The Script

October – November 2017

Pastor’s Letter

In the Way of the Generous God

In the 20th chapter of his Gospel, Matthew introduces us to Jesus’ parable of the laborers in the vineyard. The lesson begins in this way: “the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.” After agreeing to a daily wage, the workers receive responsibility for harvesting the fruit of the vine. But, as the employer soon realizes, there is more work to do. In need, he returns to the gathering place where the first workers were hired. Though no daily wage is established, the laborers take the landowner at his word that he will pay them “whatever is right,” and they join in collecting the harvest. As the day unfolds, the owner returns to the labor pool multiple times until, by the end of the day, all of those who were searching for work have been hired.

When evening fell, all of the workers received the usual daily wage. However, those hired first expected to receive more and grumbled against the landowner. He responded to one of them saying, “‘Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ ‘So the last will be first, and the first will be last.’”

As Chris Dorsey explains, “Jesus challenges our conventional ideas about labor, income, productivity, and wealth. The kingdom, God’s beloved community, is not an industrialized society where hours and minutes can be converted into dollars and cents. The work of advancing the kingdom doesn’t translate into fair compensation as we understand it. Instead, our focus must be on the generosity of the one who calls us to participate in that work. The landowner is eager to make the vineyard as productive as possible. He seems to be focused not just on profit and loss but on getting as many people as possible to help with the harvesting. We hear echoes of ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.’ The landowner is willing to offer more than a fair wage, because there is more at stake than a simple wage/labor calculation.”

As we move forward with this church year, seeking to be good stewards of our personal and corporate time, talents, and resources, this parable seems as timely as ever. As Dorsey reminds us, “We are called to participate in God’s mission of spreading the gospel, expanding the beloved community, and transforming the world toward greater justice and mercy. And we need all the help we can get. The more help we get, the more we are to rejoice and celebrate the ways God will bless those who join in our collective work.”

May it be so,


Source: Christian Century, August 30, 2017.

Stewardship 2018

The 2018 Stewardship Campaign will begin onSunday, October 8and conclude with a Service for the Consecration of Pledges onSunday, November 5. In the coming weeks, you will be inspired to learn the ways our congregation is a hub for good works in many ministries throughout Akron and beyond. Please find it in your heart to increase your support for the coming year.

The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.- 2 Corinthians 9:6-7


Remaining Schedule for Season Twenty

October 8, 2017Philip Thomson, piano

November 5, 2017Festival Choir and Brass, John RutterGloria
April 8, 2018The Ohio State University Men's Glee Club

May 13, 2018Mother's Day Opera/Broadway Gala

Pictorial Church Directory

Additional Dates Added

Universal has extended additional dates for having pictures taken for our new church directory. They have added Tuesday, October 10 and Wednesday, October 11 from 2:00-7:00 p.m. To sign-up call the church office at 330-836-2226 or go to the website, to find the link under “church photo directory.”

To date we have had about 97 households participate in the directory. We would love to have everyone! If you cannot make it to the photo session please call Germaine at the office (330-241-1328) to arrange having your personal photo included in the directory.

Remembrance Sunday

Please join us for worship onSunday, October 29for Remembrance Sunday as we honor the memory of Westminster members who have died in the past year.All are welcome to place a stone on the Communion table at the end of worship to remember a loved one or friend who has died.


Pet Blessing

Our annual Pet Blessing will take place from2:00-3:30 p.m.onSunday, October 8. All creatures large and small are welcome.Meet us on the steps of the church and spend some time with other pet lovers.

Free Flu Clinic

A free flu clinic will be held onSunday, October 8, in the library, at11:30 a.m. after worship.Both the standard dose and high dose (for those 65+) will be available.Pharmacists from our local Walgreen’s will fill out the insurance forms and administer the vaccines. Email Ginny Melver if you have any questions at .


New Member Class

Have you been engaging with Westminster's worship, programming, and fellowship and now feel that membership is the next step? At Westminster, we believe that everybody is welcome, nobody is perfect, and anything is possible. We celebrate your presence in our shared community of faith, and hope that you will consider deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ as we learn, serve, and grow together. Our next new member's class will be held onSaturday, October 7from9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.and onSunday, October 8from9:00-10:15 a.m.To learn more or to sign up for the class, please contact our pastor .

WPC Men’s Group

Join the men of Westminster as we travel to Fairlawn to enjoy lunch together each month. On Monday, October 9 join us at our regular stomping grounds, The Olive Garden, at 11:30 a.m. Come enjoy fellowship, laughter and probably a good story or two. All are welcome!


Book Discussion Group

The WPC book group has been enjoying a variety of books.We meet the second Monday of the month in the Westminster library at 7:00 p.m. Our upcoming books and discussion leaders are,October 9, Hillbilly Elegy byJ. D. Vance led by Margaret Quirk. November 9, What the Lady Wantsby Renee Rosenled by Nancy Keogh. December 11,Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Childrenby Ransom Riggs led by Harriet Cutler.


