1. Project Title: providing knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention and control for disabled youth (especially for deaf youth) and youth with difficulties in Thai Binh province
2. Location of Project:
The project will be carried out in 8 districts and towns, namely: Hung Ha, Thai Thuy, Vu Thu, Quynh Phu, Tien Hai, Kien Xuong, Dong Hung and Thai Binh town.
3. Geography:
The project will be realized in the whole province for disabled youth.
4. Implementing agency: Disabled Youth Club of Thai Binh, directly belongs to Thai Binh Youth Union. The club was established on March 03rd 2002 with 60 members in various districts and towns of the province.
Thai Binh Disabled Youth club is a self-reliant of disabled youth with performance purposes: to encourage, share and exchange information, help those who have the same conditions so that they can integrate into community and bring full play of disabled youth's potential and promote awareness of society to disabled youth.
- Projects and activities that members of the club have participated:
+ Training courses about performance skills of self-reliant group of disabled people.
+ Training courses on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS for members of club with assistance of FHI (World' Family Health organization).
+ Implementation plan for "Poverty reduction through promoting capacity, social security and other programs on stabilizing sustainable life"- organized by NCCD.
+ Training course on capacity building for People with disabilities held by DPI (Disabled People International Organization).
+ Training course/ seminars on "Approaching an open society without barrier to disabled people" held by DPI and Jica in Nepan.
+ Projects related to World Bank: "Training Network for group-working skills to self-reliant disabled group" - won Vietnam Innovation Day prize held by WB in May 2003.
- Specialty: skills on:
+ Communication
+ Guiding fresh measures scientifically: to guarantee participation of all attendants of training courses instead of one speaking, others listening
+ Monitoring meetings
+ Organizing work
+ Financial administration and management
+ Project coordination
+ Report making
5. Contract information:
Name of agency: Thai Binh Disabled Youth Club
Address: No 7- Group 11- Quang Trung ward - Thai Binh town - Province of Thai Binh.
Tel: 036834892
- Name of person Responsible for project
+ Dang Huong Giang
Position: President of the Club
Tel/ Fax: 036834892
+ Pham Thi Hong
Position: member of Guiding Board
Tel: 036835781
6. Banking information
Owner: Thai Binh Youth Union
Account No: 945020000001
At: ThaiBinhState Treasury
Add: Le Loi street- Thai Binh town - Thai Binh province
Account: in Dollar ...... in VND......
II. Project description
According to the estimation of the Ministry of Health, by 2003, Vietnam had about 76,189 HIV infected people including 11,659 AIDS people and 6,550 dead from AIDS. Also according to the statistic provided by the Ministry of Health, by 2005, there will be one family with AIDS members out of 80 families.
From theanalysis statistics of the Ministry of Health, the percentage of HIV infected people at the age from 15-49 makes up 95% of total HIV infected cases. HIV epidemic in youth is a serious problem for Vietnam because they account for 25% of labor force and are economic mainstay for their families and the nation as well.
In Thai Binh, according to the statistics of Provincial Health Department, by 2003, the quantity of HIV/AIDS infected people is 1,166 in 181 out of 284 communes, wards (182 cases suffered from AIDS and 135 people died). Particularly, in Dong Hung and Kien Xuong districts, 34 out of the total 39 communes have infected people, of which the youth makes up 45%.
In the whole of province, Thai Binh has about 31,000 disabled people of which the young people are nearly 10,000. More than 80% of disabled youth live in rural area.
Although a number of State agencies, branches and international organization have had many programs on directly propagandizing this situation of the Youth in Thai Binh, they do not have access to this program yet. Disabled youth has low lifestyle and education and are poor so that they have many difficulties in accessing to mass media and propaganda activities. Moreover, it is widely thought that disabled youth has less sex needs, drug using, alcohol and risk about violence is lower than the others so it is difficult for them to get HIV/AIDS. But those who live and work with disabled youth community are well aware of a fact that there are more and more disabled people infecting HIV/AIDS due to different reasons. Added to this, most of efforts against HIV/AIDS do not take account into disabled youth and it is not well aware of limits in providing information for them. For example, propaganda campaign on HIV/AIDS via radio has not made the deaf people get access to; Advertisement in press requires literacy but some of them know.
Finally, if being infected, disabled youth does not know how to find assistance, consultation and health care.
Therefore, we - disabled young people realize that it is necessary to introduce a training module of HIV/AIDS for disabled youth. That is reason why we carry out this project.
1. Project targets
The project has two main targets:
- Help disabled youth (especially the deaf and sightless youth) and the youth in the religion area of Thai Binh to be aware of issues related to reproductive health - safe sex relation.
