How to use the Wait List-Spring 2011
Here is an example of a “dropped” view of the roster
Here is a section of an “all” view
Here is a view of “waiting” i.e. the wait list
To change the view, simply click the “Change” button
Wait List Facts
•The waitlist capacity is 1/3 of your class size, i.e a class of 30 capacity will have a wait list capacity of 10, course capacity of 40 approx 13 etc.
•Up until the first day of class, if a student currently enrolled in your course drops, and the course falls below capacity, the first person on the waitlist will automatically roll into enrolled status
•On January 24rd (the first day of Instruction) the waitlist will no longer be active, and students will no longer be automatically added to your course from the waitlist, however you will be able to access a list of the students who are currently on the waitlist (in your faculty center) to determine who you will provide with permission numbers. A permission number is a unique number that will be generated for your class for you to give to students who wish to enroll. The number of permissions numbers is determined by your class capacity, however it may be possible to request additional permission numbers if you choose to do so
•After the first day of class, if your class is at capacity, there is only one way a student can get into your class, and that is by you providing them with a permission number.
•These numbers will be available to you in your Faculty Center
•To distribute these permission numbers you should first consult your waitlist. If the students on the waitlist show up for the first day of class, they should get priority in receiving their permission number. If the students on the waitlist do not show up on the first day of class, permission numbers can be distributed by you at your discretion
•Permission numbers will expire on January 31st, 2011
Things to Keep In Mind
•If you give out these numbers to students and they, for whatever reason, do not use them to enroll, you would have to request additional numbers for any new students who want to join your course, so be mindful when giving out these numbers that you ONLY give them to students who you are reasonably sure are going to actually enroll in your course
•With the use of these unique numbers you are actually able to enroll your course to over capacity
•Remember, these permission numbers will allow students to enroll even if they do not meet the prerequisites for your course, so if you have prereqs be sure to discuss this with any students that you are planning to provide with a number.
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