Kinder Unit 3 Bend 2 Writing to Teach Others: How to Books

Kinder Unit 3 Table of Contents

Unit Title

Section / Page Number
·  Unit Essential Questions
·  Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis)
·  Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English)
·  Unit Assessment Checklist
·  Unit Assessment Rubric
·  Sample Unit Calendar
Content: Unit 3 , Bend 2 / Dates of Unit:
Unit Title: / How-To Books: Writing to Teach Others: Using Mentor Texts for Inspiration: Revising Old How-To Books and Writing New Ones
Stage 1 / Identify Desired Results
(Alpha-numeric listing of standards incorporated in the unit) / W.K.2, W.K.3, W.K.5, W.K.6, W.K.7, W.1.2, W.1.3, RFS.K.2, RFS.K.3, RFS.K.4, RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K .7, RI.1.7, RI.1.1 SL.K.1, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.5, SL.K.6, , L.K.1, L.K.2, L.K.4, L.K.5, L.K.6, L.1.1
Essential Questions: (These goals should be aligned to Essential Questions.) / Skip / Skip / Skip / Skip / Skip
(These should be aligned to the Goals above) / Great writers plan before they write. / Great writers think about their audience before they write. / Great writers revise their work to make it come alive. / Great writers use comparisons.
Learning Targets
(aligned to goals) / Session 8: I can study mentor texts and try out what I discover. / Session 9: I can focus on my audience by using the word “you.” / Session 10: I can choose the right words by picturing each step of my how-to book. / I can make comparisons in my writing.
Session 11: I can write warnings, suggestions, and tips in my book. / Session 12: I can imagine and write comparisons to give clear directions. / I can use a command to give warnings, suggestions or tips.
Stage 2 / Determine Assessment Evidence
Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Academic Language Function(s):
·  Compare and Contrast Characteristics
·  Compare and Contrast Actions
·  Express Needs and Make Requests (strong suggestions!) / Academic Language Stems (to talk about their writing):
Easy for Beginners
·  I can ____ like a _____.
I can run like a dog.
·  Simple commands to warn, suggest or give tips:
Watch out! Be Careful! Don’t ______
Medium for Intermediate
·  (action) like an (action)
Line up like a race car.
·  Commands to warn, suggest or give tips:
Watch out for ______! Be careful when you ______!
Don’t ______because ______!
Difficult for Advanced and Fluent
·  (action) like an (present progressive verb) (action)
Line up like a racing grey hound.
·  Watch out for ______! Be careful not to ______!
You shouldn’t______because ______!
Academic Vocabulary:
·  details
·  publish
·  words, letters, sounds (and the difference among them!)
·  piece
·  true story
·  spell
·  make a plan
·  Where? Who? What?
·  Character
·  Speech bubble
·  Reread
·  Transition words
·  Sentence
·  Practice
·  Flaps
·  Mentor text
·  How-to books
Partner Talk:
I noticed that ______.
I don’t understand this part.
Can you explain this part to me?
Try _____.
Assessment Tools: / ·  Goals Rubric
·  Assessment Checklist

Unit of Study Teacher Checklist

Student Name / Session 8: I can study mentor texts and try out what I discover. / Session 9: I can focus on my audience by using the word “you.” / Session 10: I can choose the right words by picturing each step of my how-to book. / Session 11: I can write warnings, suggestions, and tips in my book. / Session 12: I can imagine and write comparisons to give clear directions. / I can make suggestions using “you”: You should/You will need/First you. / I can make comparisons in my writing. / I can use a command to give warnings, suggestions or tips. / Notes

Unit of Study Informational Writing Checklist

Student Name / I told, drew, and wrote about a topic. / I told what my topic was. / I put different things I knew about the topic on my pages. / I had a last part or page. / I told, drew, and wrote information across pages. / I drew and wrote important things about the topic. / I told, drew, and wrote some details about the topic. / I could read my writing. / I wrote a letter for the sounds I heard. / I used the word wall to help me spell. / I put spaces between words. / I used lower case letters unless capitals were needed. / I wrote capital letters to start every sentence. / Notes
B = Beginning D = Developing P = Proficient M=Mastery

