Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mayock House
In Attendance: A. Arid, B. Arteaga, S. Carr, S. Dodd, D. Ellis, D. Klein, K. Kramer, R. Kreider, B. Lawn, S. Lawrence,
J. Lawton-Haehl, F. Lozano, J. Nari, K. Rose, K. Smith, J. Stewart, K. Wagman, E. Waddell, K. Warren.
- Opening Items
- Call to order at 3:00 pmby Debbie Klein.
- Welcome and Roll Call - welcome to guests Ellen Waddell and Blanca Arteaga.
- Agenda Adjustments - none.
- Approval of Minutes from 2/16/10 - no additions or corrections.
MSC (A. Arid/J. Lawton-Haehl). Vote: unanimous to approve.
- Comments from the Public - none.
- Discussion Items
a.Learning Council - Karen Warren provided a handout for the Learning Council - model for
student success. As the group meets, it will research best practices and attempt to
determine what initiativesto keep, change, and/orrefine - including some that may or may
not have become institutionalized; it also seeks to identify problems. They are not looking
to “reinventthe wheel,”as there islimited number of people available amongst all the
other dutiesand committees, toperform all these functions. All campus constituent groups
will beinvolved, as everyone on campus has a stake in student success. Send your name to
Debbieifyou are interested.
b.Senate goals and budget for 2010 - Goal # 4 was refined- Senators willreport on progress
of SLOs and PLOs for their respective departments. Senate will look at the effects/impacts
of the assessments on curriculum for the departments. Goal # 7 -discussion will continue
on Plagiarism Policy;‘Turnitin’ has helped, but is the college AP policy uniform and clear
enough; at times it does not agree with the instructor’s recommendation. Senate Budget
is available for travel, trainings, and events. Debbie presented some ideas: 1) provide
grants for innovative programs (Boot Camps, Learning Communities) with deliverables;
2) Senate Retreat at the end of the year to set goals for next year; 3) trainings: on- or off-
campus; 4) invite guest speakers and host events; 5) set up a Speakers Bureau - faculty
who could be paid for speaking engagements on campus (culture building); 6) site visits to
other campuses to see ideas and programs. Senators are asked to take the goals back to the
departments for review and input. Consensus on a retreat was positive. Hands-on trainings
(Luminis and other technology) are desirable.
c.Resolution opposing the narrowing of CCC mission without due process - Chancellor’s
Office proposal to eliminate funding for “recreational” programs - targets the Arts and
Physical Education the most. The State Academic Senate is aware of several resolutions
at community colleges, but there is not one central resolution. Senate will ask Steve to
provide the wording of the actual proposal. Kathleen suggested that Senators visit the
Chancellor’s office website- communications link - to see transcripts of his speeches at:
( ). Several colleges are
changing the names of certain departments (at Cabrillo: PE to Kinesiology; at SJSU: PE to
Human Performance). Strategic Planning will talk to all campus groups.
d.Senator topics
1. Bach to Blues is this Saturday, March 6th at 730 pm in the Theater.
- Information Items
a.Proposing new courses - please use Form C; pay attention to Item 13 - consult with the
Articulation Officer ( Jesse Olivas); Curriculum Committee encourages new courses.
b.Strategic planning questions - please take these back to your departments for discussion
- Reports
- ASB - no representative, but there are plans for Thursday, March 4th Day of Action.
- President - no report.
- Vice President of Instruction - Kathleen thanked everyone for serving on committees.
- Vice President of Student Services - no report.
- GECA (Gilroy Early College Academy) - no report - Dave Ellis reported that he visited
one of their PE classes - fabulous class and very attentive; Kim remarked that she has
GECA students and they have good energy and good focus. These kinds of comments
should be shared with the GECA program.
- Curriculum Committee - Susan Dodd reminds us that there is a 4-year cycle for updating.
You can go to the Curriculum website on the intranet for information. Bonnie Donovan is
also available to assist. If there is a class that has not been taught for a long time, you can
deactivate it and not have to do the SLO/PLO or assessing. New courses get a first reading
and gives you good feedback to help develop the course. Make sure to check with Jesse on
articulation; talk to the counselors - they can give you a feel for possible interest and
- Basic Skills Committee - the Steering Committee will meet on March 5th.
- Distance Ed - they are in Program Review right now and doing some beginning of the
semester clean up.
- Budget Committee - no report.
- Tech Committee - no report.
- PTCOC (Part-time College of Choice) - no report. Mood is wait and see on Union and
- Learning Outcomes - no report.
- Senate President - Spring Senate Plenary is April 15th - 17th. All the state resolutions get
discussed and are voted on. Debbie will be going and would welcome anyone else who
would also like to attend. Look at the Senate Website - the Area B meeting is in March;
We could submit a resolution at this meeting if we so desired.
- Action Items
a.Resolution Supporting Stand Up For Education, March 4, 2010 - John Lawton-Haehl read
the resolution and has been asked to read it on March 4th at the ASB Day of Action. He
will be taking his speech class to this event. Corrections (typos) were made to the
resolution prior to being put to the vote.
MSC(A. Arid/B. Lawn). Vote: passed with corrections.
- Closing Items
a.Items for next agenda - please send to Debbie and please contribute to Dave Ellis
for refreshments.
b.Next meeting: March 16, 2010
c.Adjournment at 4:05 pm.
Submitted by Diane Stone