Davison Elementary School
Rising Stars Handbook
2017 - 18
Principal: Miss D. Nashiem
Do Your Best
Be Your Best
Expect the Best
Belonging, Responsibility, Respect, Learning and Nurturing
Davison Elementary School
Welcome to Davison School where we expect you to do your best, be your best and expect the best of yourself and others!
The 2017 - 18school year promises to be an exciting one! With many familiar faces on staff we will continue with our wonderful array of traditions as well incorporate several new clubs and activities into the school year. Please read our staff list below to get acquainted with our exciting lineup of outstanding teachers, educational assistants and support staff.
- Principal Miss Darla Nashiem
- Pre-Kindergarten Miss Rebecca Frick
- Kindergarten/Literacy InterventionistMrs. Melissa Ball
- Kindergarten InternMiss Tayah Rutzki
- Grade 1Mrs. LaurieKoval
- Grade 1 InternMiss Keigan Duczek
- Grade 2Mrs.Melanie Kreklewich
- Grade 3Ms. Jocelyn Molaro
- Grade 3/4Mrs. Chelsey Kirschman
- Grade 501Mrs. Shaelynn Waldbauer
- Grade 5/6Mrs. Brandy Lechner
- Grade 601Mr. Dan Coomber
- Student Support TeacherMrs. Tammy Fleury
- Arts. Ed.Mrs.Lisa MarieKitch
- Band/MusicMr. Tom Hearn
- Admin. Assistant (Mon.,Tues.,Wed.)Mrs. Brenda Ferleyko
- Admin. Assistant (Thurs., Fri.)Mrs. Wendy Gettel
- Library TechnicianMrs. Naomi Braun
- Educational AssistantsMrs. Karen Krieger
Mrs. Sharon Young
Miss Robyn Lang
Mrs. Donna Schick
Mrs. Sonya Svenson
Mr. Rick Koval
Mrs. Indra Church
Mrs. Dawn Martinook (Pre K)
- CaretakerMr. Greg Dohms
- School CounselorMrs. Kim Unterschute
- Speech PathologistMrs. Sharon Michalishen
- Occupational TherapistMs. Maureen Blight
- Student Services CoordinatorMrs. Val Ruf
- Supt. of SchoolMrs. Alisa Leidl
Davison School Handbook
Davison Elementary School is a very busy and exciting school. There is always amultitude of activity occurring simultaneously both during school and afterhours. At Davison we are proud to offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activitiescombined with data that proves our academic success is above and beyond. Thishandbook is intended to be a guide for families to help you understand thehappenings of the school. The routines and procedures outlined in this handbookare subject to change, but do provide a basic framework for the culture of DavisonSchool. We feel that if families have an understanding ofour procedures and expectations, thenwe are better able to work together and continue to excel in all areas of education.
Good Spirit School Division Strategic Plan
Vision"Learning Without Limits ... Achievement For All"
Mission"Building Strong Foundations to Create Bright Futures"
Values "Belonging, Responsibility, Respect, Learning and Nurturing"
Motto"Students Come First"
Miss Nashiem’s Mottos
“Relationships matter.”
“ALL students will learn at high rates of achievement.”
Our Vision
It is our vision that Davison School continue to be recognized as a 21st Century School that is considered to be a model for others to follow. When you visit our classrooms it is our hope that you would observe:
a)happy children and adults thriving in a positive, supportive atmosphere.
b)engaging, relevant lessons and tasks that are meaningful to the students.
c)a variety of non-traditional approaches which might include students working in small groups, Pods, use of technology, manipulatives, seat work, standing work, small groups, large groups, a variety of space being used, etc.
d)a resource based approach to learning as opposed to text book driven.
e)balanced instructional structures (i.e., Daily 5, Math Pods) that lend themselves to students working both independently and collaboratively.
f)calm and alert classrooms that support student learning; displaying a variety of student work and learning goals in student-friendly language (“I can statements”).
g)parents and community members volunteering in the classrooms in a variety of capacities.
- Attendance
- Students are expected to attend each day on time.
- If students are to be absent a parent must call the school to explain.
- If the student is absent for an extended period of time for medical reasons the school must be provided with a doctor’s note of explanation.
- Students who are late must report to the office prior to going to class.
- Attendance is a crucial part of being a successful student at Davison School. Most of what students learn on a day to day basis is from the conversations they have, the collaboration, and the hands on activities. Catching up on homework after being away only helps students to catch up on some of what was learned.
- If your child is going to be absent we ask that the school be notified on or before the day of occurrence. If no call is received, we will phone as quickly as possible to establish where a student is. We ask that parents call the school at (306) 728-3955 and leave a message with office staff or the answering machine whenever a student will be missing or late.
- Entering the School
- Students may arrive anytime between 8:30 and 8:50a.m.
