Catford South assembly
Action plan 2011 - 2012
Youth provision
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / StatusTo provide a greater variety of youth activities in Catford South decided by young people in Catford South / To ring fence £10,000 for young people
The funding consultation and decision process to be developed to the Conisborough College School Council / Youth consultation took place September 2011 – January 2012 and youth projects chosen by young people:
-Summer football academy
-After school drama club
-After school trampolining
-After school cheerleading club
Teachsport chosen as the youth provider by ConisboroughCollege school, Council / Young people more engaged in the Catford South assembly
Youth projects chosen by young people are delivered in the Catford South ward in 2012 and on going / ConisboroughCollege, Catford South Assembly, LBL / Youth consultation achieved
Youth projects on-going
Community event for young people in Catford South / An Olympics themed inter-school sports day
Led BY Corbett residents association, funded by Catford South assembly / The event is organised to take place on Friday 26 May / All local schools take part in the Catford South ward / Corbett Residents Association, Local primary schools, ConisboroughCollege, Teachsport / Achieved
Crime and anti social behaviour
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / StatusTo work with the Catford South SNT to have a process for feeding in issues of concern locally / SNT regularly attends Catford South assembly meetings
A member of the coordinating group sits on the Safer Neighbourhood ward panel / Across 2011 - 2012 / Local people feel better informed and are able to raise issues locally through the process / Catford South Assembly and
Safer Neighbourhood team
LBL Neighbourhood and Community safety team, / On-going
Promote / support Neighbourhood Watch. / £1,000 of Catford South assembly funding ring-fenced to help local NW schemes with running / administration costs. / Agreed by the assembly October 2011
2011- 2012 Investigation has taken place to identify how the funding could be distributed to NW’s as they are not constituted groups. Have not identified a suitable organisation to hold and distribute the funding to NW as of yet. Further consultation with NW coordinators is required.
Or a total review of this proposal. / Greater awareness of Neighbourhood Watch and greater cavity by neighbourhood Watch schemes leading to safer area / SNT / On-going
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / Status achieved
Information and advice for young people related to crime / At the Catford South local assembly held at ConisboroughCollege, a discussion was held on youth safety, and it was agreed that NCSS would work with the school to provide information and advice to young people.
This project has been developed with the agreement of Bob Ellis,
Anti-social behaviour
Knife crime
Cyber safety and cyber bullying
Building respectful relationships
Hate Crime / Delivered December 2011 / A greater awareness of issue related to crime and anti-social behaviour and bullying, and reported incidences of youth related crime. / LBL Neighbourhoods and Community Safety Services
ConisboroughCollege / Achieved
Traffic and parking
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / StatusA review of Speed humps / Table discussions were held at the assembly on the pros and cons of speed humps
The outcome was a 50/50 split for and against
Recommended by the assembly that further consultation to be conducted ward wide to review the need .
The coordinating group reviewed the information and have recommended that a consultation would be too costly at this current with the probability of 50/50 split in opinion, it has been put on hold for further review at a later date. / March 2011
March 2011
On hold for now
No budget to cover cost of large scale consultation / Provision of speed humps in the ward meets the needs of the majority of local people / LBL Highways and local people / On hold
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / Status
A review of CPZ’s in Catford South / Table discussion was held on the pros and cons of CPZ’s
The outcome was a 50/50 split for and against
Recommended by the assembly that further consultation to be conducted ward wide to review the need
The coordinating group reviewed the information and have recommended that a consultation would be too costly at this current with the probability of 50/50 split in opinion, it has been put on hold for further review at a later date.
Lewisham is planning to review CPZ guidelines and conduct further consultation in autumn 2012.
. / March 2011
March 2011
On hold for now
No budget to cover cost of large scale consultation / Provision of CPZ’s in the ward meets the needs of the majority of local people / LBL Highways and local people / On hold
Streetscape and the environment
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / StatusTo improve the appearance of streets outside shopping hubs in particular neglected street planters / To encourage local businesses to take responsibility for the street planters outside their premises
A ‘working lunch’ business meeting wqas proposed as a starting point
Co-group explored ideas with the Chamber of Commerce, the recommendation was not to set up a business forum led by the assembly at this stage, as limited local interest.
Local business is looking into setting up a traders association / A meeting was set up in July 2011 but there was limited interest in attending so the meeting did not go ahead
Awaiting news / Improved streetscape outside shops / LBL, the Catford South assembly, local businesses / On-going
To improve the appearance of front gardens in Catford South / Catford in bloom’
Catford front garden / environmental competition, / Idea developed at assembly meeting March 2011
Local planning group currently organising the competition.
