Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples

Forum Conference 2010

“Indigenous Participation in Policy-making: Ideals, Realities and Possibilities.”

Preliminary Program. For more information:

Sunday 24.10.2010

20.00:Reception atÁrdna, the Sámi cultural building located at the University campus, close to “Labyrinten”, The Sámi turf hut and the Administration building.

21.30:Bus departure from the University to Radisson BluHotel

Monday 25.10.2010

Opening of conference

08.30:Taxi/Busdeparture from Radisson Blu hotel to the University

08.45-09.15:Registration, at University Campus, Teorifagbygget, Hus 1, Auditorium 1.

09.15-09.25:Opening by rector at the University of Tromsø: Jarle Aarbakke

09.25-09.40:Egil Olli, President of the Sami Parliament, Norway: “Title to be announced.

09.40-10.00:Opening by Tone Bleie, Chair, Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples: “Indigenous Participation in Policy-making: Ideals, Realities and Possibilities.”

Session 1:

Introduction: Stetting the Agenda

10.00-10.30:Jeronimo Lancerio, Minister of Culture and Sports of Guatemala: “Indigenous Participation in Policy-making: Experiences from Guatemala.”

10.30-11.00:To be announced.


11.30-11.45: Coffee

11.45-12.15:John Bernhard Henriksen, “The Human Rights Council's Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”:"Indigenous Peoples' Right to Participate in Decision-Making".

12.15-12.45:Joan Carling, Secretary General, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact: “The right to Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of Indigenous Peoples' Participation in Policy Making and Development.”

12.45-13.15: Discussion


14.15-14.45: Magne Ove Varsi, Galdu: “The Sami Parliament- its relevance as a model in democratic and undemocratic states”.

14.45-15.15:Tone Bleie.Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples: “State sovereignty, human rights and peoples participation in Asia”.



Session 2:

The Realities of Participation inDifferent Regions.

16.00-16.30:Joseph Ole Simel, Mainyoito Pastoralist Integrated Development (MPIDO), Kenya: To be announced.

16.30-16.50:Else Grete Broderstad, University of Tromsø: “Indigenous rights and citizenship rights: contradictory or coherent?”.

16.50-17.10:Eva Josefsen, Norut (Northern Research Institute): “The Finnmark Act and afterward – Sámi Political influence under different premises”.

17.10-17.30:Ole-Bjørn Fossbakk, University of Tromsø:”Below the public policy surface: Local reality and popular resistance against the Finnmark Act”.


18.15:Bus departure from the University to Radisson Blu hotel

20.00:Dinner at Radisson BluHotel

Tuesday 26.10.2010

Session 2 continues:

The Realities of Participation in Different Regions.

08.30:Taxi/Bus departure from Radisson Blu hotel to the University Campus.

09.00-09.30:Jeff Rafa of ALAMIN, Philippines: “The situation for Indigenous Peoples at MindoroIsland”.

09.30-10.00:Cathal Doyle,University of Middlesex:”The effectiveness of legal and non-legal remedies for addressing the rights of Indigenous Peoples at MindoroIsland and elsewhere”.

10.00-10.30:Mukta Lama Tamang, Central Department of Sociology/Anthropology, TribhuvanUniversity: "Indigenous peoples' movement and challenges of ILO C 169 implementation in Nepal”.




11.30 -12.45:Urgent priorities for realising participation

Roundtable discussion by the Expert Mechanism, MFA/Norad, AIPP, IWGIA, Galdu, Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)and present representatives of national indigenous organizations.

Forum update

12.45-13.00: Anna Maria C. Lundberg, The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR), University of Oslo: “Regional National Autonomy in the People's Republic of China (PRC), - a means of effective participation?”. To be confirmed.

13.00-14.00: Lunch

Forum update continues

14.00-14.15:Ingrid Hovda Lien, The project “Democracy and Indigenous Rights” (between UiT and SamiUniversityCollege): "Indigenous movements in Guatemala and Bolivia - different experiencesin makingthe multicultural democracy work?".

14.15-14.30:SAIH: TBA. To be confirmed.

Summing up

14.30-15.00:Summing up

15.00-15.15:Closure of the Forum Conference 2010.