Spokane Tribe of Indians Broadband Connectivity Project






Contact / Danny Brigman
Phone / (509) 458-6550
Opening Date / 10/27/2017
Closing Date / 11/30/2017 2:00 p.m.
Return Location / Purchasing / Property Manager
Delivery Address / 6195 Ford/Wellpinit Road
PO Box 100
Wellpinit, WA 99040
Email /



The SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS is requesting proposals from reasonable, responsive, responsible, and qualified firms for the delivery of high capacity Internet services at the Tribal Administration Building located at 6195 Ford-Wellpinit Road Wellpinit, WA 99040. The system and internet shall be maintained by the awarded vendor for a period of 3 years (with the option for the Spokane Tribe to extend the contract for up to 2 additional years,) with follow up support options provided by the awarded vendor. Interested and/or the awarded vendor must be willing and able to offer, and provide all necessary requirements and/or needs for any future upgrades.

On behalf of the Spokane Tribe of Indians (herein called the “Tribe”) we hereby request proposals from and vendors/contractors possessing the ability to perform the required tasks as shown below.

To be considered responsive, responsible, reliable, qualified, and possessing the ability to complete the entire project, your proposal must be received by Danny Brigman, Purchasing/Property Manager, Spokane Tribe of Indians, P.O. Box 100, Wellpinit, WA 99040 on or before the above closing date and time. The Tribe reserves the right to reject any or all submitted quotes. Bids may be delivered by postal services, emailed, faxed, hand delivered.

Vendors/Contractors are strongly encouraged to carefully read the entire request for proposal.

The Spokane Tribe of Indians is a federally recognized Indian Tribe and is eligible for GSA and/or government pricing. There are no expressed or implied obligations for the Tribe to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing bids in response to this request.

Contact Person

Inquiries concerning the request for bid and the subject of the request for bids can be made to:

Danny Brigman OR Mike Seyler

Purchasing/Property Manager Inventory Specialist

509-458-6550 509-458-6544

Spokane Tribe of Indians Spokane Tribe of Indians

P.O. Box 100 Wellpinit, WA 99040 PO Box 100, Wellpinit WA 99040

During the review of all submitted proposals the Tribe reserves the right, where it may serve the Tribe’s best interest, to request additional information or clarification from proposers or allow the correction of errors or omissions. At the discretion of the Tribe, vendors submitting bids may be requested to make oral presentations.

The Tribe reserves the right to retain all bids submitted and to use any ideas in the proposal regardless of whether that quotes is selected. Submission of a bid indicates acceptance by the vendor of the conditions contained in this request for bids.

Scope of Work

Delivery of high capacity Internet services at the Tribal Administration Building, located at 6195 Ford-Wellpinit Road Wellpinit, WA 99040; and service delivery must meet the following requirements:

-  Fiber and/or Licensed Microwave Transport

-  Minimum 100 Mbps (Full Duplex)(expandable to 1gb in future)

-  Minimum Uptime of 99.99% (at 100Mbps)

-  One Redundancy Mechanism

-  Power Backup on Transport Circuit(s) w/ at least 24 Hours Capacity

-  End-to-End Quality of Service (QoS) with Voice and Video Prioritized

-  Support for Multiple VLANs and/or QinQ

-  Gigabit Demarcation at the Tribal HQ or a location near Tribal fiber

-  Managed Service with Single Year and Multi-Year Terms

-  Response to Service Affecting Issue (Critical/Urgent) within 2 hours

-  Response to Non-Urgent Issues within 8 hours

-  Installation and Activation within 30-45 Days from Award

Additional items desired by the Tribe, but not required, quoted à la carte include:

-  Geographically Diverse Secondary Transport Connection

o  Identify requirements, contingencies and costs known/unknown

-  Colocation 19” Rack Space

o  Up to ½ rack, no less than ¼ rack

o  Preferably in a secure cage for Tribe only access

o  15-20 Amp 120V AC Service w/ facility provided backup power

o  Cross-connect to transport circuit and Internet

-  Transport from HQ to Colocation at 500Mbps (not Internet Access)

