BulletinforWednesday,September 27,2017


  • Seniors, stop by room 233 to check the senior list of names for the Senior Sweatshirts/shirts. Please be sure your name is on there and spelled correctly. If not, please see Mrs. Draper in room 233 or Ms. Quaid in room 230.
  • Do you like FREE RASPADOS??? If so, come to this Friday’s rally and make a pledge of commitment to completing a financial aid application. Bring proof of your FSA ID or Dream Act Account to receive a delicious raspado. Did I mention it was FREE?
  • After School Tutoring is available in the MMLC (library) starting at 3:15-5:15p.m.
  • Attention seniors, there Will be an SAT PREP WORKSHOP ON SATURDAY September 30th from 9am to 1pm. Please sign up with Miss Mendoza in the counseling office to let her know you will be in attendance.
  • Attention OTCR Students: If you have been referred to make up credits in the OTCR Program, please meet in room 235 after 7th period TODAY.
  • Attention all senior and juniors who want to attend the Hancock Career Exploration Day on Oct 6th, deadline to turn in permission slips has been extended to Wednesday September 27, 2017. Please see Ms. Washington in the Career Center or Mrs. Janzen in the Parent Outreach Center as soon as possible for a permission slip.


  • Yes Club: There will be a meeting today at lunch in room 353. Come by and meet some new friends and learn how you can say “Yes” to life!
  • Key Club: there will be a meeting TODAY at lunch in room 354, Ms. Masuda's room. We hope to see all members there. New members are always welcome.
  • Robotics Club: there will be a meeting on Wednesday after school in room 240. Bring a friend!!!
  • CE’ENI (pronounced: ce-nee) will be meeting tomorrow at lunch in room 234. Come join our club and bring a friend. Everyone is welcome!

CE’ENI tendrá reunión manana durante la hora del almuerzo en al salón 234. Ven y conoce nuestro grupo y trae a tus amigas/os. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

  • The Gay-Straight Alliance Club (GSA) meets today at lunch in Ms. Goldin’s room 221. Everyone is welcome, it’s not too late to join!
  • Project Teen Health will be meeting today during lunch in room 222. Come find out about upcoming events and help improve health across campus.


  • Girls Varsity Soccer: Tryouts will begin October 2nd, 3rd and 4th from 5:30 p.m.to 7:15p.m. at the softball field.Ladies if you are in a current sport, please see soccer coach to schedule a tryout. You must have your physical completed prior to attending tryouts.
