PCO 711 (Edwards), p. 7
PCO 711: Clinical Psychopathology and Personality
Spring 2010 ▪ 3 Credit Hours ▪ T, 12:30-3:10pm
Updated 11.22.09
Instructor: Jodie Edwards, Ph.D., PC
Office Phone: 513-244-8430
Cell Phone: 513-240-7722
Office: Counseling Center
Course Description
This course is provides an advanced study of abnormal behavior, personality disorders, and psychopathological conditions specific to development phases throughout the life span, and their application to counseling practice. Required prerequisites: PCO 510 Basic Counseling Theories and Methods and PCO 690 Diagnosis of Mental and Emotional Disorders.
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are designed to meet CACREP requirements of Sec. II, K, 3 relating to part C of the core component of Human Development, including understanding aspects of developmental crises, disability, exceptional behavior, addictive behavior, psychopathology, and situation and environmental factors that affect both normal and abnormal behavior. Course objective are also designed to meet CACREP requirements of Sec. II, K, 5 relating to part C of the core component of Helping Relationships, including understanding aspects of counseling theories that provide the student with a consistent model(s) to conceptualize client presentation and select appropriate counseling interventions.
Method of Instruction
In general, the class will follow a seminar format. A seminar format involves advanced students working together, discussing assignments, and exchanging information. Active participation is required to help develop a richer understanding of the ethical and professional issues facing counselors. Learning will be facilitated via discussion of readings/scenarios, research, writing, and examinations. Students are expected to discuss their application, insights, and understanding of the readings and exercises with the instructor and other students. It is essential that students prepare for class by reading assigned material prior to class.
Required Materials
Moodle and Email:
All students enrolled in this course are required to check Moodle and their email weekly for the duration of the course. Course announcements, changes to the syllabus, and memos from the instructor will be distributed via Moodle and/or email. Students are responsible for all information distributed in this manner.
Required Texts:
Maddux, J. E., & Winstead, B. A. (2008). Psychopathology: Foundations for a contemporary understanding (2nd ed.) Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Yarhouse, M. A., Butman, R. E. & McRay, B. W. (2005). Modern psychopathologies: A comprehensive Christian appraisal. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Supplemental Text for Reference:
American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed, text revision). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Download from Moodle:
Avia, M. D., & Ruiz, M. A. (2005). Recommendations for the treatment of hypochondriac patients. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 35, 301-313.
Craske, M. G., & Barlow, D. H. (2000). Mastery of your anxiety and panic: Client workbook for anxiety and panic (3rd ed). San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
Curtis, R. C., Kimball, A., & Stroup, E. L. (2004). Understanding and treating social phobia. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 3-9.
Hodges, S. (2003). Borderline personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder: Time for integration? Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 409-417.
James, R. K. (2007). Crisis intervention strategies (6th ed.). Brooks/Cole. [Chapter 3]
Kahn, D. A., Keck, P. E., Perlis, R. H., Otto, M. W., & Ross, R. (2004). Treatment of bipolar disorder: A guide for patients and families. The Expert Consensus Guidelines: Postgraduate Medicine Special Report, December, 109-116.
Lopez, S. J, Edwards, L. M., Teramoto Pedrotti, J., Prosser, E. C., LaRue, S., Vehige Spalitto, S., et al. (2006). Beyond the DSM-IV: Assumptions, alternatives, and alterations. Journal of Counseling and Development, 84, 259-267.
Lyddon, W. J., & Sherry, A. (2001). Developmental personality styles: An attachment theory conceptualization of personality disorders. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79, 405-414.
Margolin, G. & Vickerman, K. A. (2007). Posttraumatic stress in children and adolescents exposed to family violence: I. Overview and issues. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38, 613-619.
Perosa, L. M., & Perosa, S. L. (2004). The continuum versus categorical debate on eating disorders: Implications for counselors. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 203-206.
Rollins, J. (2008). The graying of the baby boomers. Counseling Today Online, http://www.counseling.org/Publications/CounselingToday.aspx, November 18, 2008.
Salkovskis, P. M. (1999). Understanding and treating obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37, s29-s52.
Seligman, L., & Hardenburg, S. A. (2000). Assessment and treatment of paraphilias. Journal of Jounseling and Development, 78, 107-113.
