Rodriguez High School

9th Grade English

Ms. Bernie - D113 - Email - Phone: 707-863-7950 ext.2313

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! This year is going to be exciting and challenging as you continue preparing for your future during your freshmen year of high school. Please read the following carefully and prepare yourself for a great year!

Course Description:

English 9 CP will focus on Coming of Age as it relates to high school students taking a step closer to adulthood. This course is designed to have students explore fictional characters and real individuals who encounter self-defining incidents while interacting with multiple texts, refining their understanding of voice, reviewing and deepening their understanding of narrative and argumentative elements, and experiencing key learning strategies.

Standards-Based Grading:

Grading categories will reflect the five strands of the CA Common Core State Standards, which are:

  • Writing - Formative
  • Writing - Summative
  • Reading
  • Speaking and Listening
  • Vocab/Grammar/Language


Grades are available via the Parent Portal on Aeries at any time. Please contact the RHS front office to obtain log-in information. Parents, please feel free to email for a grade update at any time.


Each student should bring the following to class EVERY day:

*English binder or section in a binder

*Lined binder paper

*Pens and #2 Pencils with erasers

*SSR Book

*Springboard Textbook

*Chromebook (charged)

Classroom Behavior

It is expected that you follow the RHS non-negotiables as well as the RHS Way (Responsible, Honorable and Safe).

The non-negotiables include sitting up at all times, listening attentively to the speaker (no side conversations or interruptions), no phones except when OK’d by the teacher, no hats or hoods inside the classroom, no gum chewing, NO FOOD, and limiting time out of class (bathroom, water, etc.).

The RHS way includes acting responsibly (coming prepared, taking responsibility for your actions and your learning), honorably (no plagiarism, cheating, excuses, complaints),and safely (no bullying, no teasing, no inappropriate language or remarks).

I also expect that you are free from distractions while in class. This means no grooming or makeup, no texting, no physical contact with other students, no walking around the classroom.


Chromebooks are expected to be brought to class everyday and they MUST BE charged. If they are not charged, you use your Springboard book without any technology. You must be responsible for your Chromebook as if it was your own. You must report damage immediately or you could be subjected to a fine. You are expected to not be "web surfing" while your Chromebooks are open. If you are caught with more windows open than should be, you will move to using your Springboard book for the rest of the day. Remember the RHS way!

Entering the Classroom :

You are to enter the classroom calmly and quietly, wearing your ID. Students who do not do this will be asked to leave the room and re-enter as expected. It is expected that as soon as you enter you:

1. Turn in homework to the Inbox.

2. Make sure you have what you need (sharpened pencil, paper, tissue, etc.)

3. Read the whiteboard for homework, reminders, and today’s agenda. Copy down any


4. Begin the “Do Now.” It is expected that you are working when the final bell rings.

Leaving the Room During Class Time :

Please plan ahead and use the bathroom during passing periods and at lunch. You will receive one bathroom pass per month at no penalty, plus 3 emergency passes. Bathroom breaks must be limited to 5 minutes. If you need water, you will have to use a bathroom pass. You must sign out of the classroom and take the bathroom pass with you. If you need an extra bathroom break for an emergency, you will owe time after class. The bathroom may not be used during tutorial.

Technology Use:

All electronic devices are to be silenced and out of sight for the entire school day, except when directly stated or permitted by the teacher. The use of phones to text, take photos, or access social media is strictly forbidden during class time. In addition, students who misuse school-provided technology (iPads, Chromebooks, desktop computers) will face disciplinary consequences.

Assignment Submission Requirements:

All assignments are due at the start of class. All written work must be neat and legible and include your name, period, and date in the left hand corner (MLA standards). All typed work must be double-spaced, black ink, size 12-font, Times New Roman or Arial font, and feature 1-inch margins. Failure to follow the guidelines will require re-submission of the assignment. In most cases, work will be submitted using Google Drive or Google Classroom, but your assignments must still be in the proper format.

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted for 7 days after it is due. Within the 7 day period, students may attend the library after school for a maximum grade of 100% on the assignment. You must get a signed English homework slip from the library. If the work is completed at home, the maximum grade will be reduced to 70%. In the event of an absence, students need to check with Ms. Bernie before or after class to catch up on class work and homework. If absent on the day of a test,students must ask Ms. Bernie for the test during the next tutorial period.

Absences :

If you are absent, check the absence folders for the work you missed. If you have any questions, email me. Whenever possible, let me know ahead of time that you are going to be absent, or email me from home on the day you are out sick. Do not wait until you return to school to find out what you missed. You are responsible for ALL assignments and homework missed. For excused absences, you will have no more than the days missed to make up the work. If an assignment is due the day you are out and it is not possible to email the assignment, you must turn it in the day you return to school.

For unexcused absences such as truancy (cutting) or suspension, you will not have extra days to make up the work. When suspended, work will be provided to the office for you to pick up.


A student is tardy if he or she is not in his seat when the final bell rings. Consequences are as follows:

1st tardy- Warning

2nd tardy- Stay after class + call home.

3rd tardy- Lunch detention.

4th tardy- School detention.

School Gmail:

All students have access to a school Gmail account, which they can access using their student ID number and their birthday. For example:


Password: 04121998

School Gmail accounts should be checked weekly for important news, assignments, and information. Students may access their Gmail accounts in the school library if internet is unavailable at home.

Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity is extremely important in our classroom. This means a few things.

1. NO cheating- no plagiarizing from strangers, friends, or family members! Do your own work and be proud of it. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be YOUR best.

2. Academic Language- no cussing, no put-downs, and ABSOLUTELY no sexist, racist, homophobic or other discriminatory remarks- not even if you’re “just kidding.” Use academic vocabulary and sound smart! Wear your “scholar” hat when you’re in the classroom.

3. Effort- I expect a lot of effort on your work. Don’t sell yourself short. Doing your best will open doors of possibility. Even if you don’t want to go to college now, you might want to someday and this will be good practice. Take pride and responsibility in your work and do your BEST! I would love to be able to write you an awesome letter of recommendation for your next job or your college application. Make yourself proud (and maybe your parents and me, too!)

Please sign below and return the bottom portions of this letter with your student or send me an email to confirm that you have received and read this handout. I look forward to working closely with both parents and students over the coming school year. –Ms. Glubka

I have read the information contained in this document about English 9.


Parent or Legal Guardian Name (printed)Parent or Legal Guardian Signature


Parent or Legal Guardian EmailName of Student (printed)


Student SignatureStudent Email