JANUARY 14, 2014




Supervisor Jones called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at State Bank of the Lakes, Spring Grove, IL.

Roll call present: Supervisor Jones, Clerk Shetsky, Road Commissioner Sutton, Trustees; Eileen Miller, Lloyd Simonson, John Flood and Dennis Riechert and Assessor Jessica Huber.

Guest: Gloria & Tom Kraft, Jerry Wagner & Michael Koch

Supervisor Jones led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the regular meeting held on December 10, 2013 were read. Trustee Lloyd Simonson made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Trustee Eileen Miller. The accounts payable were presented for payment for the various funds, they were audited, initialed and ordered paid.

Accounts Payable


Frontier: $22.01

Township Supervisor:

Assessor Richard Alexander $1,772.61

Road Comm. Dan Sutton $1,537.00

Supervisor Sam Jones $1,031.33

Clerk April Shetsky $386.75

Trustee Lloyd Simonson $78.62

Trustee Eileen Miller $78.62

Trustee Dennis Riechert $78.62

Verizon (Town Cell Phones) $151.02

ComEd $ 42.40

NICOR $205.31

Dam, Snell & Taveirne $405.00

Mediacom (Town phone $ Internet) $83.18

Neil Anderson (legal services) $375.00

Shaw Media (Levy Notices) $904.00

Citrone Computer Consult $1,300.00

(annual fee)

Richard Alexander (reimbursement) $120.70

Director of Employ. Sec. (quarterly) $320.36

Road & Bridge:

Dave Zimmer (Rent/Utilities) $900.00

ComEd (Street Lights) $380.60

ComEd (Shop) $83.24

Waste Management $93.33

North American Salt $4,072.90

Menards Fox Lake (Shop) $275.14

Nicor Gas $83.18

LTS Truck Crane (Parts) $1,226.40

North American Salt $4,271.17

Cell Phone (Highway Phone) $58.00

Grower Equipment (Chains sharp) $123.00

M.C.H.C.A (Dues) $100.00

Avalon (Fuel) $1,624.10

R.A. Adams (Parts) $102.25


Steve Shetsky (Gross) $1,161.50

Bryan Miller (Gross) $1,100.00

Kip Miller (Gross) $940.00

Supervisors Report:

·  The title search provided a document showing the Town Hall on the map as far back as 1897. The copy was not very legible. We still do not have a document showing the exact owner of the Hall. The Township attorney has recommended we order a “Title Policy”, this will show Burton Township as the legal owner of the Hall. The fee is $1,250.00. The Title search cost was $50.00.

A motion to proceed with a Title Policy, to declare Burton Township as the owners of the hall, was made by Trustee: Dennis Riechert and was seconded by Trustee: John Flood. Voice vote, all ayes, motion carried.

·  The accountant for Burton Township is now Carrie Eggleston. Joyce Loris has retired from her position at Dam, Snell & Taveirne. Carrie has more skills in government accounting.

·  Senior Transportation-Our current donation is being used for maintenance on the vehicles and the Drivers pay. Richmond Township would like us to sign an Intergovernmental agreement to pay the annual amount of $3000.00 plus a % of the remaining deficit. For the 2014 budget it will be an additional $600.00.

Burton Township would like for Richmond Township to show what they’re portion is. Sam will recommend further advertisement to generate revenue.

A motion to accept the Intergovernmental Agreement to discuss the deficit was made by Trustee: John Flood and was seconded by Trustee: Eileen Miller. Voice Vote, all ayes motion carried.

·  The Burton Township has had 2 PO boxes for a number of years. There is no need for two therefore; Sam has suggested we cancel Box #134. The Township and the Assessor can share one.

A motion to cancel PO Box #134 was made by Trustee: Eileen Miller and was seconded by Trustee: Lloyd Simonson. Voice vote all ayes, motion carried.

·  Sam would like to have the Hall Plaqued, now that we will be the owner. He would also like to see the building moved to our property on Blivin road in the future.

·  The Township received a letter regarding waste. We have no waste, even the old oil from the oil changes is given to a resident for his furnace.

Road Commissioners Report

·  The break repair on the truck was covered by Lemke’s due to negligence by the mechanic.

·  Due to the amount of snow this season, Dan ordered more salt.

·  During one of the snow storms, a plow driver had a minor incident by bumping a resident’s bumper on his vehicle. Dan contacted the Insurance co.

Assessors Report:

·  Jessica received about 10 phone calls, from realtors looking for information on homes. The challenge to get the home assessments in order is greater than she thought. Jessica is working with Bob, from the county to try and get the records in place. She is uploading correct information on homes and assigning pins as it should be.

Jessica’s goal is to correct as much as possible by 2015, which is the quad year for assessing, at that point everything will stay the same for 4 years.

Clerks Report:

·  No report at this time.

Trustees Report:

·  Trustee Lloyd stated there is no Richmond Township meeting scheduled at this time.

Public Comments:

·  Two residents from Breezy Lawn subdivision came to the meeting to commend the Highway dept. for doing a great job with the roads.

New Business:


Old Business:


Adjournment of Regular Meeting:

A motion was made by Trustee: John Flood to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. it was seconded by Trustee Eileen Miller, voice vote all ayes, motion carried.

April Shetsky

Burton Township Clerk