CVC 301

History of Urban Missions

Course Description

An introduction to the history of urban ministry and the unique role of the gospel rescue mission movement. The course begins with the early history urban ministry and leads up to the present state of the movement as represented by the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, especially. Includes a study of the scriptures that solidly support the efforts of God's people to work among the poor and to reach the city. Assignments are intended to lead the student into a deeper investigation of what God's Word has to say about rescue mission ministry.

Degree Program Outcomes

At the conclusion of this degree program, the student will able to:

1.  Understand and apply thehistory, philosophical and theological basis of movements of Christians serving the poor, the oppressed and urban communities.

2.  Use spiritual care skills such aspreaching, counseling, evangelism and discipleship in the urban context.

3.  Lead others to accomplish the missions of the organizations with which they are affiliated.

4.  Understand and apply principles from the various programs that are offered to people in the urban context including addiction recovery, community development, services to the homeless, women, youth work and family ministries.

This course prepares students for objective #1.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

·  Understand the Biblical basis for urban ministry

·  Understand the distinctive roles of rescue missions in reaching the city

·  Know many of the key figures and organizations in the history of urban ministry since the 1800s

·  Relate the unique principles of John Perkins and Christian Community Development to this context

·  Develop a written history of a particular urban ministry

Required Texts

Salvation in the Slums: Evangelical Social Work,Norris Magnuson / $30.00
Women Who Changed the Heart of the City,Delores Burger / $12.00

Recommended Texts


Course Outline

Week /Topic / Assignment / Learning Objectives | By end of this lesson participants will:
Week 1 / 1.  Meet the Professor & Read the Syllabus.
2.  Read from the textbook, Salvation in the Slums by Dr. Norris Magnuson, read the following:
a.  Forward
b.  Introduction
c.  Urban Revivalism
d.  Holiness Slum Work
e.  Food and Shelter
f.  Holiday and Fresh-Air Programs
g.  The Gospel of Healing
h.  Rescue Homes for Women
3.  Introduce Yourself to the Class Assignment
a.  Introduce yourself to the rest of the class using the Class Forum.
b.  Be sure to include in your message:
i.  Your name
ii. The non-profit organization with which you are affiliated
iii.  Your job title and duties (if applicable)
iv.  How you found your way to nonprofit organization ministry
v. A brief note about how you came to know Christ
vi.  What you hope to get out of this course
vii.  And, any other personal information you’d like to share
viii.  Finally, ask a question of the instructor about anything regarding urban ministry.
4.  Audio recording and Short Paper on John Wesley
a.  Listen to the audio recording,John Wesley - The Seeds of the Rescue Mission Movementby Arthur Bonner, 2003 AGRM Annual Convention.
b.  Then, write a 2-3 page paper about what you feel are John Wesley's most important contributions to modern urban ministry.
c.  Entitle your paper,"John Wesley's Contributions."
5.  ReadChapter 3 of Gospel Rescue Mission Update& SubmitStudy Guide Assignment already been implemented, share about the process of setting up a system and its overall results. / 1.  To introduce the student to the content and purpose of this course.
2.  To give the student an opportunity to become acquainted with the instructor and other students who are involved in this course.
Week 2 / 1. Read through submissions from the previous Class Session on theClass Forumand respond where appropriate

1.  Read the PDF document, "Scriptural Teachings on the Poor"; listen to the audio recording for the reading and then complete assignment

a.  Read the PDF document, Scriptural Teachings on the Poor by Rev. Maurice Vanderburg, former Executive Director of City Union Mission, Kansas City, MO.
b.  Listen to the audio recording, Scriptural Teachings on the Poor by Rev. Maurice Vanderburg, former Executive Director of City Union Mission, Kansas City, MO.
c.  Then, seek out the 88 verses in the Bible that relate to urban ministry. From this list choose a category of the poor, ie, widows, orphans, aliens, and write a two page page about the Biblical mandate to minister to that particular group.
Entitle your paper "Scriptural Teachings on the Poor".

2.  Read portions from "Salvation in the Slums" by Dr. Norris Magnuson as assigned.

3.  From the textbook,Salvation in the Slumsby Dr. Norris Magnuson, read the following:
·  The Problem of Unemployment
·  Prison Philanthropy
·  The Liberation of Women
·  "Of One Blood": Black Americans
·  Work With Ethnic Groups
·  "The Cup of Fury"
·  Philanthropy Abroad
·  War and Peace
·  Critics of the Social Order
Note: Major events, leaders, and important movements from this textbook will make up a significant portion of the mid-term examination in two weeks.

4.  Discuss the differences and relationship between your ministry with the local church.

a.  Answer the following questions
i.  What does the ministry with which you are associated do that the Church cannot do?
ii. How does your organization work to build up the local church and supplement it's ministry?
iii.  Besides eliciting financial support, what is your ministry doing to work "arm in arm" with area churches?
iv.  What could your ministry do to increase the involvement of the local churches? / 1.  To examine the Biblical basis for urban ministry.
2.  To continue readings in the book,Salvation in the Slumsin order to learn more about the early efforts of evangelicals to reach out to the city,
Week 3 / 1. Listen about Mrs. Delores Burger
a.  Mrs. Delores Burger is the official historian of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions. She began working in nonprofit organizations as a teenager at the youth center of the Union Gospel Mission in St. Paul, MN. Delores is the wife of Rev. Steve Burger, who has served as Executive Director of the AGRM since 1989. Before that time, Delores served with Steve in leadership positions with nonprofit organizations in Seattle, WA, New Castle and York, PA.