Good Neighbors/First Sunday Food Collection

The cooler weather, when the demand for food increases, is just around the corner. Please continue to support our food missions by bringing food to church on October 1, November 5 and December 3.They also can use your paper and plastic grocery bags. Place them in the box marked Good Neighbors that is in the coatroom.

Westminster Knitters, Crocheters and Shoppers

OurGiving Tree will be appearing at the front of the sanctuary on the first Sunday of Advent, December 3, where it will await decoration with our colorful gifts of handmade and store-bought children’s mittens, gloves, hats and scarves. Outreach asks that as you begin your Christmas projects and make your shopping lists, please keep in mind the homeless girls and boys who will be served this winter by ACCESS, the local agency that will receive all the gifts from Our Giving Tree. ACCESS provides emergency shelter and other services to our area’s homeless women and their children. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated by the children who will be warmer because Westminster cares.


Join us this fall on October 15, November 19 and December 17 as we welcome and host members of our local Akron community. We encourage our members to attend and invite a friend or neighbor. We also want to encourage you to form relationships with those in need. Westminster is a serving church…dinner is served at5:00 p.m.

Congregational Meeting Update

At our congregational meeting in August, Roger Nelson was elected to serve as an elder and Pat Schumacher was elected to serve as a deacon. Many thanks to Roger and Pat for their willingness to serve in leadership at Westminster!

Consider serving our local neighbors…

Volunteers are needed for Third Sunday Dinners at WPC. Volunteer tasks include cooking, serving, clean up and providing desserts.A volunteer calendar is currently being set for every third Sunday of the month beginningOctober 15, 2017 through August 19, 2018. Please contact Gert Wilms with your preferred volunteer dates and tasks r(330)501-7483. Your time is greatly appreciated for this WPC outreach and fellowship.


Eastminster Presbytery is sponsoring "DiscipleFest 2017" hosted by Canfield Presbyterian Church on Saturday, October 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Keynote Presentation will be presented by Bob Kloos from Beacon Street Performing Arts in Ministry based in Cleveland. Look for the brochure on the literature racks that lists the workshops that are being offered and information on registration. The registration fee is $15 per person before October 14.


WPC Children & Family Events 2017-18

October 2017

Tween Event SKYZONEOctober 8, 11:30 - 2:00 pm

Halloween PartyOctober 28, 3:00-5:00 pm

December 2017

Children & Youth Pageant Rehearsal, Advent Potluck and Workshop

December 3, 4:30-7:00 pm

Christmas PageantDecember 17 during worship

January 2018

Ice Skating & Children’s Museum

January 7, 3:00-5:00 pm

February 2018

Tween Service Event with Good Neighbors

February 24, 11:00-3:00 pm

March 2018


St Patrick’s Day Party

March 17, 5:30-8:00 pm

April 2018

ALL CHURCH EASTER EGG HUNT April 1 at 10:00 am

Tween Earth Day Service EventApril 21, 10:00-12:00 pm

MAY 2018

Teacher Appreciation and

Last Day of Church SchoolMay 27

Children’s Ministry Offerings

Our Sunday offerings are in full swing. Join us at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning. Below is a list of our offerings this year. Contact Sheila Svoboda, Director of Children and Family Ministry, at to answer any questions you might have.

Our offerings and locations this year are:

Nursery 0-4 years9:00 a.m-12:oo p.m. (noon)

Bible Story Room 3 years to KindergartenRoom 105 9:30-10:15 a.m.

Godly Play 1st-3rd gradeRoom 202 9:30-10:15 a.m.

Tweens 4th-6th grade Room 107 9:30-10:15 a.m.

Youth 7th-12th gradeRoom 211 9:30-10:15 a.m.

Christmas Pageant

Come join in the fun this Advent season by participating in the Children’s Christmas Pageant taking place on Sunday, December 17. Zack Troyer and Ron Hazelett have many roles to fill from shepherds and angels, to the stable animals and, of course, Mary and Joseph. We also need narrators to help tell the story of that very special night, the birth of Jesus. There will be an announcement to sign-up in November. The first rehearsal will be on Sunday, December 3 at 4:30 p.m. All parts will be assigned prior to that day. We will finish in time to head to Wright-Herberich Hall for the festivities of the Advent Dinner and Workshop. Come and take part in the telling of this beautiful story.

Family Halloween Party at Westminster!

All ages please join us for games, food and maybe some character visits! Saturday, October 28 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at Westminster Church.

