Minutes from the Service User Forum Meeting
When: / Tuesday 31st October 2017 /Where: / Ellen House Conservatory, Heath Road, Holmewood, Chesterfield S42 5RB /
Who came to the meeting: /
Forum reps: /
Tim, Millie, David C, Tracey, Paul, Lindsay, David M, Nick, Tom, Kevin and Steve– Parent Carer Rep
Emh care and support staff: /
Ruth, Linda, Michelle and Victoria
Who could not come to the meeting:
Lisa, Bob and Terry
Chair: / Kevin /
Section One: You Said We Did update
Matt talked to us about You Said We Did.
We covered both new issues and ones that have been going on a long time:
- We have not seen a clear improvement in numbers of staff
- We still do not know who will be supporting us
- We have to share support between us.
- What progress is there with WhatsApp?
- We are not sure who is able to help us with filling in forms:
- Is it the job of the care coordinator’s or support staff?
- What if support staff do not understand a question?
- At the September meeting, you said managers and care coordinators were coming up without notice.
- At the August meeting, you said it is difficult to get in touch with care coordinators.
Section Two: Talk on Universal Credit
Michelle talked to us about Universal Credit including:
- What Universal Credit is
- How it may affect us
- What do we need to do
- What support is available
Section Three: Rep visits
Victoria has made lists for each area we will cover on the rep visits.
Michelle has given forum reps the dates to begin the rep visits.
These dates are likely to be hit-and-miss and are subject to change.
There are some things we need to think about including:
- Giving service users a choice on these visits.
- The rep visits are nothing to do with house meetings.
- Limits to what we can talk about.
- How will we feed the results back.
- Service users different communication needs
Section Four: Social events steering group
Forum reps confirmed they are still interested in setting up a steering group for social events.
Michelle and Victoria will support reps to set up the group and after that the responsibility is with them. /
Section Five: Meet The Team document
Kevin asked for a Who’s Who board at Ellen House with all the office staff.
This evolved into a ‘Meet The Team’ document that Lana has been working on.
Michelle brought a draft for the forum reps to look at and give feedback.
Everyone agreed they are happy with the layout.
But you asked for a list of care coordinators, maintenance and housing to be on the document
We agreed that with this we do not need a Who’s Who board. /
Section Six: One Page contact sheet
The forum also asked for a one page contact sheet.
Victoria produced a draft copy for the forum reps to look at and give feedback.
Victoria is also making a survey for the forum reps to give their views on it. /
Section Seven: Other Updates and Information
The forum were updated on upcoming events :
- A new personal contact form for all forum reps to complete.
- The Celebrating diversity event at the Winding Wheel on November 22.
- The Christmas parties including Chesterfield on Thursday 14th and Buxton on Saturday 16th.
- A session about the 12 month challenge on Monday 13th November at Ellen House.
- Sessions for the newsletter.
- The Community kitchen at the Speedwell rooms on Wednesday 15th November.
- A demonstration of the updated emh care and support website on Friday 1st December at Ellen House
Upcoming dates
The next Forum Meeting is at Hasland Village Hall on 16th January 2018 10:30am – 2pm /There will also be one for Buxton service users at the Methodist church on Monday 27th November 6pm – 8pm /
Future topics
I would like this to be covered in future meetings: