February 21, 2013









Chairman Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Supervisor Steve Bowen provided the invocation

The minutes of the January 17, 2013 regular Board meeting were presented. Supervisor Simmons moved to adopt the January 17, 2013 minutes as presented. The motion carried as follows:

J.J. Green Yes

G.L. Simmons Yes

S.W. Bowen Yes

C.A. Simpson Yes

S.C. Vaughn Yes

Chairman Vaughn asks if there were any delegations from the public;

Mr. Sonny Abbott: Mr. Abbott is present to ask the Board to consider offering the Citizens more transparency during the upcoming Budget. Mr. Abbott mentions a recent article featured in the Richmond Times Dispatch concerning the “poor grade” assigned the County’s website due to the lack of information available to the public. Mr. Abbott further suggests for the Board to consider advertising the proposed 2013-2014 budget in its entirety in the local newspapers.

Mr. Jeff Abernathy: Mr. Abernathy is present to express concern for the misuse of a County vehicle. Mr. Abernathy reports instances of possible misuse by Nottoway County Building Inspector Al Ellington; vehicle being used more for personal use than County business. Mr. Abernathy further urges that there is not near enough building happening in the County to warrant Mr. Ellington driving the County vehicle to and from work.

Presentation – Commonwealth Regional Council: Mary Hickman, acting President and CEO, is present to provide the Board with the Commonwealth Regional Council’s FY 11-12 annual report. Mrs. Hickman provides an overview of services of the Commonwealth Regional Council and reminds the Board that Nottoway County is still an eligible member.

Presentation – Madeline’s House-Piedmont Crisis Center: Mrs. Emily Marshall, Executive Director is present to express appreciation to the Board for their one-time financial donation to aid in the relocation of Madeline’s House from its present location to the Town of Blackstone. Mrs. Marshall also explains the services provided to those women seeking help that don’t originate from contributing localities; they are provided three nights emergency shelter.

February 21, 2013

Public Hearing – Special Exception Permit – Rachel H. Parker: Request to install a mobile home to be used as a residence on property located off Rt. 360 on Triple R Lane in Haytokah District; property is owned by Ms. Parker and is zoned C-1, Conservation

Chairman Vaughn asks if there is anyone present to comment in favor of, or against, the Parker request; there is no one present wishing to comment. Administrator Roark informs the Planning Commission heard Ms. Parker’s request and recommends approval.

Supervisor Bowen moves to approve the Rachel H. Parker special exception request to install a mobile home to be used as a residence. The motion carried as follows:

J.J. Green Yes

G.L. Simmons Yes

S.W. Bowen Yes

C.A. Simpson Yes

S.C. Vaughn Yes

Public Hearing – Special Exception Permit – F. Michael & Sandra O. Hill: Request to build a duplex off Rt. 652 – Hawthorne Drive in Bellefonte District; property is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hill and is zoned A-1, Agricultural

Chairman Vaughn asks if there is anyone present wishing to comment in favor of, or against, the Hill request; there is no one wishing to comment. Administrator Roark informs the Planning Commission heard the Hill’s request and recommends approval.

Supervisor Simmons moves to approve the F. Michael & Sandra O. Hill special exception request to build a duplex off Rt. 652 – Hawthorne Drive in Bellefonte District. The motion carried as follows:

J.J. Green Yes

G.L. Simmons Yes

S.W. Bowen Yes

C.A. Simpson Yes

S.C. Vaughn Yes

Highway Department: Ms. Dianna Bryant, Assistant Residency Administrator, is present to receive any communications from the Board, and also updates on the routine maintenance performed since the last meeting.

Letter – Virginia Department of Transportation – Jennifer B. DeBruhl, Director, Local Assistance Division: Providing notification of the annual de-allocation of Revenue Sharing funding

School Board – Charlotte D. Wood, Clerk: Actions taken at the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on January 15, 2013, minutes of the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on December 13, 2012

Administrator Roark provides an update on the loan renewal for the School gyms; interest rate of 1.92% with payments totaling $120,000 for four consecutive years and payments totaling $95,000 for fifth, and final, year.

