your answer you must:

• give evidence from the sources that supports Morag Watt’s view


• give evidence from the sources that opposes Morag Watt’s view.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. National 5 2014 (Adapted) – Health

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 then attempt the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, explain why the view of Sophie Wilson is selective in the use of facts.

In your answer you must:

  • give evidence from the sources that supports Sophie Wilson’s view


  • give evidence from the sources that opposes Sophie Wilson’s view.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. National 5 2017 (Adapted) – Crime in Scotland

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 and then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3, explain why the view of Samara Ezra is selective in the use of facts.

In your answer you must:

• give evidence from the sources that supports Samara Ezra’s view


• give evidence from the sources that opposes Samara Ezra’s view.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. Original national 5 Specimen paper – Homelessness

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 and then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 above explain why the view of Danny Wilson is selective in theuse of facts.

In your answer you must:

• give evidence from the sources that supportsDanny Wilson’s view


• give evidence from the sources that opposesDanny Wilson’s view.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10

  1. Intermediate 2 2014 (Adapted) – EU membership

Study Sources 1, 2 and 3 and then answer the question which follows.

Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 above explain why the view of Angela Solberg is selective in the use of facts.

In your answer you must:

• give evidence from the sources that supportsAngela Solberg’s view


• give evidence from the sources that opposesAngela Solberg’s view.

Your answer must be based on all three sources.10