- After the bell rings students in Grades K, 1 & 2 line up at the main doors by the school office.
- Grades 3, 3/4,and 501enter the school (don’t line up) at the southdoors at the back of the school.
- Grades 5/6 and 601 enter the school (don’t line up) at the west doors near the bike racks.
- All outdoor shoes are to be placed on the boot racks.
- Hats are to be removed upon entering the school unless it is a SRC spirit day.
- All visitors in the school are asked to use the main doors and to check in at the office.
- Late students must report to the office.
- Walking School Bus
- Students who are within close proximity of the school are encouraged to use the walking school bus which starts at 8:30 a.m.
- A teacher supervisor will walk down 3rd Avenue and 5th Avenue to Prince Edward Street and then back to the school. Students can join the walking school bus at any point along the way.
- To ensure your child catches the walking school bus, please ensure that they are standing at a corner on 3rd Avenue or 5th Avenue between 8:30 and 8:40 a.m.
- The walking school bus will not run if it is -29 degrees or colder.
- Students will earn In Motion points for every day they take the Walking School bus.
- Morning Announcements
Each morning students are asked to rise for O’ Canada at 8:55 a.m. followed by announcements. Usually morning announcements provide information on upcoming clubs, events, celebrations, as well as birthdays.
- Recess
- There are 2 fifteen minute recesses each day from 10:35-10:40a.m. and 2:25-2:40p.m.
- All students are expected to go outside for recess so please dress appropriately.
- Students will use the washroom and get a drink on their way OUT for recess. When entering the school after recess, students will go directly to their classrooms. If they need to use the washroom they will need to ask their classroom teacher for permission to go.
- We only stay indoors if the temperature is below -29 degrees or if it is storming/raining heavily.
- Any students staying in due to illness or needing to complete work must have permission from their teacher who will then issue them a courtyard pass.
- Students are never to be in their classroom alone and unsupervised.
- Playground supervision- there are 3 teachers and at least 2 EA’s on supervision daily. If there are problems, students are encouraged to solve it themselves first using an approach taught in their Character Education Class. If that approach is not successful, students may talk to any adult on supervision or their classroom teacher.
- Noon Hour
a)Noon supervision is provided daily for those students needing to eat lunch at school.
b)Grades K and 1 eat in the courtyard.
c)Grades 2– 6 eat in their classrooms– one student from each room will be selected for clean up each day.
d)There is a reverse lunch hour with lunch recess taking place from 11:50-12:10. Students then enter the school and go to their lunchroom from 12:10 to 12:45.
e)Students who go home for lunch are not to return to school until after 12:40 and are to enter the school and go directly to their classrooms. There will not be supervision on the playground from 12:10 to 12:45.
f)Students who regularly stay for lunch but wish to leave the school during the noon hour must have written permission from their parent/guardian to do so.
- Breakfast Program
An optional nutritional breakfast is offered to all Kindergarten to grade 6 students,free of charge, every morning from 8:40 to 8:55. Students can enter the building when they arrive and put their belongings away in their locker before going to the breakfast room. Students eat breakfast in the courtyard. Once the students are done eating breakfast, they are asked to head back outside for recess until the morning bell rings.
8. Davison Dairy Milk Program
Davison School offers a noon hour milk and juice program and will begin operation for the coming year on September 11. Available for purchase are white and chocolate milk, as well as a variety of lunch box drinks for $1.00 each. In September/October and May/June a variety of ice cream treats may be available for $1.00 each. The Davison Dairy offers a “Dairy Card” for $15.00. Dairy Cards can be purchased each day at the sales counter outside the grade six room. Please make cheques payable to Davison Dairy. The business end of the Dairy will be handled by the Grade 6 students who will be responsible for daily sales, ordering & scheduling. Supervisors from grade six will oversee daily milk sales and the sale of “Dairy Cards”.The profits, derived from the sale of drinks, will be returned to the students in various forms such as: ‘special days’ contests, visiting speakers, recess cart items, etc. Another important part of the Davison Dairy is to provide the grade 6 students with hands-on experience running a business and participating in activities such as setting up a sales schedule, ordering stock, receiving, stocking of coolers and running contests.
- Discipline
a)Each classroom has a Discipline Plan posted which all students are responsible for knowing and following. If there is a persistent problem in any classroom leading to a parental concern, parents are asked to talk to their child first and then the appropriate teacher.
b)Bullying behavior will not be tolerated and we will put an end to it when we are aware it is happening. If you suspect your child is being bullied please talk to your child’s teacher. Please keep in mind:
- bullying is an act that is ongoing, and deliberate.
- sometimes it is difficult to distinguish if a school problem is bullying or a conflict between two or more students. If you have any questions talk to your child’s teacher as they can usually paint a clear picture of the whole scenario.
c.)Hands-Off Policy
At Davison School the main priority is to foster a safe and caring environment to facilitate learning. In order to ensure a safe and caring environment a hands-off/no-contact policy is in place.