Economic Development Committee: There is no scheduled meeting for February 2013

Regional Jail Report & Juvenile Detention Center: November 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail Transportation Report, December 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail Transportation Report, November 2012 Jurisdiction Report, December 2012 Jurisdiction Report, November 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail revenue report, December 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail revenue report, December 2012 Piedmont Regional Juvenile Detention Center Utilization Report, Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice Statewide Detention Facility population

February 21, 2013

Landfill: Administrator Roark gave the Landfill report

A – Correspondence – William G. Hase, P.E. – Draper Aden Associates: Requesting necessary documents in order to update the Landfill’s Solid Waste Management Plan

B – Letter – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality – Mal Lafoon, Jr., Solid Waste Inspector: Providing results of an unannounced compliance inspection performed on November 26, 2012; no violations were noted

C – Letter – Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services: Providing results of the Nottoway County Sanitary Landfill (closed facility) Groundwater Monitoring Program Sampling Event 38: 11-27-12; nothing noted exceeding standards

D – Letter – Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services: Providing results of the Nottoway Sanitary Landfill Gas Monitoring Program Monitoring Event: 01-09-13; facility found in compliance

E – Letter – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality – Michael D. Sexton, Groundwater Remediation Specialist: Nottoway County Sanitary Landfill – Active Area, SWP 304 Detection Monitoring Program 3rd Quarterly 2012 Sampling Report

F – Letter – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality – Virginia Butler, Office of Financial Responsibility & Data Management: Providing notification of review of the documentation submitted to demonstrate financial assurance for SWP304, Nottoway County Sanitary Landfill

G – January 2013 Solid Waste Report, 72.32 tons per day

Administrator Roark informs the Board that the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is requiring the County to update its Solid Waste Management Plan by July, 2013 and suggests having Draper Aden Associates complete this Plan update. Supervisor Green made a motion to authorize Draper Aden Associates to complete the Nottoway County Solid Waste Management Plan update as required by DEQ. The motion carried as follows:

J.J. Green Yes

G.L. Simmons Yes

S.W. Bowen Yes

C.A. Simpson Yes

S.C. Vaughn Yes

Fort Pickett Redevelopment Authority: Administrator Roark reports that Nottoway Biofuels is progressing well.

Planning Commission Report: Administrator Roark reports the Commission heard both the Parker and Hill Special Exception requests and also held another discussion on derelict structures located in the County; the Commission recommended no action be taken at this time

Supervisor Vaughn reminds other members about the upcoming Happy Birthday celebration for the Town of Blackstone; the 125 year celebration will be held Saturday, February 23 in the Town Square. Supervisor Green informs that the Town of Crewe is celebrating its 125th year this year as well.

Administrator Roark requests for the Board to set the annual dog confinement period; Supervisor Green moves to set the confinement period for April 01, 2013 through May 31, 2013. The motion carried as follows:

J.J. Green Yes

G.L. Simmons Yes

S.W. Bowen Yes

C.A. Simpson Yes

S.C. Vaughn Yes

February 21, 2013

Chairman Vaughn presented the CONSENT CALENDAR:

1 – Budget Adjustment – Sheriff - $928.75


3-100-18990-0050 Miscellaneous – Undefined $928.75

(Reimb for Social Ser fuel consumption) $928.75


4-100-31020-5408 Vehicle Supplies $928.75


2 – Budget Adjustment – CSA - $4,815.54


3-100-24010-0030 Comprehensive – At-Risk $4,815.54

(Refund from vendor for overpayment) $4,815.54


4-100-57070-0100 Mandated Services $4,815.54


3 – Budget Adjustment – Sheriff - $90.00


3-100-18990-0050 Miscellaneous – Undefined $90.00

(VML Insurance Proceeds) $90.00


4-100-31020-5408 Vehicle Supplies $90.00


4 – Budget Adjustment – Sheriff - $1,662.97


3-100-18990-0050 Miscellaneous – Undefined $ 741.52

3-100-18990-0050 Miscellaneous – Undefined 921.45

(VML Insurance Proceeds) $1,662.97


4-100-31020-5408 Vehicle Supplies $1,662.97


5 – Budget Adjustment – Commonwealth Attorney - $7,894.73


3-100-23010-0010 Commonwealth’s Attorney $7,894.73

(Additional allocation from Comp Brd) $7,894.73


4-100-22010-5401 Office Supplies $7,894.73


6 – Erroneous Assessment – Epes Supply: Refund Epes Supply Company, Inc. $289.50 for an overpayment of their County business license

7 – Erroneous Assessment – Rockwell: Refund Arthur Hurt Rockwell, L.E. (c/o Janice & John Collins) $625.68 for an erroneous real estate assessment for tax year 2012

February 21, 2013

8 – Erroneous Assessment – NILT, Inc.: Refund NILT, Inc. $429.63 for an erroneous personal property assessment for tax year 2012

9 – Erroneous Assessment – Carter: Refund Alice C. Carter $40.73 for an erroneous personal property assessment for tax year 2012