TWEEN Ministry

(grades 4-6)

Tween trip to SkyZone

Our second annual trip for Tweens to SkyZone isSunday, October 8. This is a great event, please join us! We will meet in the Tween Room after church onfor pizza and drinks and head out bynoon. Our check-in time at SkyZone is12:30-1:00 p.m. and our Jump Time is from 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Parents, please fill out a waiver online at:

or if you are driving, you can fill your student's out when you're there. Sign- up in Wright-Herberich Hall or e-mail Sheila @

AcOlOrFuL Year is Planned!

OCTOBER 14: Join us on aSaturday, October 14 in the afternoon for a hike, dinner and bonfire at Bill Bramley’s property. Plan to arrive around 5:00 and depart about 8:30 p.m. RSVP to .

DECEMBER 10: Youth Christmas Party at the church, with dinner, cookie decorating and a gift exchange.

FEBRUARY 4: Super Bowl subs fundraiser AND tubing trip to Brandywine.

APRIL: Youth Lock In at the church and service project at Good Neighbors, date TBD.

JUNE 7: End of School Youth Trip to Kalahari Water Park.

Library: Parenting Conversations

We are exploring the book, UnSelfie: Why Empathic Kids Succeed in our All-About-Me World Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Library. All are invited to join the conversation, even if you have not read the book! Parenting in this world can be difficult and this book intends to be a blueprint for parents and educators who want kids to shift from I, me and mine….to we, us and ours. In the spirit of learning to love others as ourselves, this is a top priority for us today! Join us!

Adult Education

There is still time to join our guided tour through the Bible. We are following the route God's "train" took, beginning in the Old Testament. Come with us as we experience all the twists and turns, its’ near derailments, and its’ towering high points along the way. The tour continues every Sunday at 9:30 room 106.

PW News

PW Gathering: Game Day

Our first gathering of the season will be onSaturday, October 21 starting at noon.A soup and chili lunch will be provided followed by a GAME DAY FOR ALL AGES.Games will be provided or bring your favorite!Children are welcome. (Childcare for young children will be provided if requested beforeOctober 15.)Come enjoy PW fellowship!A free will offering will be taken for WYDACA, our own on-site preschool.Please contact Kris Keller at 330-802-1032 or Margo Works at 330-396-0408 with questions and to express your willingness to help make this a big success!

Acme Cash Back Program

Please ask family and friends to save Acme receipts from August 10 – December 30, 2017. Drop the receipts in the boxes at the church doors. The Presbyterian Women earn 5% on all Acme products purchased and use the proceeds to support missions. Thank you for your support.

Information to Know

Mobility Equipment Donation

Jean Mercer's daughter has donated mobility equipment to the church. There are walkers, canes and wheelchairs at the foot of the stairs in the educational wing across from the nursery entrance. These items are for anyone to use while at the church.


Sadly, the season for the beautiful Celtic garden is once again coming to a close.

It seems as though the flowers were just beginning to bloom - where did the summer go? A heartfelt salute to all those faithful volunteers who planted, weeded, deadheaded, and watered throughout the season and in all kinds of weather. God can supply the raw materials, but volunteers are needed to nurture them. When the cold winds of winter blow, we can look forward to spring andthe upcoming plant sale on Saturday, April 28, in conjunction with the Kiwanis pancake breakfast.

Memorial Garden

Many questions were asked and answered at the informative and well attended the June 11 WPC Memorial Garden open house. Some who came were aware of the Memorial Garden, others were not. However, the response was enthusiastic. Since it has not been publicizedoften since its establishment in 2011, the Memorial Garden committee will be placing periodic articles in the Script with updates and other items of interest. There will also be information about the Memorial Garden available in the literature racks in the near future. In the meantime, please take the time to visit the Garden and feel free to discuss questions you might have with any of the committee members; Phil Fry, Earl Pierson, Kara Hauerwas, Marcia Holcomb, Shelley Koutnik and Barb or Jim Shriner. In the meantime, please take a moment to read and think about this Memorial Garden thought…


Those we love remain with us

For love itself lives on.

Cherished memories never fade

Because a loved one is gone.

Those we love can never be

More than a thought apart.

For as long as there is memory

They’ll live on in our heart.

Sympathy is extended to Patricia Schumacher and her family upon the death of her husband, George Schumacher, on August 17, 2017.

Congratulations Scott and Celeste Vollmer on the occasion of their wedding at Westminster on Saturday, September 16, 2017.

Congratulations to Charlie Wagner and Jackie Jue on the occasion of their wedding on Saturday, September 2, 2017.

Nursery and Preschool Room Updates!

We have two fresh spaces for our youngest members and visitors because of the generosity of many people; Kristy Yates, Deb Tondra, Jon Hauerwas, Sheila Svoboda, Kayla Elefritz, Pat Richards, Maggie Weiss-Yopat, Jim Shriner, Ann and Ron Allan and Erin and Kevin Spring with their elbow grease, painting efforts and financial support. Please stop in and check them out! Invite a friend to church, we have the BEST Church Nursery and staff around!