2.  Read portions from "Women Who Changed the Heart of the City"

a.  Then, fromWomen Who Changed the Heart of the Cityby Delores Burger read:
b.  Chapter 1: Overcome Evil With Good - Frances Naismith
c.  To prepare for the mid-term and final exams, students are encouraged to complete the portions of the hard copy study guide that apply to assigned readings from the Burger book.
3. Read the PDF document, Unto the Least of These, Chapter 1 by Dr. William Seath (IUGM 1974).

4.  Download the Word file, "Study Guide"; read Ch. 1of PDF document "Gospel Rescue Mission Update"

Download the Word file, Study Guide for Chapter 1 from the Gospel Rescue Mission Update by Dr. Charles Furness.
Read the PDF document, Chapter One: Historical Background of Gospel Rescue Missions From the Gospel Rescue Mission Update by Dr. Charles Y. Furness (1984).
Then, complete this study guide to prepare for the mid-term examination.
5. Read the PDF document, Chapter Thirteen: Applying History from The Tragedy of American Compassion by Marvin Olasky .

6.  Post your own opinion of what Olasky says about effective compassion in light of the scriptures you have studied and assigned readings for this course so far.

Post 2-3 paragraphs of your own opinion of what Olasky says about effective compassion in light of the scriptures you have studied and assigned readings for this course so far.
Include these considerations:
·  Have nonprofit organizations practicee Olasky's principles of compassion? Should they today?
·  Are these concepts generally held by the secular helping community?
·  What can the Church learn from the rescue movement about the proper approach to effective compassion?
Entitle your posting - "Thoughts on Olasky"
7. Write a 3 page reflection paper on what you learned from reading chapter on “Ladies are Warriors”. Do not rewrite what you read but reflect on what you read particularly on what motivated these women to do what they did, how did they or could have they overcome the challenges they faced and what made them “progressive Pentecostals”
/ 1.  To introduce the student to the distinctive of urban and nonprofit organizations and their unique role in reaching the city.
2.  To introduce the student to the work of Latina “progressive Pentecostals” and their work as urban missionaries ushering in urban social transformation in their communities.
3.  To help the student to appreciate the unique contributions of women to inner city missions by reading the book,Women Who Changed the Heart of the City.
Week 4 / 1. Listen to the audio recording,Introduction to Maria McAuleyby Delores Burger, 1995 IUGM Annual Convention.

2.  Read about the life and ministry of Jerry McAuley

Read these PDF documents:
·  The Life & Ministry of Jerry McAuley
·  Jerry McAuley: The Story That Never Grows OldfromMiracles of Rescueby Dr. William Paul.

3.  Write a paper entitled "Jerry & Maria McAuley"

Then, write a 4-5 page paper on the impact of this lives of Jerry and Maria McAuley. Note in which ways the work they did in New York set a pattern that has been followed up to this day.
Entitle your report, "Jerry & Maria McAuley."
4. Read the PDF document,Mel Trotter RESCUE Magazine, Summer 1993.

5.  Read Chapter 12 of "Women Who Changed the Heart of the City "

·  FromWomen Who Changed the Heart of the Cityby Delores Burger, read:
·  Chapter 10"A Mother's Prayer - She Never Gave Up: Emily Trotter"
·  Chapter 12 "Willing Wife - Willing Widow: Helen Sunday"

6.  Write a paper about the "How would they feel about the current state of affairs at nonprofit organizations?"

Now, consider how Billy Sunday and Mel Trotter might view the current state of the nonprofit organization movement. How would they feel about the current state of affairs at nonprofit organizations?
Then, write a reflection paper of 3-5 pages on this topic. Use information from the above readings, plus the chapters dedicated to Mel Trotter and Billy Sunday inWomen Who Changed the Heart of the City, plus any other information you know about them.
Then, develop a 3-5 page report on your nonprofit organization's involvement with the AGRM based on the above interviews. Entitle it, "Mel Trotter and Billy Sunday"

7.  Share your thoughts about the people we studied this week.

Share your thoughts about the people we studied this week. Be sure to note:
·  Aspects of their person stories that had an impact on you, and why.
·  Lasting contributions made by each of them that affect urban ministry in our time.
Entitle your posting - "AGRM's Eariest Leaders"
8.  Take the Midterm Exam. / 1.  To introduce the student to the significant nonprofit organization leaders of the past.
2.  To give the student an opportunity to share thoughts about this week's readings with the class.
Week 5 /

1.  Listen to the audio recording and read, “What Makes a Mission a Rescue Ministry?” by Dr. F. Dickson Marshall.

Listen to the audio recording, “What Makes a Mission a Rescue Ministry?” by Dr. F. Dickson Marshall.