- Provide understandings about HIV/AIDS for disabled youth in the whole of province so that they can realize the risk of this epidemic and avoid it. We also carry out consultation for them to get to know how to find supportsfrom health agencies when it is necessary. In addition, once disabled youth are well trained they will train other disabled people.
2. Socio-economic situation of the community.
Over the past years, disabled people of Thai Binh have been paid great attention by various authorities in the province. However, disabled people are still poor, and have limited knowledge and not equipped information about social evils and some people can not protect themselves especially the deaf people so, they are also the one who get the high risk of HIV/AIDS infection if they have no knowledge about this issue.
3. How will the problem be solved by your proposal?
- First of all, we will get understandings and prepare documents about HIV/AIDS, get to know about disabled people and about HIV/AIDS, then make statistic data about disabled people with HIV/AIDS infection etc.
- Secondly, we are going to equip reproductive health, HIV/AIDS for trainers who are disabled people. Then these trainers will hold training courses/ propaganda about reproductive health, HIV/AIDS for disabled youth (for 3 kinds of people with disabilities - movement, deaf and sightless) in different districts and towns in the province, we will contract with Youth Unions in different districts to assist them to gather disabled youth.
- Thirdly, after training courses, we will assess results by a competition about getting to know HIV/AIDS for disabled youth in the whole province. This project is really sustainable because after we equip skills of training and guiding on HIV/AIDS they can then further take work ofHIV/AIDS infection propaganda to others.
Currently, we have six disabled members with good skills of consultation, working, training course organizing, directing and financial administration etc. We have been working with Institute of Psychology and World Village Fund (WVF) in two projects: one financed by VVAF and one by WB.
4. The innovative of the project
It is innovative because:
- This is the first time to map out a program on HIV/AIDS for disabled youth especially for the deaf and sightless people.
- The disabled youth with previous training will hold training course/ propaganda about HIV/AIDS for other disabled youth under the most effective measure.
- The project will develop a network of disabled people with ability to hold training course/ propaganda about reproductive health and HIV/AIDS.
- The relation with province's youth Union will help disabled youth and religious youth to get more information about this project.
5. The direct impacts of the project
Base on any index, disabled people group is the one with the most inferiority in any community. They need attention from society in all aspects.
A part from rights of studying, working and integrating, disabled youth community need treating equally and paying attention to other aspects of the life and need promoting knowledge to protect themselves over the attack of AIDS epidemic. Direct beneficiaries are youth with disabilities of movement, hearing and sight.
6. Answer more questions
6.1. What is the expected socio-economic impacts of project on the target groups?
+ Economic impact: This project involves disabled youth and equip them knowledge about reproductive health and HIV/AIDS so that the can well control their health and lives. Normally, they have enough efforts to earn money for living and contribute to their family and society's economy.
- Social impact: The project will have impact on awareness of society that disabled youth also has needs as other people so they need improving knowledge about various areas.
Moreover, young people are those who have to suffer loss from society, if they are infected HIV/AIDS due to misunderstandings, they will be more and more miserable, their mental process will be completely collapsed. As a result, if the project is successful, we can a void this problem.
- The project help them change their awareness: if young people with disabilities have knowledge about reproductive health, they can know ho to protect themselves from infection of diseases via sex relationship especially about HIV/AIDS. They will be active propagandizers about prevention against HIV/AIDS for the communities.
6.2. Replicability:
This project is worked out to reproduce at any places to every group disabilities or without any disabilities. By training a key group of people who can further train others of training/propaganda activities can be taken in any province for every object.
III. Implementation plan
Main activities / Time of implementationTo setup monitoring team which includes Thai Binh Disabled Youth Union, Thai Binh Youth Union, office of Committee of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control of Thai Binh Health Department and Blind Union. / July/2004
- To collect and prepare documents related to reproductive health (RH) and HIV/AIDS.
- To carry out training courses RH and HIV/AIDS to potential trainers. / August/2004
- To contact with Thai Binh youth Unions ton inform them of gathering disabled youth and religions youth. / Sept, 2004
- To choose 3 district for the first training courses / Oct + Nov, 2004
- To train, promote knowledge and withdraw experience for trainers. / December 2004
- To carry out training courses in two other districts / Feb 2005
- To carry out training courses in the remaining districts / March - May 2005
- To hold competition a bout methodology of propaganda about HIV/AIDS prevention and control among disabled youth in the whole province. / June - July 2005
IV. Beneficiaries and participants
1. Who will benefit from the project and how will these beneficiaries be realized?
a) Beneficiaries:
- Direct beneficiaries: 8 districts and towns, each one has about 40 disabled young people who are trained. It means that about 320 direct beneficiaries, a bout 50% male/ female.