-  Options for Public IP Space (minimum /29 up to /27)

-  Internet Redundancy / Multi-Home / BGP Peering

-  Option to acquire installed Network Equipment after the Contract Term

In the event a microwave solution is proposed, vendor may include the use of sites:

-  Wellpinit Lookout 47.886574 N -118.020891 W

-  SPOKO Gas Station 47.643723 N -117.612043 W

Respondent shall provide a detailed cost breakdown of non-recurring costs, if any, as well as recurring fees. Service packages should be provided for terms no less than 1 year and up to 5 years. The vendor shall work with the Tribe as required to support the permitting and construction of any facilities and equipment installation on Reservation.

Proposal shall include and identify any estimated costs, unknown costs, assumptions and contingencies, with a best effort to clearly describe each issue as well as provide any recommendations.

Technical Proposal


A master copy (so marked) of a Technical Proposal and three copies to include the following:

The purpose of the technical proposal is to demonstrate the qualifications, competence and capacity of the firms seeking to undertake the needs and requirements in this request for proposal. As such, the substance of the proposals will carry more weight than their form or manner of presentation. The technical proposal should demonstrate the, qualifications of the firm and of the particular staff to be assigned to this engagement. It should also specify the approach that will meet the request for proposals requirements.

The technical proposal should address all the points outlined in the request for proposals excluding any cost information, which should only be included in the sealed dollar bid. The proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the proposer's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the request for proposal; and include:

v  Title Page

v  Title page showing the request for proposal's subject; the firm's name; the name, address and telephone number of a contact person; and the date of the proposal.

v  Table of Contents

A signed letter of transmittal briefly stating the proposer's understanding of the work to be done, the commitment to perform the work within the time period, a statement why the firm believes itself to be the best qualified to perform the engagement and a statement that the proposal is a firm and irrevocable offer for ninety days.


If subcontractors are to be used, that fact, and the name of the proposed subcontracting firms, must be clearly identified in the proposal. If sub-contractors are to be used, each must also complete the below certification and be included in the submitted proposal. Following the award of the contract, no additional subcontracting will be allowed without the express prior written consent of the SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS.

Describe any plans to “partner” with another vendor to meet implementation needs. If your approach includes the use of one or more additional vendors or sub-contractors, please provide a detailed explanation of their role on the project. In addition, if your response to the technical and functional requirements and associated product demonstration is dependent upon a product offered by another vendor partner, please be advised that a single, joint response should be submitted for this RFP. Additional vendors, subcontractors and/or any assignee or transferee must be able to adhere to the same agreements (e.g., not transmitting tribal data outside of the United States) required of your company.

The Spokane Tribe of Indians reserves the right to reject any and all sub-contractors included in proposals.

Work To Be Performed:
Work To Be Performed:
Work To Be Performed:
Work To Be Performed:
Work To Be Performed:

Cost Proposal

The proposer shall submit one original proposed dollar amount in a separate sealed envelope marked with the name of the firm, proposal number, and proposal title. This should be prepared in accordance with this RFP. Proposers should send the completed proposal consisting of the separate envelope to the following address:

Danny Brigman Purchasing/Property Manager, Spokane Tribe of Indians P.O. Box 100 Wellpinit, WA 99040

The dollar proposal should contain all pricing information relative to performing the requirements and/or requests for this proposal as described. The total all-inclusive maximum price is to contain all direct and indirect costs including all out-of-pocket expenses. All costs above and/or beyond submitted proposal must be prior approved and included in current, signed contract by amendment.

The SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS will not be responsible for expenses incurred in preparing and submitting the technical proposal or the sealed dollar amount. Such costs should not be included in the proposal.

The first page of the dollar proposal should include the following information:

v  Name of Firm

v  Certification that the person signing the proposal is entitled to represent the firm empowered to submit a proposal and sign a contract with the SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS.

v  A Total All-inclusive Maximum Price for fiscal year 2018.

