Attachment - I : Tender No: 9000464-HB-48009
The existing FRE CDU/VDU unit at MR was originally designed for processing 2 MMTPA BH Crude. The unit design capacity was subsequently increased to 3 MMTPA by introducing a Pre-flash Drum (PFD). Though the unit is currently capable of processing 3 MMTPA BH crude; however, the unit throughput is restricted for other types of crude due to various unit constraints. In order to overcome these unit limitations and to provide flexibility to process 3.0 MMTPA lighter crudes (BH, TAPIS) as also heavier crudes (PG-AL:AH=80:20) on a sustained basis, it has been decided to revamp these units in forthcoming turnaround planned during April-2010. Process Licensor, M/s. EIL, has prepared the FRE CDU/VDU revamp process package and the FRE Crude Column (31-T-1) & Vacuum Column (32-T-1) are going to be revamped based on EIL's recommendations.
HPCL - Mumbai Refinery intends to enhance Capacity of FRE CDU & VDU Revamp Columns 31-T-1(N) & 32-T-1(N) over & above EIL recommended loadings with optimum diesel recovery meeting ASTM D86 95% <= 360° C by making minimum changes in column internals, preferably limiting to changes in packings as suggested by EIL in post revamp scenario without any changes in other equipments associated with the Columns.
Following are the main objectives of the work:
A.Capacity enhancement in each Column over & above EIL recommended loadings to the maximum extent possible with minimum changes in internals.
B.Optimization of diesel recovery meeting ASTM D86 95% <= 360° C. The recovery, density, viscosity and flash point specifications to be met for Diesel blend of FBS, LVGO, JBO, VGO and XVGO from FRE CDU/VDU. Diesel from JBO, VGO and XVGO streams to be targeted up to a minimum recovery of 85% at 360° C.The following two options shall be specifically explored for this purpose:
i.Evaluate if diesel can be optimized by dropping the heavier end of JBO into RCO and then recovering as VGO & XVGO meeting diesel properties without having adverse impact/implications on Vacuum Column. In this option JBO, VGO & XVGO recovery shall be 85% minimum at 360° C. VDU SS - I & II cuts shall also meet the LOBS feed quality.
ii.Evaluate if diesel product in LVGO stream can be increased further by withdrawing the diesel components from JBO stream to the extent possible (i.e. making JBO stream heavier or shifting JBO IBP to around 360° C) in CDU Column. With this option, the heavy JBO shall not be routed to diesel pool but VGO & XVGO recovery shall be 85% minimum at 360° C.
The proposal shall be in accordance with HPCL request for maximum capacity & performance improvements in the FRE Crude & Vacuum Columns (31-T-1(N) and 32-T-1(N)) as stated above with minimum modifications which can be feasible to implement during the forthcoming April 2010 S/D. The Vendor's scope of services under this job shall include detailed Process & Mechanical Design, Procurement, Fabrication, Inspection, Testing, Third Party Inspection, Painting, Supply of Column Internals with Accessories, Mandatory Spares, Erection & Commissioning Spares, Packing & Forwarding, Transportation to site, Supervision of Erection and Commissioning at site. Any other item not explicitly mentioned but required to complete the job in totality shall be in the scope of the Vendor. Providing Hydraulic & Process Performance Guarantees for both FRE CDU & VDU Columns shall also form part of Vendor's scope of work.
Vendor shall provide the deliverables as per above scope of work by April 15, 2010 basis a detailed Hydraulic & Process Study Report that must include Final Recommendations including Guaranteed Benefit Quantification and Firm Capital Cost of each New Recommended Column Internals (Trays/Packings).
The detailed Report with Final Recommendations, Guaranteed Benefit Quantification and New Recommended Column Internals must be submitted to HPCL by Vendor along with the Technical Bid.
The Final Report of the Vendor must also include tray/packing hydraulics (% jet flood, dry & actual pressure drop, % down-comer flood/velocity, weir loading etc. for trays and % flood, pressure drop per meter, % hold up, f-factor etc. for packings) and data like temperature, pressure & vapour-liquid traffic profiles, stage wise loadings, overall mass balances, reflux rates, gap/overlaps, cut widths, yields & important properties like flash, colour, viscosity etc. of all streams in each Column. Vendor shall ensure that the quality of all the FRE CDU & VDU streams after suggested change in recommended column internals over EIL recommendations are at least not inferior to the EIL estimated ASTM distillation data.
Vendor shall quote firm cost in INR till execution of the Order for the scope of work for this assignment under the following two heads:
Supply Portion (Design, Engineering & Supply)
Supervision Charges (Services for Erection & Commissioning)
Vendor providing the maximum Guaranteed Capacity improvement over EIL loadings and meeting the diesel recovery criteria in both FRE Crude & Vacuum Columns (31-T-1(N) and 32-T-1(N)) with minimum recommended modifications shall be selected based on a cost benefit analysis by HPCL.
The Vendor has to submit performance bank guarantee (PBG) towards Hydraulic & Process Performance Guarantees for both FRE CDU & VDU Columns.
HPCL standard LD clause shall be applicable.