Minutes of the meeting held onMonday 25 April2016 at 5:30pm
PRESENT: / Pat Heron (Chair)Joanne Greenhalgh
Fiona Hardy / Lesley McKay (Headteacher)
Catherine Mitchell
Reuben Moore
IN ATTENDANCE:Naomi Batten(Clerk, Governor Support Service)
Kathryn Wilkinson (GSS Manager, for items 1.00 and 2.00)
1.00 / APOLOGIESAll governors were present. / ACTION
Kathryn Wilkinson from the GSS attended the first part of the meeting and asked if MAH need any support in particular from GSS.
2.01.01 / Governance Discussion
Reuben Moore talked through the skills audit (LA one used) conducted last Summer, governing body structure, gap analysis and training undertaken to ensure the governing body has all skills required.
Addressing Gaps
MAH tries to provide a training session for all just before each full governing body meeting, as most governors can attend then. E.g. at the next FGB meeting on 23 May, Jackie Reid, Headteacher from Stanningley Primary is to present an overview of Pupil Premium.
‘Hot topics’ for school are addressed via open space items on the agenda.
MAH actively seeking to obtain first hand evidence, e.g. governor visits, book scrutiny, etc.
Q: What is the plan for governor visits?
A: It is based on issues in the SDP. The Chair acknowledges the need to establish more rigour in the process due to significant changes to the governing body.
Governors intend to update the skills audit annually.
Q: Is MAH confident that there are no unaddressed or large gaps?
A: Yes, the only one was strategic vision, which much work has been done on.
2.02 / Governing Body Action Plan (GBAP)
3 year action plan, which will be revisited in this meeting (see 6.00 below).
KWilkinson was pleased to see the progress on this, and offered GSS’ help to provide an objective view of progress against GBAP items if school would find that useful.
PHeron said only thing missing is governor satisfaction, which might be worth doing as governor turnover is high.
The governing body’s knowledge and understanding of school and their role is much better than a year ago. The Headteacher’s report is now based on the SDP, so areas are addressed according to priority.
Areas of responsibility for the SDP are divided up and allocated to the most relevant committee. SDP is addressed at each committee meeting including supplementary information, such as data drops.
Succession planning in committees is being addressed and leadership responsibilities shared.
Governors mentioned that it would be helpful to have more interaction with other governing bodies, to share best practice.
Q: Does MAH look at research? Ofsted are quite keen on seeing that.
A: Yes, in ensuring PP funds are spent well. Other recent topics include knowledge-rich curriculum, mindset, EYFS and phonics.
Q: Do governors have named responsibilities?
A: Yes, all governors do and the GSS information for each is used.
2.03 / Actions
- Send GBAP to KW for review
- KW will send an example impact statement
- Undertake annual skills audit
- Talk about performance/satisfaction this evening
- KW to write a brief view of the governing body for their records
- KW to send information from NCG for training governors on one-to-ones for governor development.
The minutes of the meeting held Monday 11 January 2016were accepted as a true record and the Chair was authorised to sign.
4.01 / Terms of Reference (item 3.01 from 11 Jan)
See 5.00 below.
4.02 / Report Item 2.4 Analysis of the governing body effectiveness (3.04 from 11 Jan
This is item 17 on the FGB agenda for 23 May. / P Heron/
D Kearney
4.03 / Pupil Premium (3.06 from previous meeting)
Pupil Premium was addressed under item 3.03 of P&FS Committee meeting held 18 Jan.
4.04 / Preparations for Ofsted (3.07 from previous meeting)
Caroline Dabill provided a comprehensive update on writing at the T&L committee meeting on 25 January.
P Heron to email D Richardson to ask that she take on responsibility of governor link for writing. / Chair
4.05 / T&L Committee Meetings (3.09 from previous meeting)
Mavis Wilkinson is available for T&L meetings. The
T&L and JRG will now be covered within the T&L committee meeting.
4.06 / School Improvement Advisor (SIA) Report (item 4.01 from 11 Jan)
RMooreemailed SIA report to governing body on 12 January and informed them that it will be addressed in detail at the 25 Jan T&L committee meeting, so governors should email any questions they have prior to this meeting.
4.07 / Policy reviews (item 4.02 from 11 Jan)
Clerk emailed GSS ToR and model committee agendas to the Head and Chair on 12 Jan 2016, to confirm that their list is complete.