If it should become necessary for the SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS to request the firms to render any additional services to either supplement the services requested in this request for proposals or to perform additional work as a result of the specific recommendations atones included in any report issued on this engagement, then such additional work shall be performed only if set forth in an addendum to the contract between the SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS and the firm any such additional work agreed to between the SPOKANE: TRIBE OF INDIANS and the firm shall be performed at the same rates set forth in the schedule of fees and expenses included in the sealed dollar proposal.

Incurred Expenses

The Tribe shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by vendor in responding to this RFP. All costs incurred by vendor in the preparation, transmittal or presentation of any quote or material submitted in response to this RFP will be borne solely by the vendor. All submitted Proposals and/or information in their entirety will become property of the Tribe.

The Evaluation of Proposals Received

Personnel from the Tribes I.T. Department, Finance Department, Executive Directors’ Office and Purchasing/Property Department will review each submitted quote. The Tribe may, or may not award the contract to the vendor whose quote is deemed to be most advantageous to the Tribe; below are 5 elements to be reviewed for each quote.

1.  Responsiveness, Reliability, Responsibly and Technical Qualifications

a.  Submitter's responsiveness, reliability, responsibility, technical qualifications, skill, knowledge, and experience in similar projects will be considered under the review.

Maximum Points: 40

2.  Fees and Delivery Timeline

a.  Cost of services provided by the submitter will be considered under this criterion. In addition, the promptness of delivery of services will be factored into consideration of cost for services.

Maximum Points: 15

3.  Submitter's References

a.  Submitter should provide 3 references, providing names, addresses and telephone numbers for the Tribe to contact.

Maximum Points 5

4.  Indian Preference

a.  Indian-owned and controlled companies will receive preference in accordance with 25 U.S.C. §450e (b) (7). Companies claiming Indian preference must furnish adequate proof of at least 51% Indian ownership and control with their quote in order to secure Indian-owned preference. A successful vendor will be required to comply with all applicable Federal and Tribal laws and regulations in effect during the contract period, including the Indian preference requirements of the Tribe.

Maximum Points: 10

5.  Evidence of Completeness and Quality of Final Report

a.  The extent to which the submitter describes the steps the organization will take to perform all work necessary to ensure it meets the standards sufficient for complete operation of the broadband tower.

Maximum Points: 30

Vendor's performance regarding NA, M/WBE placements will be considered for this and future contract awards. Vendor shall not discriminate against any subcontractors or employee regarding race, religion, color, gender, age, physical condition or national origin.

Proposal Confidentiality

Until the award is made and notice is given to all vendors, no employee, agent, or representative of a submitting vendor shall make available or discuss its proposal with any officer, member, employee, agent or representative of the Tribe other than the Contact Person, except in response to inquiries from the Contact Person. Until the award is made and notice of award is given to all vendors, the Tribe will not disclose the contents of any quote or discuss the contents of any quote with any vendor

Proposal Requests

Any proposal received after the closing date and time or submitted to another department will be considered non-responsive. No liability will be attached to the Tribe for the premature opening of, or the failure to open, any quote not properly addressed and identified. The purchasing/property director can be reached at the number listed above.

The Tribe’s Project Manager, IT Director, Purchasing/Property Director, Executive Director, or Tribal Council reserves the right to determine whether or not a vendor is responsive, responsible, reliable, qualified, and possesses the ability to complete the entire project. Those determinations will be based on:

1.  The skill and experience demonstrated by the vendor in performing agreements of a similar nature.

2.  The vendor’s record for honesty and integrity.

3.  The vendor’s capacity to perform in terms of facilities, personnel and financing.

4.  The vendors past performance with the Tribe.

All pricing must be guaranteed for ninety (90) days. The awarded vendor will be required to purchase a Spokane Tribal Business License if one is not currently carried; please contact the Tribe’s TERO office at the number below for more information regarding the Spokane Tribal Business License. The Tribe shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by the vendor in responding to this request for proposal. All costs incurred by the vendor in the preparation, or transmittal, in response to this proposal will be borne solely by the vendor. All submitted quote and/or information in their entirety will become the property of the Tribe.