Assessment Task - Draft.


You have been employed as IT support to the school.

1. The school has installed Interactive WIFI/Networked projectors. These projectors have the capability to connect to a client computer using WIFI/Ethernet connection. This connection has not yet been configured. Staff have not yet been trained in its use.

Your task is to :

  • Request a client from your supervisor
  • Meet with your client and explain the proposed upgrade to their projector.
  • Install an ethernet cable to the clients projector
  • Configure the Projector to connect to the network.
  • Install client software and configure the teacher's desktop computer (ie, one not connected to the projector via VGA) to connect to the projector.
  • Create a Poster to display next to the computer/Projector with quick steps to connect to the projector va the network.
  • Create a detailed User's manual explaining all aspects of the networked projector.
  • Present the user documentation and train the client in how to connect the projector
  • Create a feedback form for the client
  • Have the feedback form completed by the client once intallation and training is complete.

2. The Art department has a number of computers it would like configured for digital editing. The computer they have presently lack the following hardware items

  • Sufficient RAM for Video Editing
  • A FireWire card to connect high-end video cameras to the computer
  • A sufficiently fast Graphics card for Video Editing.
  • Video Editing Software

Your task is to :

  • Request access to one of the computers from your supervisor
  • Setup the machine.
  • Use Disk Imaging software to take a snapshot of the system before upgrade.
  • Create a Hardware Register of the existing setup - include photographs of internal components listed below. Use the System Board Overview diagram to help you identify the internal components.
  • Request the upgrade hardware from your supervisor
  • Install new hardware and configure the system, install drivers (if required) and solve any conflict issues.
  • Update the Hardware Register to reflect the changes in hardware.
  • Install Video Editing Software (for example MS Movie Maker).
  • Demonstrate the system to your supervisor – you will be required to show the supervisor where the internal components were installed, the Windows Device Manager to show there are not driver issues, Computer Properties to show RAM upgrade, the Movie Maker software.
  • Create a disk Image of the new setup
  • Remove installed hardware and return it to your supervisor
  • Restore the original disk image to the system
  • Check the system is fully functional once more.
  • Return the system to your supervisor.