4.08 / Meeting Schedule (item 5.01 from 11 Jan)
Three FGBs is enough, but governors are considering whether more committee meetings are needed.
This has been addressed at committee level by each committee.
4.09 / Items added to 8 Feb Agenda (item 5.02 from 11 Jan)
All three items (Managing Staff Reductions, Recent Ofsted inspection and communication to parents and Ofsted inspection and its implications were discussed at 8 Feb FGB.
4.10 / Items added to 23 May Agenda (item 5.03 from 11 Jan)
Open Space Discussion Topic will be the Bulge Cohort, added to FGB agenda for next meeting on 23 May.
4.11 / Pupil Premium (item 6.01)
Pupil Premium was addressed under item 3.03 of P&FS Committee meeting held 18 Jan.
4.12 / Keeping governors Up-to-date (item 6.02)
Headteacher reviewed information available and has forwarded to governors, including information requested on Age Related Expectations (ARE) and Knowledge-Based Curriculum changes.
4.13 / Induction of new governors (was item 6.03)
Buddy pairing of new governors to more experienced governors has been done in committees.
It is important that governors understand their role of critical friend. Chair addressed in 4.02 of FGB on 8 Feb.
Note: Emma Dickens has resigned, so will need to be replaced as a buddy. This is on the agenda for the next P&FS meeting.
4.14 / Review of governors’ training needs (was item 6.04)
Addressed in 4.02 of FGB on 8 Feb.
Also see 11.00 below.
4.15 / Skills Audit Update (was item 6.05)
The skills audit update was provided by E Dickens and emailed to committee on 3 March 2016.
However, the training summary was not circulated. PHeron to see if she has the document in her records and circulate. / Chair
4.16 / Governing Body Action Plan (was 8.02)
See 5.00 below.
4.17 / SDP (was 8.04)
See 6.00 below.
Action 3.01 from last meeting.
The 2013/14 Governance Committee ToR document was sent to RMoore. He updated the document and sent the draft to the governance committee today. The committee reviewed the document.
That the Governance Committee Terms of Reference be approved.
The Chair issued a draft document to the governance committee prior to the meeting for review.
6.01.02 / A. Training, Succession Planning, Recruitment
Priorities RAG rated red
Priorities 4, 5 and 6 are now green.
Priorities 7 and 8 still need to be addressed (red)
13 “Governors define the ways in which they challenge and feedback” is amber Governors consciously do this, but it has not been formally defined.
17 “There is a strategy for the recruitment of governors” is amber. This hasn’t been articulated, but the Head and Chair are clear of the skills and attributes wanted and how to go about recruiting governors.
Priorities RAG rated amber
12 “Governors are clear about how they fulfil their statutory duties” is green.
14 “All governors understand the balance required between accountability and strategic overview” is now green. Governors understand their strategic role, and share responsibility, for example stepping in if a governor is absent.
19 “Governors with special responsibilities understand their role and the structure of their involvement” stays amber.
6.02 / B. Input into the school SEF and Development Plan
1 “Governors involved in setting the direction for the school” still amber.
2 “Review the focus of the'critical friend' role and input through governor visits. Reflect on this role and input” remains amber.
3 “Have we got the right staff…” is green.
6 “improve the quality of governor visits” remains amber. Jo Greenhalgh and Reuben Moore agreed to oversee the visits to ensure they were arranged.
7 “Governors know what the school does well…” is green.
8. In terms of the current wording, this priority is green. Governors know the quality of teaching and can ask relevant questions. In terms of performance, it would remain amber until results are available.
6.03.02 / C. User of data, Analysis of impact
Items RAG rated Red
12 “The governing body knows what is the impact…” is now amber.
Items RAG rated Amber
1 “Governors have the skills to understand and question the data” is green.
2 “Improve the consistency and range of evidence used by leaders…” is now green. The quality of governor visits is improving and activities like book scrutiny are being done.
3 Responsibility for Pupil Premium needs to be assigned to the P&FS committee. A PP training session will take place immediately before the FGB meeting on 23 May and this item can then be marked green.
7 “Raise standards for all children…” is amber.
11 “How does the governing body seek views from children?” MAH has a strong pupil voice. School has an active school council which has a budget. They report to the governing body. Feedback from the governing body could be improved and the best medium for this explored, therefore it remains amber.