Hands-on/Contact includes but is not limited to:
-pushing- punching/hitting- tackling/head locks
-body-checking- rough housing/horseplay- kicking
One of the most important lessons our children need to be taught is self-discipline. Self-control, character and courtesy are basic expectations of self-discipline. It is the key to good conduct, proper consideration and respect for oneself, other people, property and the environment. Students are expected to maintain self-discipline while at school.
Many supports are implemented by the school to foster self-control such as:
- whole class lessons with the school counsellor on self-control and conflict resolution strategies
- bucket-filling and team building activities
- collaborative planning of recess teams
- playground zoning
- behavior contracts
- positive rewards for making good choices
- extra-curricular clubs that promote making good choices, sportsmanship and respect
- presentations by RCMP school liaison
Students who are unable to exercise self-discipline and choose to make the school or playground unsafe by not following the hands-off/no-contact policy will face consequences.
Consequences for this behavior will be at the discretion of the teacher or principal and include the following:
- loss of recess for a determined period of time
- loss of extra-curricular activities for a determined period of time
- in-school suspension/out-of-school suspension for a determined period of time
The bottom line is there is NO EXCUSE for using aggression or violent behavior at school and it will not be tolerated. Students are given a wide range of strategies for self-control and are expected to use these strategies and Be Responsible for their own actions.
10. Dismissal Procedures
a)City/Walking School Bus Students- at 3:25 p.m. the bus bell rings for all city and walking school bus students. The city students must gather their items and head down to the courtyard and wait there for the supervising teacher. The walking school bus will meet their supervisor on the front lawn. When the 3:30 p.m. bell rings the city school bus supervisor will take them outside and load them on the bus. The walking school bus supervisor will also leave with the students at this time. The walking school bus may be cancelled because of weather. If it is cancelled in the morning a tweet will be sent out from Twitter before 8 a.m. If the walking school bus is cancelled in the morning it is also cancelled after school.
b)Farm Bus Students– the farm bus students should start to get ready at the 3:25 p.m. bell. They wait in their classrooms until the 3:30 bell before joining the supervisor outside at the front of the school.
c)City Students – the 3:25 p.m. bell is also known as the ‘get ready bell.’ Teachers will have students gather their items and wait patiently in the classroom. City students are not dismissed at 3:30 p.m., but shortly after. As soon as all the busses have gone the office will announce “city students may now be dismissed” and at that time all city students may leave.
d)Parking- parents parking on the west side of the street are asked to exit their vehicle and cross the street to pick up and drop off their children. Please do not motion for your child to run across the street independently as we have had many “close calls.” Parents are also asked to be aware of the bus zones and to please not park in them. Sometimes it appears as though all the busses have come and gone, which often isn’t the case. Parking is available behind the bus zoneand behind the school. Please do not park in the parking lot.
e)Good Spirit School Division offers a bus service with pick-up at various points within Melville. Maps are in the school office and on the Good Spirit School Division Website. In the winter months the bus is more full so there may be two bus routes: students getting off at bus stops on the west side of main street will go first and then the bus will return to pick up students living on the east side of main street. A reminder that the walking school bus is available to students living east of Prince Edward Street.
11. Monthly Assembly
Monthly assemblies are now family group orientated with activities done in these groups. We encourage and
welcome parents and family members to join us as we focus on building school spirit and a sense of school
community. The classrooms will still continue to host our assemblies. Our 5 values are still in the forefront of our
school and will be given out during our June awards day.
School Assembly Dates:
- September 25 - 1:00 p.m.
- October 25 - 11:00 a.m.
- November 30 - 1:00 p.m.
- December 20 - 11:00 a.m.
- January 30 - 1:00 p.m.
- February 27 - 11:00 a.m.
- March 29- 1:00 p.m.
- April 30 - 11:00 a.m.
- May 30 - 1:00 p.m.
a)If you hear the word SALAMI being called out, don’t worry, you are not in the wrong place. SALAMI stands for “STOP AND LOOK AT ME IMMEDIATELY. “ Teachers use this term to get student’s attention.
b)Give me 5. If you ever see an adult holding their hand high in the air this means they need your attention and would like you to do the same as quickly as possible.
c)If you ever hear an adult clap a funky rhythm to you out of the blue they are asking you to repeat it back and follow up by listening to something important they need to tell you.
13. Medication
All students are asked to report any medication or medical concerns to both their teacher and the office as relevant medical forms need to be completed. If there is medication to be kept at school all teachers are made aware of what to do with it and how to use it. The medication is kept in a safe place in the staff room and substitute teachers are made aware of necessary information.Davison is not designated a peanut free school, however we do ask that students please refrain from bringing peanut products to school in their lunch, or for snack.