Unit of Study Assessment Rubric

Unit # - Unit Title…

Learning Target / Mastery / Proficient / Developing / Beginning
Language Learning Target
Stage 3 / Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Bend 1:
Day 1: Session 1: Writers Study the kind of Writing They plan to Make
Ø  Learning Goal: I can study examples of the kind of writing I want to make. / Day 2: Session: 2 Writers Use What They Already Know: Touching and Telling the Steps Across the Pages
Ø  Language Goal: I can give directions about how to do something, using imperative verbs such as take, give, open. / Day 3: Session: 2 Writers Use What They Already Know: Touching and Telling the Steps Across the Pages
Ø  Learning Goal: I can touch each page and tell the steps of my how-to book. / Day 4: Session 2: Writers Use What They Already Know: Touching and Telling the Steps Across the Pages
Ø  Learning Goal: I can add transition words to my how-to book.
Ø  Language Goal: I can use transition words to write the steps of my how-to book. / Day 5: Session 3: Writers Become Readers, Asking, “Can I Follow This?
Ø  Learning Goal: I can reread my writing as I go and make changes.
Day 6: Session 4: Writers Answer a Partner’s Questions
Ø  Language Goal: I can make suggestions using to help my partner revise. / Day 7: Session 4: Writers Answer a Partner’s Questions
Ø  Learning Goal: I can work with my writing partner to make my writing clearer and easier to follow. / Day 8: Session 5: Writers Label Their Diagrams to teach even More Information
Ø  Learning Goal: I can add details by label my diagrams. / Day 9: Session 6: Letter to Teachers: Writers Write as Many Books as They Can
Ø  Learning Goal: I can write faster, longer, and stronger by setting goals for myself. / Day 10: Session 7: Writers Reflect and Set Goals to Create Their Best Information Writing
Ø  Learning Goal: I can use a writing checklist to set goals for myself.
Bend 2:
Day 11: Session 8: Writers Emulate Features of Informational Writing Using a Mentor Text
Ø  Learning Goal: I can study mentor texts and try out what I discover.
Anchor Text: Learning from a Mentor How-To Text (A) / Day 12: Session 9: Writing for Readers: Using the Word You
Ø  Learning Goal: I can focus on my audience by using the word “you.”
Anchor Text:
Learning from a Mentor How-To Text (B)
Learning from a Mentor How-To Text (C) / Day 13: Session 10: How-To Book Writers Picture Each step and Then choose Exactly Right Words
Ø  Learning Goal: I can choose the right words by picturing each step of my how-to book. / Ø  Day 14: Session 11: Elaboration in How-To Books: Writers Guide Readers with Warnings, Suggestions, and Tips
Ø  Language Goal: I can use a command to give warnings, suggestions or tips
Anchor Text: Learning from a Mentor How-To Text (D)
. / Day 15: Session 11: Elaboration in How-To Books: Writers Guide Readers with Warnings, Suggestions, and Tips
Ø  I can write warnings, suggestions, and tips in my book.
Day 16: Session 12: “Balance on One Leg Like a Flamingo”: Using Comparisons to Give Readers Clear Directions
Ø  Language Goal: I can use a command to give warnings, suggestions or tips. / Day 17: Session 12: “Balance on One Leg Like a Flamingo”: Using Comparisons to Give Readers Clear Directions
Ø  Learning Goal: I can imagine and write comparisons to give clear directions. / Bend 3:
Day 18: Session 13: Writers Write How-To Books about things They Learn Throughout the day and from Books
Ø  Learning Goal: I can get ideas from my writing from what I do during the day and from books. / Day 19: Session 14: Writing a series or Collection of How-To Books to Teach Others even More about a Topic
Ø  Learning Goal: I can create a collection of how-to books to teach others even more about a topic. / Day 20: Session 15: Writers Can Write Introductions and Conclusions to Help Their Readers
Ø  Language Goal: I can write an introduction to make my writing stronger
Day 21: Session 15: Writers Can Write Introductions and Conclusions to Help Their Readers
Ø  Language Goal: I can write a conclusion to make my writing stronger. / Day 12: Session 15: Writers Can Write Introductions and Conclusions to Help Their Readers
Ø  Learning Goal: I can write an introduction and a conclusion to help my readers understand. / Day 23: Session 16: Using Everything You Know to Make Their How-To Books Easy to Read
Ø  Learning Goal: I can use the strategies I know to make my writing easy to read. / Bend 4:
Day 24: Session 17: How-To Books Make Wonderful Gifts!
Ø  Language Goal: I can share my book with others. (I dedicate my book to) / Day 25: Session: 17: How-To Books
Ø  Learning Goal: I can choose a specific audience for my writing and dedicate that writing to them.
Day 26: Session 18: Preparing for the Publishing Party: Writers Do Their Best Work Now to share It Later
Ø  Learning Goal: I can use an editing checklist to prepare my writing for publication. / Day 27: Session 19 Letter to Teachers: Publishing Celebration: Writers Are Teachers
Ø  Learning Goal: I can share my book with others. (I dedicate my book to)

Learning from a Mentor How-To Text (A)

Learning from a Mentor How-To Text (B)

Learning from a Mentor How-To-Text (C)

Learning from a Mentor How-To Text (D)

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