Life In The Millennium
Starting From The Creation 4029 BC
The End Times Year Zero
The Millennium Very Soon
And Beyond
Life In The Millennium
How To Be A Follower of
the “LORD God” (who created Adam)
The “Melchizedek”, king of Salem (to whom Abraham worshiped)
the “I Am” of the Israelites (the Old Covenant)
(The Prophet of the new Covenant, that John Baptized)
our example Our Lord and Savior “Jesus Christ” (the New Covenant)
The (Holy) Spirit of Truth (the coming Messiah)
When will this take place
Very soon, if we look at the current world events there is certainly evidence to indicate these are the end times. The world conditions are bad enough, but the quality of life has been getting worse in the counties that have been at the top of the heap. The countries hat are not there are doing vary badly, millions are dying of many diseases and many wars.
Where will it take place?
The Earth will be where the millennium will take place. It will be ruled from Jerusalem.
Who will be ruling at that time?
The Messiah will start His rule at the seventh trump of Revelation.
Who will be there?
Those who call upon the name of The Lord and do not have the mark of the beast.
What will the lifestyle be like?
Small communities, mostly agriculture related, or a small family business oriented to providing a product or service that will not harm anyone or deceive anyone.
What will the goals be in the Millennium?
To qualify for eternal life.
What will your work consist of?
Raising a family and tending the herds, crops or a small family business.
What will be done for entertainment?
The family and friends getting together to learn from each other. Some travel will be allowed.
Will we keep the Commandments and the Sabbaths (Holy Days)?
Yes, the basics will be provided for, so we can concentrate on growing into the kingdom. <Rev 11:19
Everyone will be keeping God’s Sabbaths so this will not be a hardship as it usually is today.
If we are keeping the Sabbath, who will run the Utilities?
That will be done on an individual bases, there will be no controls or charges for the basics of life.
Table of Contents
Intro Section
The History
God’s Plan In A Few Words.. How we got here 5
What Will Life In The Millennium Be Like?
Earth’s Ecosystem Restored 10
The Pre-Flood Ecosystem and the Hyperbaric Biosphere 12
The Simple Life (the beginning) 14
The Technology Just Before The Flood To The Present 14
Some Science
The Technology Groups And How They Are Used In The “World” And In The “Millennium”. 16
The Key themes Driving “Satin’s World” (The First 6,000 Years) 18
Now The Millennium Lifestyle and The Technology (The Next 1,000 Years) 22
What To Expect
How It Will Be Done 23
God’s Real Commandments Exodus 20 24
The Fruit Of The Spirit (Divine Mind) Gal 5:22 26
The Lifestyle of The Millennium Gal 5:13-26 31
Setting The Perspective
Jesus Last Words John 14:1-17:26 32
In Jesus own words Mat 4-7 36
What Will Happen, How It Will Work
The Return Of Jesus To Rule The events leading to the millennium 2
What It Means To Worship God From the heart 14
What Is The Work Of God? The Perspective 24
All About The Carnal Mind, Spiritual Mind, The Laws Of God The world and the church 42
Life In The Millennium Appendix
Some History and Science
APPENDIX A The Detailed Bible Chronology From the bible 2
APPENDIX B Ancient High Technology Evidence of Noah’s Flood? 14
APPENDIX C Joshua's Long Day The Day the Sun Stood Still 42
APPENDIX D The Creation Model The Hyperbaric Biosphere 44
From The Bible
APPENDIX E God’s Real Commandments Strongs translation of Ex 20 60
APPENDIX F The Feasts of the Lord Lev 23 62
APPENDIX G The Holy Spirit Now given to both the Israelites and Gentiles 64
APPENDIX H The Food Laws Lev 11 68
APPENDIX I The Seventh Day of the Week, The Sabbath Ex 31:12-17 70
APPENDIX J Defining “Bible Time” The Day, Week, Month and start of the Year 82
The World, The End Times and Beyond
APPENDIX K The World System of Corporations, Governments and Religions 90
APPENDIX L The People Who Follow The World System 2 Tim 3:1-9 94
APPENDIX M A Sign (approval) OR The Mark (setting apart) Ex 31:12-15 100
APPENDIX N The Events of The End Times Revelation 106
APPENDIX O After the 7th Trumpet What Events Happen On The Earth 110
APPENDIX P The Millennium and Beyond Rev 20:1-3> 114
APPENDIX Q The Order of Salvation 1 Cor 15:23 118
APPENDIX R Encouraging Believers Hebrews 11 122
The Real Science They Never Told You About
How The Universe Works (It was preordained for man to have a good life) 1 Cor 2:7-9 126
Creation Science (A young and repaired earth and universe) Gen 1:1-5 134
APPENDIX T The Radiometric Dating Game (Is That Date Close Enough?) 140
APPENDIX U Geologic Column Does It Exist? (Cute Idea, Not True) 168
APPENDIX V Radioactive Halos (The Earth In 3 Minutes?) 176
APPENDIX W The Solar System (How Did They Do That?) 194
God’s Plan In A Few Words..
What Really Happened?
God’s plan started before man was created when Lucifer was assigned to help create the earth and the physical universe, preparing the way for the creation of man and the ultimate promise of man becoming spirit and joining in to become part of the Kingdom of God. This was interrupted by the rebellion of Satan causing one third of the angels to rebel with him.