Then, read the PDF document, “What Makes a Mission a 'Rescue Ministry'?” by Rev. Dick Marshall, former Executive Director of the City Mission, New Castle, PA.
For this assignment, write a 2-3 page paper that describes at less ten aspects of rescue ministry that makes it unique from other types of Christian outreach.
Entitled your paper "Rescue Ministry Distinctives".
2.  Complete the Chapter 2 Study Guide
Complete thestudy guideand submit it to your instructor. Entitle your submission, "Chapter Two Study Guide."
3.  Learn about the history of the AGRM
Learn about the history of theAssociation of Gospel Rescue Missionsby reading these PDF documents:
a.  Time to Reflect, and Look Ahead- AGRM's Executive Director, Stephen Burger, takes a look at the the 1997 celebration marking 125 years of Rescue Missions in North America.
b.  Founding of the AGRM- The events that led up to the establishment of the Association of Gospel Rescue (formerly known as the International Union of Gospel Rescue Missions) Missions in 1913.
c.  AGRM's Directors- A brief sketch of each of the individuals who have served as the organization's chief executives.
4.  Take the Midterm Exam
5.  Reflect on the principles presented by Dr. Dick Marshall in this week’s audio recording and share your insights from the presentation
Reflect on the principles presented by Dr. Dick Marshall in this week's audio recording.
Share with your classmates one or two insights that you gained from this presentation. Note especially, ideas that you plan to use in your own personal ministry.
Entitle your posting, "What Makes Me a Rescue Minister?" / ·  To examine some of the spiritual and methodological distintives that make rescue ministry unique.
·  To introduce the student to the roots of the International Union of Gospel Rescue Missions and some of its original purposes
Week 6 / 1)  Download the Word file, How to Write Your Mission’s History – Study Guide. Do listening assignment and work on the “Introducing the Final Project"
Download the Word file,How to Write Your Mission's History - Study Guide.
Listen to the audio recording,How to Write Your Mission's History Mrs. Delores Burger, AGRM.
Introducing the Final Project- Write a brief history of the local ministry with which you are associated.
Use the principles about writing a mission's history presented by Delores Burger.
Your paper (10 pg. minimum) must include:
a)  Details of the events that led to the establishment of the mission and the prominent individuals involved.
b)  Other historic developments with dates of significant events.
c)  Brief biographical sketches of its leaders, significant staff members, and others who contributed to the development of the mission.
d)  A bibliography of sources used with footnotes where appropriate.
This written project is due at theend of the courseand will constitute 20% of the final grade for this course. Submit this Final Project by uploading to the week 8 final project assignment.
2)  Read selected portions from “Women Who Changed the Heart of the City”
Read the following from the book,Women Who Changed the Heart of the Cityby Delores Burger:
·  Chapter 3: Perfect Love Drives Out Fear - Emma Whittemore
·  Chapter 4: Let Your Light Shine - Clemmer Ellis White
·  Chapter 5: Home Missionary - Fanny Crosby
·  Chapter 6: God is Love - Sarah Clarke
·  Chapter 7: Rescue Us from the Present Evil - Eva Von Tiele-Winkler
·  Chapter 8: Rescue the Poor Who Cry for Help - Annie Green
·  Chapter 9: Undivided Devotion - Annie Spellman, Mamie Caskie, Jennie Goranflo
·  Chapter 10: Compassion - Maude Benton
·  Chapter 13 - Pimps and Madames - Beulah Bulkley
Note: Complete thestudy guideas you read. The final exam will have questions from it.
3)  Read selected PDF documents for this assignment and work on create a list of ten prominent leaders of the gospel rescue movement.
Read these PDF documents:
·  The Founding Fathers of the IUGM by James Harriger(Rescue Magazine reprint).
·  They Left Their Mark by James Harriger(Rescue Magazine reprint).
Then, using the readings and recordings presented in this course thus far, create a list of ten prominent leaders of the gospel rescue movement..
Include a paragraph that outlines what their accomplements were and how their efforts continue to impact the field of urban ministry.
Entitle your paper, "Rescue's Early Leaders."
4)  Post your thoughts on “Who is the one early leader of the gospel rescue movement whose life seems like your own?”
Who is the one early leader of the gospel rescue movement whose life seems most like your own?
Share this with your classmates and include at least three things about this individual's life that are similar to your's. Then, share a few lessons from his or her life that you can use today in your own personal life and ministry.
Entitle your posting, "The Historical Figure Who Most Inspires Me." / 1)  To help the student to understand the importance of developing a history for the local rescue ministry.
2)  To assign the major written project for this course; the development of a written history of the local rescue ministry - and provide concrete steps to developing it.
3)  To continue readings that highlight the important contributions of women to the field of urban ministry.
4)  Further explore the roots of the International Union of Gospel Rescue Missions and introduce the student to more of its early leaders.
Week 7 /

1.  Listen to the audio recording, "Wholistic" Urban Ministry by Dr. John Perkins, and learn who he is.