Q: Can governors get a copy of the School Council’s meeting minutes?
A: Yes. They do have those, but they also do videos for the governing body.
14. “All governors know how to hold the SLT including the HT to account for achievement” This is known, although governors noted that they may amend the description for this priority.
Item 14.00 was addressed next.
The Governance Committee will meet to create a structure and draft from consultation with all governors at this round of committee meetings. The draft will go to the SLT to add content.
The first draft of the SDP will be completed before year end so all staff are aware of the priorities for next year before the Summer break.
Q: How to involve the children in the SDP?
A: Fiona Hardy to ask a governor at the P&FS committee meetingto meet with the children. / F Hardy
The LA advises schools to take time to consider the decision and not feel pressured to rush into a decision.
L McKay advised that as the vulnerable school in their family of schools (which includesMAH, Roundhay through school, Roundhay St John, Kerr Mackie, Gledhow, Talbot, Moortown, Allerton Grange, andImmaculate Heart), MAH has been asked to investigate the issue.
She noted thatthe Headteachers’ union are happy to come and speak to school. Governors agree it would be useful to investigate the pros and cons of a decision to continue as a maintained school or to academise. L McKay to arrange and invite R Moore. / Head/
A letter went out to parents on 11 February informing parents of school’s position with regard to Ofsted. The letter outlines the challenges ahead and what is being done to address them.
Governors liked the tone of the letter, both realistic and proactive. It is important to keep all lines of communication with parents open (website, twitter, face to face, etc) to ensure parents have a current and accurate source of information. There are many positive aspects of school that can be highlighted, such as SMSC.
Q: Are all spaces allocated for next year?
A: Yes. In theory there are three spaces available, but there are more than three children on the reserve list who would need to decline their place before others can be considered.
Q: In the event of being judged Requires Improvement, is there a process in place if parents decide they’d like to remove their children?
A: No, but the possibility has been considered. Hopefully by promoting the positives and being honest with parents, such outcomes might be avoided.
The new parents meeting is next Wednesday 4 May.
L McKay to distributethe school business manager’s report on the preferences of new Reception children. / Head
There was no Chair’s business.
Other than additional actions from this meeting, the agenda is complete.
12.01 / Training Governor
Training governor Emma Dickens resigned from the governing body last week. The responsibility of training governor needs to be reassigned. / FGB Agenda
12.02 / Induction of new governors
New governors Jenny Perry and Katherine Wells have attended governor induction training.
There was no clerk’s business.
14.01 / Vacancies on the governing body/governing body review
The Head and Chair thought it would be difficult to start recruiting new governors in time for this round of meetings, but could start recruiting from new parents in September.
Q: Given the risk of an imminent inspection, it is worth filling vacancies from the local community?
A:Governors noted that it would be helpful to have more representation from the BME, particularly Asian, community, and also someone with financial expertise.
All governors toconsider appropriate suggestions from their contacts in the community and school. Potential applicants should be referred to the Headteacher. / All
14.02 / Budget Setting
Q: How is the budget decided with respect to SDP priorities?
A: The budget setting meeting with school’s Finance Officer Patrick Fletcher takes place at school tomorrow, which Catherine Mitchell, the School Business Manager and Headteacher will attend. Catherine Mitchell is attending as chair of resources to find out more about the process.
The budget is always discussed in terms of SDP and T&L priorities at all meetings, so all resources committee governors are well aware of the subject matter. The finance officer comes into school periodically to review and adjust the budget. The budget is well managed and healthy.
Catherine Mitchell left at 6:56 pm. The meeting resumed at item 7.00.
15.00 / SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS FOR 2016/2017
15.01 / Governance Committee Meetings for 2016/2017
The governance committee will meet once more this year to devise the SDP structure, then once each term next academic year.
Monday 4 July at 5:30pm – SDP structure meeting (no clerk required).
15.02 / MAH Governing Body Meeting Timetable 2016/2017
Dawn Simpson to timetable meetings for 2016/17 and distribute to governors.
- P&FS committee decided on one meeting per term, plus the possibility of one or two special project meetings
- T&L committee decided on five meetings per year
- Resources committee agreed four meetings, which allows one per term and one meeting a year for a deep dive of a third of the SFVS, so the entire document is thoroughly reviewed in the three year period
- The full governing body will meet once per term.
The meeting was closed by the Chair at 7:30pm.
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