Supervisor Vice Chairman Simpson moved to approve the CONSENT CALENDAR as presented. The motion carried as follows:

J.J. Green Yes

G.L. Simmons Yes

S.W. Bowen Yes

C.A. Simpson Yes

S.C. Vaughn Yes

Administrator Roark presented the following information items:

1 - Sheriff’s Report: Nottoway Sheriff’s Office partial activity report for January 2013

2 – News Release – Office of Governor Bob McDonnell: Announcing the membership of his newly created rural jobs council

3 – Letter – House of Delegates – Thomas C. Wright, Jr.: Acknowledging receipt of the County’s letter requesting his support of opposing HB1225 and SB571

4 – Virginia Cooperative Extension Annual Faculty Report

5 – Letter – Susan Trumbo, Vice President – Technical Manager – Recyc Systems, Inc.: Providing the monthly report for field operations which occurred December 2012

6 – Minutes:

Minutes of the South Central Workforce Investment Board meeting held on Friday, October 26, 2012

Minutes of the South Central Workforce Investment Board meeting held on October 18, 2012

Minutes of the Piedmont Regional Jail Board meeting held on November 28, 2012

Draft minutes of the Old Dominion RC&D Council meeting held on December 10, 2012

Draft minutes of the Old Dominion RC&D Council Executive Committee meeting held on January 11, 2013

Minutes of the Virginia’s Growth Alliance meeting held on January 03, 2013

Administrator Roark presented the following correspondence:

1 - Building Inspector’s Report: Report period January 2013

2 – Animal Control Officer’s Report: Report period January 08, 2013 through February 12, 2013

3 - Erosion and Sedimentation Report: Report period January 2013

4 – United Way – Emergency Food and Shelter Program: Providing notification that Nottoway County has been selected to receive an award under Phase 30 of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program; $4,959

February 21, 2013

5 – Letter – Anonymous County resident: Expressing concern about the condition of a neighbor’s property, writer states the yard is littered with trash, junk, abandoned vehicles, semi-trailers and other eyesores; requesting the County consider adoption of an ordinance requiring property maintenance

6 – Press Release – Office of Governor Bob McDonnell: announcing funding for five projects in Virginia through the Building Collaborative Communities Program; Commonwealth TransTech Marketing Alliance, now known as Virginia’s Growth Alliance – has been awarded $20,000;

Administrative Roark reported that the Marketing Plan for the Virginia’s Growth Alliance is currently being reviewed by its Board members.

7 – Letter – Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) – Robert Bennett, Acting Director, Division of Stormwater: Providing notice that DCR has begun assessing and collecting fees for reinspecting projects involving land-disturbing activities regulated under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program; $125 fee

8 – Letter – Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) – James M. Chandler: Providing notice that Deerfield Apartments, located in the Town of Crewe, may be submitted to the VHDA for a reservation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits

Supervisor Green makes a motion to forward a letter of support to VHDA for Deerfield Apartments. The motion carried as follows:

J.J. Green Yes

G.L. Simmons Yes

S.W. Bowen Yes

C.A. Simpson Yes

S.C. Vaughn Yes

9 – CPMT Membership: Administrator Roark informs that three appointments are needed for the Nottoway County Central Planning and Management Team; one needs to be the parent of a special needs child, one is needed to replace former County Attorney Mayo Gravatt and one is needed to replace a current member that is not fulfilling their duties.

10 – Virginia Retirement System Disability Program: Providing information on the newly created Virginia Local Disability Program required for Hybrid Plan employees (most new employees hired on or after January 01, 2012) and any current employee who opts to switch to the new plan

It is the consensus of the Board to table any action on this item and forward it to the Budget Committee for their recommendations; Administrator Roark will place this back on the agenda for the March regular Board meeting

11 – Virginia’s Heartland – Mary S. Hickman, Acting President & CEO: Requesting localities assistance in establishing Regional Priorities for the Virginia Community Development Block Grant Program; the Board will offer no contribution

Administrator Roark explains a recent meeting with a group of citizens that are requesting access to the Nottoway County Animal Pound. The desire of the group is to increase public awareness of the animals located in the pound by assisting with care and grooming of the animals and taking photos and posting them on social media sites to encourage adoption. The group declares their plan will be to no expense of the County

Following a general discussion by the Board, to include concerns for increased traffic, deteriorating road conditions, personal liability, etc. the Board requests for any action to be delayed so that more information can be obtained. Administrator Roark will place the item on the agenda for the March regular Board meeting.