Valmaggia, L.R., Bouman, T. K., & Schurrman, L. (2007). Attention training with auditory hallucinations: A case study. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 14, 127-133.
Van der Walde, H., Urgenson, F. T., Weltz, S. H., & Hanna. F. J. (2002). Women and alcoholism: A biopsychosocial perspective and treatment approaches. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 80, 145-153.
Vickerman, K. A., & Margolin, G. (2007). Posttraumatic stress in children and adolescents exposed to family violence: II. Treatment. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38, 620-628.
White Kress, V. E. (2003). Self-injurious behaviors: Assessment and diagnosis. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 490-496.
White Kress, V. E., Eriksen, K. P., Dixon Rayle, A., & Ford, S. J. W. (2005). The DSM-IV-TR and culture: Considerations for counselors. Journal of Counseling and Development, 83, 97-104.
Assignment / Points / Points / PercentageDiscussion panel (2 x 45 points each) / 90 / A / 475-500 / 95-100%
Discussion cards (14 x 5 points each) / 70 / A- / 460-474 / 92-94.99%
Quizzes (12 x 20 points each) / 240 / B+ / 445-459 / 89-91.99%
Treatment presentation and handout / 100 / B / 430-444 / 86-88.99%
B- / 415-429 / 83-85.99%
Total / 500 / C+ / 400-414 / 80-82.99%
C / 385-399 / 77-79.99%
C- / 370-384 / 74-76.99%
D+ / 355-369 / 71-73.99%
D / 340-354 / 68-70.99%
D- / 325-339 / 65-67.99%
F / ≤ 324 / < 64.99%
*MAC students: In accordance with rule 4757-3-01, J-1, from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, & Marriage and Family Therapist Board, you must receive a B- or higher in this course for it to count toward your MAC degree.
Discussion Leader: Twice during the semester, you will lead or co-lead the class discussion. While all class members are expected to actively participate in generating discussion, discussion leaders will make a special effort to synthesize the readings and assist class members in integrating and applying the material. Leaders should focus on discussing (a) etiology from a biopsychosocial perspective, (b) empirically supported treatments, and (c) relevant Christian perspectives. Discussion leaders are strongly encouraged to consult additional sources to share extra information with the class. Please see Moodle for Discussion Leader Grading Form. Participation on each panel is worth 45 points; total is 90 points (18% of final grade).
Discussion Cards: To help ensure that you read and are prepared for discussions, you will turn in a 3x5 discussion card for each reading at the beginning of every class starting the second week. Each card should contain a thoughtful question for discussion that can be shared with the class. Each week you will receive up to 5 points for your discussion cards, depending on quality of discussion points. You will receive a maximum total of 70 points for discussion cards over the course of the semester (14% of final grade). You cannot turn in discussion cards if absent from class. Each card should be formatted as follows:
Your Name DateAuthor(s)
Discussion Question
Quizzes: To ensure mastery and comprehension of material, each week there will be a quiz at the beginning of class. At least 12 quizzes will be given (worth 20 points each); if more than 12 quizzes are given, you can drop your lowest quiz score(s). Quiz items will be multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer. You cannot make up these in-class quizzes if absent or late. Quizzes are worth a total of 240 points (48% of final grade).
Treatment Presentation and Handout: You will do a 30 minute presentation about a specific treatment. A list of suggested presentation topics will be provided. For example, you may present about how dialectical behavior therapy is done with clients who have borderline personality disorder. You should provide all class members with a 1-2 page handout that summarizes the treatment and lists a minimum of 3 scholarly resources you consulted about the treatment. You may consult websites and list them as resources, but they will not count toward your 3 scholarly references. If you use PowerPoint, a printout of your slides may serve as your handout as long as they contain adequate information about the treatment. The presentation and handout are worth a total of 100 points (20% of your grade). Please see Moodle for Presentation Grading Form and more information.