From that moment to the time when the LORD God (Jesus) repaired the earth and the universe Col 1:15-20> and created man in their own image is not defined, so we have not been told how old the physical universe and the earth really are. Given the circumstances and the apparently young age of the earth, it would seem that this would be more like 10 to 20 thousand years from the start of the original plan to the restart, with Jesus repairing the damage Lucifer caused (and figuring out what had just happened to cause Lucifer to do this and how that would affect the creation of man and the original plan that was interrupted by Lucifer sinning, or disobeying God). It would seem that the only real concept would have been to simply observe what he was doing for a period of time and try to figure out why. The most logical premise would have been to include this flaw (now called human nature) into the original plan to make sure that it would never happen again.
Col 1:15-20 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. NIV (See Appendix S Page 134)
The plan now continues on in Geneses explaining how the earth and the universe was repaired and then man was created in God’s image and the real plan of God was now restarted in order to create spirit beings that will live forever in the real spiritual Kingdom of God (the new heavens and the new earth).
The world has been deceived (lied to) by the teaching of the concept (phony theory) of a universe that is “constantly improving and growing more perfect” for huge amounts of time (whatever they need). Consequently, many people and scientists are convinced (bullied into and agreeing) that this concept (it really happened over billions of years) actually was a feasible solution? And so, to achieve this, they make their science so complex that most people can not refute it, because they do not have the background. But, if you do challenge the dumb story, then they will just tell you “you are not accredited”.
It is easy to see that the environment is extremely complex and did not start from a (one cell life form) that just magically turned into (two humans that could replicate themselves), followed by (a complete ecosystem) then (a Solar System) and finally, (the rest of the universe). The observable ecosystems that we see now are all degenerating, not improving, and certainly not, “creating new and more complex life forms”. Also, our Solar System “design” does not follow the physics, it all had to be “set into place” so it has to be created, not just the “laws of physics at work”. See Appendix W Page 194
The ecosystem is also very fragile, if one part of this ecosystem is altered, there is a great probability of there being many damaging effects to many other complex systems. There are no “islands” in the creation (places that are “inert”, or “would not effect anything”). All things must work together (complement each other), or if not (they will damage each other). There are no “shortcuts” so, you are either adding (to dress and keep), or damaging the earth, and those around you, by causing death and destruction to the creation. So, you will be following the laws set down by God (to dress and keep), or you will be harming the earth by (ignoring, changing, destroying, or taking from) the ecosystem.
The first verse of the old testament says that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” This implies that He was involved in and was a part of the project. The angels were also working on this with him. Lucifer was in charge but, when he became aware that this project was about creating more spirit beings, he rebelled and the earth was soon ruined. So, because of this, God stopped working on His plan. Next, we see that God (Jesus) came to the earth to inspect the damage and continue His plan to create many new spirit beings. The second verse states that “the earth was without form and void and dark was on the face of the deep”. <Gen 1:1-2. So, what really caused this to happen? Did Satan purposefully damage the physical Universe so that God could not begin the creation of man? Well it’s not what you might think.
The reality is that the lifestyle and goals that Lucifer had now acquired (by rejecting God’s authority, not following His instructions, and not welcoming His help) were flawed and this was just a side effect (end result) of this new lifestyle and goal (he wanted to become like God and “do it his way”). By this time Satan had a lifestyle that had greatly degenerated and so the earth had soon gotten to the point where it was no longer even recognizable as the earth that was given to him to prepare for this new project of creating man. The earth was just chaos and confusion, a ruined earth (inoperable and containing no life forms, no sign of life). In addition, the presence and character of God “the Holy Spirit” was not there. It says there was darkness on the face of the earth, this means that God’s influence and goodness were not present.
So this was not just fixing (repairing and restoring) the physical earth, it was also including the strength, energy and character of God (The Holy Spirit) to complete His plan. The first chapter in Genesis lists what was needed to restore the earth and to complete this fix (it seems that “everything” describes this repair pretty well). So we can now see exactly where Satan’s program had gone, (NOWHERE, Nowhere, nowhere nowhere) and he is still out there “doing it his way”.
So it is now obvious that the “world’s”, History Science and Religions “the worldly standard line” are from the same source (Satan’s worldly system of corporations, businesses and religions), so, how accurate do you think that information might be? Nothing will be allowed to be exposed except those things that support the Satanic and Darwin versions of history, religion and science. All other versions will be attacked, ignored or eliminated to keep the charade moving along, you will follow this if you want to survive or be really successful, so, you are either in or out of his (Satan’s) system. Appendix K
The truth is out there, you can find it, if you look for it (seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you). Now let’s read the account in Genesis, to see what really happened.
From The Bible
Gen 1:1-5 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. NKJV
Gen 1:1-5 (From Strong’s Hebrew Translation)
(In preparing for the creation of man in God’s image), Elohiym (both God the Father and Jesus) Created or made the visible sky in which the clouds move, as well as to the higher ether (where the celestial bodies revolve) and the Earth.
And the Earth had (because of Satan’s rebellion) become a desolation or a worthless thing in vain an undistinguishable ruin in misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow and wickedness. And on the surface there was a surging mass of water or the main sea and the subterranean water supply.