Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
(657) 278-3013
The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering requires 129 units to graduate. The following plan is developed to facilitate planning your education towards a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.
First Semester /Second Semester
/Student Action Plan
Human Comm 100 or 102 (GE A.1) OR English 101 (GE A.2) / 3 / Human Comm 100 or 102 (GE A.1) OR English 101 (GE A.2) / 3 / · If required, complete all remediation (Math 30A-B, 40, 45, ENGL 99 or 100) by the end of your second semester to avoid Administrative Disqualification, i.e. being kicked out of the university.· Complete GE courses in areas A.1, A.2, A.3, and B.4 with C or better.
· Meet with your assigned faculty advisor each semester.
· Visit UH 123B Academic Advisement Center to review GE and graduation requirements.
· Courses taught by your major department will not count for General Education.
You must meet with an Electrical Engineering Adviser during your first semester at CSUF.
Math 150A* (major & GE B.4) / 4 / Math 150B (major) / 4
Chemistry 123 (major & GE B.1) / 4 / Physics 225 + Lab (major & GE B.1 and B.3) / 4
CPSC 120 (major) / 3 / EGEE 245 (major) / 3
Intro to the Arts (GE C.1) / 3 / Biology 101 (GE B.2) / 3
/ 17 /Total
/ 17*Eligibility for Math 150A: 1 or 2 on the AP calculus exam OR passing the MQE exam with 25 OR C or better in Math 125
Third Semester /Fourth Semester
/ Student Action PlanMath 250A (major) / 4 / Math 250B (major) / 4
Physics 226 + Lab (major) / 4 / Physics 227 + Lab (major) / 4
EGEE 281 (major) / 2 / EGEE 203 (major) / 3
EGEE 245L (major) / 1 / EGEE 280 (major) / 3
EGEE 215 / 1 / History 110A or 110B (GE C.4 or D.2) / 3
Critical Thinking (GE A.3) / 3
/ 15 /Total
/ 17Fifth Semester /
Sixth Semester
/ Student Action PlanEGEE 323 (major) / 3 / EGEE 311 (major) / 3 / Apply for Graduation through your Student Center one year prior to degree completion.
EGEE 308 (major) / 3 / EGEE 309 (major) / 3
EGEE 303 (major) / 3 / EGEE 303L (major) / 1
EGEE 203L(major) / 1 / Political Science 100 (GE D.4) / 3
Intro to the Humanities (GE C.2) / 3 / Technical Elective (major) / 6
Technical Elective (major) / 3
/ 16 /Total
/ 16Seventh Semester /
Eighth Semester
/ Student Action PlanEGEE 313 (major) / 3 / EGEE 409 (major) / 3 / **One course from Upper Division GE Area C.3 and D.5 must have a star (*) indicating cultural diversity.
EGEE 310 (major) / 3 / EGEE 485 (major) / 3
EGEE 310L (major) / 1 / Technical Elective / 2
EGEE 313L (major) / 1 / American History (GE D.3) / 3
EGEE 401 (major + GE D.1) / 3 / Upper Division GE (GE D.5) / 3
Upper Division GE (GE C.3) / 3
Technical Elective (major) / 3
/ 17 /Total
/ 14Students wishing to explore interests, majors and careers are welcome to visit the Academic Advisement Center (UH-123B), home department for Undeclared Students and the Major Exploration Program.
Major Exploration -
Career Exploration -
Undeclared Academic Advising by Appointment -
Revised 12-19-13 by Department Chair and
Associate Dean via Academic Advisement.