- Indirect beneficiaries: each disabled youth's family has 4 people, it means about 1280 indirect beneficiaries.
b. How will implementing agency do to get such outcomes?
In training courses, we will help learners to understand what friendship is, what love is, the changes of body at puberty ages, reproduction systems of male-female, safe sex relations, manner of sex violence, birth-control measures, how to prevent infection via sex, skill to solve these situations when infectsexual diseases, bad impact of HIV/AIDS?
We will use focusing discussion method so that they can realize the risks of HIV/AIDS.
Using games, pictures, CD disks related to HIV/AIDS to help them identify the waysand risk of infection. Guiding various stages of HIV/AIDS Guide them what should be done if they get HIV/AIDS.
When disabled youth gets well aware of HIV/AIDS, they themselves prevent and control from HIV/AIDS them and will help these people integrate into community.
2. Were the beneficiaries involved in the decision to seek funding, the planning and design of the project?
This project is designed by disabled youth of Thai Binh Disabled youth Union.
3. How and what extent will the beneficiaries participate in the implementation of the project?
This project is fully carried out by and for disabled people. The training courses will be done by the people at the same age and disabilities. This will help them reduce inferiority complex about the disease.
4. What will be the beneficiaries' future participation when the project has been completed?
A group of trainers includes 8 young disabled people was well trained about this area and after 8 training courses in different district, town, 10 others who have ability to train. It can be seen that when the projected has been completed, in the whole province, there are 18 trainers who can deliver training courses/ propaganda about HIV/AIDS. Thai Binh Youth Union and Disabled Youth Union will coordinate to further carry out training course if the districts or towns need.
5. List of all members responsible for submitting this proposal including their positions and responsibilities.
Full name / Agency / RoleDang Huong Giang / Thai Binh disabled Youth Union / Coordinator
Nguyen Hong Hanh / Thai Binh Youth Union / Monitoring team of the project
Nguyen Van Son / Committee of Mother and Children health care of the province / Consultant in Reproductive Health
Pham Hong Thai / Committee of HIV/AIDS prevention and Control, Thai Binh Health Department / Consultant in HIV/AIDS
Pham Thu Hong / Thai Binh disabled Youth Union / Trainer
Nguyen Thi Nu / Disabled people and orphan child assistance Association of Thai Binh / Translator of language signals for deaf people
Dan Rocovits / WorldVillage Fund / Consultant in guiding method
6. How will the implementing agency maintain project results and assume responsibilities after completion of the project?
Thai Binh Disabled Youth Club is responsible for main coordination and management of project, reporting implementation process and in the completion of the project.
- WorldVillage Fund is responsible for further providing advanced skills to support activities of trainers and give them advice.
- Vietnam Youth Union of the province is responsible for financial management and liaising with Vietnam Youth Union, districts and towns.
V. Project budget
1. Anticipated total project cost: 9842$
2. Funding requested from the Vietnam Innovation Day: 7242$
3. Project budget planning:
Project activities / Contributions byWB / Provincial Youth Union / Others / Total
1. Travel cost (16 turns of 4 trainers to 8 districts and towns of province and funding for travel with far distance from area of training). / 1.000$ / 1.000$
2. Cost for meals (trainers and participants) / 1.500$ / 1.500$
3. Cost for accommodation (each time includes 4 day 10 * times) / 800$ / 800$
4. Cost for hiring rooms for training courses + tea break photocopy + working schedule. / 1.000$ / 1.000$
5. Payment for experts (6 day training for trainers) / 300$ / 300$
6. Payment for trainers (4 ones * 35 days) / 1.300$ / 1.300$
7. Payment for coordinator (12 month) / 1.200$ / 1.200$
8. Documents related to RH and HIV/AIDS from Vietnam Youth Union of the province + Thai Binh Health Department / 500$ / 500$
9. Consultation Company, staff of Health Department + Committee of Mother and Children Health Care of the province (two people within 35 days). / 800$ / 800$
10. Staff of provincial Youth Union during implementation (3 people within 35 days) / 300$ / 300$
11. Documents, advanced teaching methods + cost for consultation from WVF / 1.000$ / 1.000$
12. Accounting cost 2% / 142$ / 142$
Total cost: / 7242$ / 300$ / 2.300$ / 9.842$
* It is noted that, funding will depend on quantity of participants with different disabled people and quantity of training times because if there are many sightless and deaf young people, it may be to organize separate training course. If possible, we will add guiders at localities to widen training courses to reduce cost as minimum as possible.
Thai Binh April, 2nd, 2004
Dang Huong Giang
President of Thai Binh Disabled Youth Union