Important Notes
Attendance and Participation: Because active discussion and experiential exercises are integral parts of the learning experiences in this course, class attendance is expected and participation in class activities and assignments is critical to your success in the course. If, for any reason, you are unable to attend class, you are still held responsible for all in-class material and any announcements made during class. Per the university’s policy (see the CCU student handbook), you have two days that are excused without penalty. If you miss three days, an additional assignment will be added. If you miss more than three classes, you will be dropped from the class and will be required to reapply for readmission to the class. A decision about your return to the class will be decided by the counseling academic committee. Because class time should be a priority, absences for lateness will be assigned as follows: 15 minutes late = ¼ day absence, 30 minutes late = ½ day absence, and over 45 minutes = 1 day absence.
Late Assignments: All assignments and exams are expected to be completed on time and due at the beginning of class on the due date. Late assignments will be accepted only at the discretion of the instructor and will incur a penalty of 10% per day. If an assignment is turned in after the start of class, it is considered late. Exams will not be given late unless there is a personal medical or family emergency.
Christian Component: As we strive to provide a biblically-based approach to counseling, we expect you to evaluate all readings and discussions from a Christian perspective and work to integrate biblical truth into your life, thought, and work.
Student Conduct: Except under unusual circumstances, you should not arrive late or leave early. Cell phones should be turned off. You should not IM, text-message, or surf the web during class. During discussions, everyone is expected to be respectful of themselves and others. Keep in mind that it may not be appropriate to disclose your own psychological struggles to the class. If you become distressed about any material/discussions, please talk with me and/or make an appointment to see a counselor.
Accommodations: Students with special needs should speak with me or provide documentation to the office of Student Retention specifying the accommodations they require to help assure success in class.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, plagiarism, and all other forms of academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be dealt with in accordance to university regulations (see CCU student handbook), which will include failure of class and additional action by the academic committee.
Flexibility Clause: This syllabus is NOT a binding contract. The dates of lectures, exams, projects, etc. may be revised as the term progresses. All modifications to the syllabus will be announced in class and/or via Moodle.
PCO 711 (Edwards), p. 7
Course Schedule
Date / Topic / Discussion Leader(s) / Presenter1.19 / ONLINE – No Class Meeting
Introduction to course
Sign up for discussion leaders and presentations / N/A / N/A
1.26 / GUEST INSTRUCTOR: Kathy Girton
Conceptualizing Psychopathology
Sin & Psychopathology
M & W Chapter 1
Yarhouse et al. Chapters 2 & 4
Lopez / None
2.2 / GUEST INSTRUCTOR: Jennee Hartkopf
Role of Gender, Race, & Class
M & W Chapters 2 & 3
White Kress et al. (2005)
2.9 / GUEST INSTRUCTOR: Tim Barber
Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse
Margolin & Vickerman (2007)
Vickerman & Margolin (2007)
Other readings TBA
2.16 / GUEST INSTRUCTOR: Tim Barber
Crisis, Disaster, and Grief
James (2007; p. 3 and pp. 37-72 about Crisis Intervention)
Haskett et al. (2008)
Other reading TBA
Sexual Dysfunctions & Disorders
M & W Chapter 13
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 11
Seligman & Hardenburg
3.2 / GUEST INSTRUCTOR: Gail Rizzo
Disorders of Childhood
M & W Chapters 16 & 17
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 12
3.9 / Spring Break – No Class
Date / Topic / Discussion Leader(s) / Presenter
3.16 / Anxiety Disorders
M & W Chapter 8
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 5
Curtis et al.
Craske & Barlow, pp. 25-28
3.23 / Mood Disorders
M & W Chapter 9
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 6
Kahn et al.
White Kress (2003)
3.30 / Schizophrenia
M & W Chapter 10
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 9
Valmaggia et al.
4.6 / Personality Disorders
M & W Chapter 11
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 10
Lyddon & Sherry
4.13 / Eating Disorders
M & W Chapter 12
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 8 (Sections relevant to Eating Disorders)
Perosa & Perosa
4.20 / Somatoform Disorders
M & W Chapter 14
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 8 (Sections relevant to Somatoform Disorders)
Avia & Ruiz
4.27 / Substance Use Disorders
M & W Chapter 15
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 7
Van der Walde et al.
5.4 / Mental Health & Aging
M & W Chapter 19
Yarhouse et al. Chapter 13
Rollins, 2008
5.11 / Finals Week – No Class Meeting