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[Entity Name]

[Entity Address]


Re:[Reliability Coordinator/Balancing Authority/Transmission Operator] capabilities review of [Entity Name](NCRXXXXX)

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Name],

By this letter, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) confirms the review of changes submitted by [Entity Name] ([Entity Acronym]) (NCRXXXXX) as to [Entity Acronym]’s ability to continue to perform the functions of a NERC certified [Reliability Coordinator (RC)/Balancing Authority (BA)/Transmission Operator (TOP)].

In accordance with the NERC Rules of ProcedureSection 500 – Organization Registration and Certification, a Reliability Coordinator (RC), Balancing Authority (BA) and Transmission Operator (TOP)are functional entities that are required to be evaluated and certified. Appendix 5A to the Rules of Procedure, Organization Registration and Certification Manual (Manual) Section IV, contains the procedures used to review changes to an already operating and certified registered entity. The intent of this review is to determine if the changes submitted require [Entity Acronym] to go through the full Certification process.

In accordance with the procedures in Appendix 5A Section IV – Organization Certification Procedure, [Regional Entity] [Regional Entity Acronym] assigned a Certification Team Leader (CTL) to lead the evaluation of [Entity Acronym]’s ability to continue to perform the function of a [Reliability Coordinator/Balancing Authority/Transmission Operator]for [Entity Acronym]. This evaluation was based upon [Entity Acronym] incorporating the submitted changes and having the necessary tools, processes, training, procedures and personnel to continue to operate reliably as a [Reliability Coordinator/Balancing Authority/Transmission Operator]. After careful review of the results of this evaluation, [Entity Acronym] has provided reasonable assurance that [Entity Acronym] can reliably continue to operate as an [Reliability Coordinator/Balancing Authority/Transmission Operator]. Therefore, based upon the recommendation of the CTL and [Regional Entity Acronym]’s approval, NERC approves and confirms the determination that [Entity acronym] does not require a new certification.

We appreciate [Entity acronym]’s support of the CTL’s determination that[Entity acronym] has sufficient capabilities to continue to perform the tasks necessary as a NERC-certified [RC/BA/TOP].

As a final reminder, per ROP Appendix 5A, if there are any changes to the status of [Entity Name] ([Entity Acronym]) (NCRXXXXX)that could impact the basis of this determination, you are obligated to advise [Regional Entity]immediately.


Manager Name

Manager Organization Registration and Certification

North American Electric Reliability Corporation

3353 Peachtree Road NE

Suite 600, North Tower

Atlanta, GA 30326


cc: Cover Letter Only Sent Via E-Mail

Earl Shockley, NERC

Clyde Melton, NERC

Chris Scheetz, NERC

Rebecca Michael, NERC

Name, RE

Name, RE