GIS Certificate IowaStateUniversity


Department of Community and Regional Planning

Exit Questionnaire for GIS Certificate Candidates

This is an anonymous questionnaire. Please provide your feedback on the following topics and email your completed form to the Department of Community and Regional Planning ().

Date: ______


  1. Why did you join the GIS Certificate program? (Circle all that apply.)

a)I want or need to use GIS in my current research program.

b)The certificate will make me more marketable for jobs in my chosen career path.

c)I want or need to use GIS in my future career.

d)I am interested in the technology.

e)Other: ______


  1. Please rate the GIS certificate program overall.Provide comments if desired.

Very goodGoodAdequate PoorVery Poor


  1. Please rate the required courses according to their quality, relevance, and effectiveness. Provide comments about the classes if desired.
  • Foundation class

Very goodGoodAdequate PoorVery Poor


  • Tools and techniques classes

Very goodGoodAdequate PoorVery Poor


  • Your GIS application (i.e. independent study)

Very goodGoodAdequate PoorVery Poor


  • Capstone seminar

Very goodGoodAdequate PoorVery Poor


  1. What did you find mostrewarding about the GIS Certificate program?

a)The breadth and depth of material that I learned.

b)Being able to apply the material to my current research program.

c)The relevance of the material to my future career path.

d)Other: ______


  1. What did you find most frustrating about the GIS Certificate program?

a)The steep learning curve associated with the technology.

b)The certificate requirements.

c)The application procedure or other administrative requirements.

d)Other: ______


  1. To what degree would you recommend the GIS Certificate program to a friend?

(5 = Highly recommend1 = Would not recommend at all)



  1. To what degree were the requirements for the GIS Certificate adequate?

(5 = Very adequate1 = Very inadequate)



  1. To what degree did you receive adequate support in pursuing your GIS Certificate?

(5 = Very adequate1 = Very inadequate)



  1. What would you change to make the GIS Certificate program better?
  1. Do you have any other comments?

Thank you for your collaboration! 