Using this work program and Retroactive 1 Second edition
This sample work program matches the requirements of the new Junior History syllabus for New South Wales with the content of Retroactive 1: Stage 4 World History, Second edition by M. Anderson, I. Keese and A. Low, published by John Wiley & Sons (Jacaranda).
The syllabus requires 100 hours of study of history in Stage 4, Years 7-8. Within each topic, not all areas of study are required to be taught. Teachers will choose areas of study according to their own and students’ interests, the school’s situation and timetabling considerations. Retroactive 1 and this sample program provide comprehensive individual coverage of a selection of the most popular areas of study:
· Topic 1: Investigating history - see chapter 1 (use as reference chapter or study as a discrete topic).
· Topic 2: Societies and civilisations of the past - choose at least one from ancient society chapters 2 (Ancient Egypt); 3 (Ancient Greece); 4 (Ancient Rome); and 5 (Imperial China). Choose at least one from medieval societies and the early modern period – chapters 6 (Medieval Europe); 7 (Islamic world to 1500); 8 (Medieval Japan).*
· Topic 3 (A): Aboriginal and indigenous peoples, colonisation and contact history – mandatory chapter 9 (Australia); plus part (B) - choose at least one from chapters 10 (North America) and 11 (South America).
* Note that students must study at least one non-European option from Topic 2.
Each area of study has been treated as a separate entity: for each topic we show the relevant outcomes that are covered, the skills of working historically, the relevant ‘learn about’ and ‘learn to’ points; the content by spread number and title; and ideas for teaching/learning strategies which provide a wide range of assessment opportunities, an evaluation page and a history register page. Teachers may introduce additional ideas and resources, and space is allowed to record these on the evaluation sheets.
The following abbreviations are used in this program to identify specific questions in the ‘Activities’ sections.
CYU Check your understanding
US Using sources
R&C Researching and communicating
Comm. Communicating
C Creating
C&C Civics and citizenship
LS Literacy skills
ICT information and communication technologies