Competition to be
launched end of May 2012, with judging end of August 2012. / Improved gardens and local pride / Local businesses, Catford South assembly and local residents / On-going
To reduce fly tipping and increase recycling / To produce a Catford South ward assembly newsletter with useful local information about recycling and waste disposal / Idea developed March meeting 2011
Newsletter produced and distributed in February 2012 / Greater awareness locally of responsible waste disposal resulting in less fly tipping, dog waste and litter. / LBL, Catford South assembly local resident designer / Achieved
More trees in the Catford South ward / ‘Greening Catford South’ Fund £8,800 for street trees in the ward / Funding announced February 2012
Deadline for submissions 14 May
Greenscene LBL to investigate tree requests May – September 2012
Planting September – November 2012 / A greener Catford South, more trees around the Catford South wars / Catford South assembly, local residents, Greenscene LBL / On-going
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / Status
Bike racks in shopping areas in Catford South / In response to a request from local residents and businesses for bike racks, LBL Transport team have been contacted who can provide these.
In particular Argowan Road
Currently researching options with Wearside
Potential project for Local assemblies funding needs further consultation with the assembly / July 2011
July 2012 / Better facilities for cyclist, encourages environmentally friendly transport for local travel / LBL, local businesses and community / On-going
Gritting provision in the winter on Catford South roads to make roads accessible residents during winter snows. / To have grit bins on each road with grit provision in advance of winter snows / August – October 2011
Officers investigated policy and costing, the result of which was that the assembly’s request was declined, due to health and safety and provision issues.
February 2012
The Head of Highways agreed to consider a future pilot scheme in the Catford South ward.
Therefore still a potential project for autumns / winter 2012 for consideration by the assembly / Roads and pavements are more accessible during snowy periods. / LBL and community / On- going
CatfordTown Centre
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / StatusTo involve the Catford South assembly in the regeneration of CatfordTown centre / On going updates and ways to engage in LBL consultations through Catford South assembly meetings
A member of the Catford South Coordinating group to sit on the Catford town stakeholder group
Information about regeneration plans detailed in the ward assembly newsletter
To have a Catford Regeneration themed assembly meeting in November 2012 / Presentation at the assembly meeting July 2011
September 2011
February 2012
November 2012 / Catford South residents have a say and are informed about the regeneration of Catford Town Centre / LBL, Catford South assembly / On-going
Local business in Catford are more involved in the Catford South assembly / Local Businesses sponsor the Catford South assembly meetings and communications / On-going since March 2011 / Local businesses are promoted in the ward through the Catford South assembly
More local businesses attend Catford South assembly meetings / Local businesses, Catford South assembly / On-going
All priorities: community activities
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / StatusCommunity events in the Catford South ward to bring together the local community and celebrate the local area / 2012 Summer Olympic themed community event on Abbotsfield Playing fields
Idea developed at assembly meeting
Proposal for the ring-fencing of £4,000 funding taken to July assembly meeting and agreedand ideas for the event generated at the meeting.
Corbett Residents’ Association volunteered as project lead and have organised this event in partnership with the local schools and the community / March 2011 meeting
July 2011
Events to be held Friday 25 May and Sunday 27 May / A large successful well attended event that brings different parts of the local community together and celebrated the local area and sporting activities. / Residents, schools, Corbett resident’s association, voluntary sports organisations / Achieved
Objective / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with? / Status
Community events in the Catford South ward to bring together the local community and celebrate the local area / Bring and Fix event at the St Laurence Centre
Idea for older person event developed at March meeting
Costed proposal taken to the assembly meeting and agreed / Developed further by the coordinating group in May 2011 in partnership with Time bank Rushey Green.
March 2011
Rushey Green Timebank have proposed to postpone this event until September 2012, due to venue availability and also to avoid clashes with other summer community events. / Rushey Green Timebank / On-going
Support local community groups and projects / Ring fence £10,00 assemblies funding as a community small grants fund
Proposal agreed by the assembly to be increased to £16,250 / Proposed at July assembly meeting and agreed
October 2011
Launched in July 2011
Funding for below projects were agreed through a vote at October 2011 assembly meeting:
- Mayhem at Mekan
- Holy Cross School garden
- Delicious Nutritious
- Ageing Well Lewisham
- Lewisham’s Young Women’s Resource
- Catford South sewing and knitting group
- Sunbeam Tots
- St Andrew’s and the ApostleChurch hall refurbishment
- NCT, Catford South Postnatal mothers support group
- Corbett Residents Association / Local community projects in Catford South are financially supported to start up or cotinue / Local community and voluntary organisations schools / Funding allocation achieved
Project delivery on-going